LivingStandardsNZ: Aligning public policy with the way we want to live
3-5 December 2013
The LivingStandardsNZ workshop was a collaboration between McGuinness Institute and the New Zealand treasury, which brought together 28 young people to stress test Treasury’s Living Standards Framework using three case studies. Participants attended the Government Economics Network (GEN) Conference followed by a two day workshop where they explored ‘policy knots’, using the Living Standards Framework to resolve complex and long-term issues. In collaboration with a team of talented young designers, the outcomes of this Workshop are published in the 2013 Youth Living Standards Framework for New Zealand, which describes what they learnt and what they think other youth in New Zealand need to know about how public policy can align with the way we want to live.
There were three significant outputs from the workshop: the 2013 Youth Living Standards Framework for New Zealand, the ‘Living Legend‘ skit and the participants’ presentation of their findings to Treasury officials and the public on Thursday 5 December 2013. To learn more about the process and methodology of the workshop see Workshop Paper 2014: LivingStandardsNZ: Aligning public policy with the way we want to live.
Speakers at the workshop included:

- Joey Au
- George Elkington
- Joena Elkington
- Dr John Fitzgerald
- Margaret Galt
- Dr Kathie Irwin
- Carwyn Jones
- Warren Owen
- Craig Renney
- Tim Saunders
- Wayne Silver
LivingStandardsNZ: Finale Presentation
5 December 2013, Treasury
LivingStandardsNZ: Q&A with John Fitzgerald
3 December 2013, McGuinness Institute