Hi. I am now in Chicago. The World Futures Conference starts this Friday. Prior to the Conference proper, representatives from each of the nodes of the Millennium Project meet in advance to share information and discuss the next steps. I was fortunate to be asked to represent the Australasian node, as both the two co-chairs, based in Australia, were unable to attend. Pictured above is Theodore J Gordon (standing) and on the far left, almost out of sight is Jerome C Glenn. Both are co-authors of the 2009 State of the Future report, which has only recently been published and will be released on August 1. Until the release date, the executive summary is available to read online.
Representatives hail from nodes in Argentina, Azerbaijan, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, the Czech Republic, Finland, Germany, Haiti, India, Japan, Kenya, Malaysia, Mexico, Nigeria,Poland, Russia, South Africa, South Korea, Turkey, the United Kingdom, the United Arab Emirates, Venezuela, and of course, New Zealand.
I will try and add a comment daily, to give you a flavour of what is happening here. So until then…Cheers, Wendy