As part of the LongTermNZ workshop the participants spent a day and a half at the Affording our Future conference, hosted by the Treasury and Victoria University. The conference focused on long-term economic challenges for New Zealand over the next 40 years. It aimed to facilitate strong debate and discussion which will feed into the Treasury’s Statement on the Long-term Fiscal Position, to be published in 2013.
Of all the speakers at the conference, for the 27 LongTermNZ participants, the speaker that had the most direct resonance was Jess Booker. Jess presented a ‘Generation Y perspective’.
Jess was kind enough to visit us at the Treasury during the LongTermNZ workshop, and below is a short video of Jess providing an excerpt of her conference presentation. These issues affect everyone, but young people in particular. It’s well worth a watch.
Jess has been working as a research assistant to Colin James, who also spoke at the conference, and the views presented in this excerpt are entirely her own. Their conference paper can be found here.