On Wednesday 6th June the New Zealand Planning Institute is hosting a free lunchtime seminar with futurologist Dr Ian Yeoman, who will be speaking about his new book 2050: Tomorrows TourismThe book explores the future of tourism, discussing complex topics such as sex tourism, new technologies, climate change, food tourism, urbanization and transport.

Dr Ian Yeoman is the world’s only professional crystal ball gazer or futurologist specialising in travel and tourism. Ian’s work is highly regarded and he has published extensively in the field of tourism futures on a variety of topics from climate change to the future of energy and consumer trends. Since 2008, Ian has been an Assoc. Professor at the Victoria University Management School.

12:15 to 1:15pm next Wednesday 6 June 2012

Level 1, Ministry for the Environment, Environment House, Kate Sheppard Place

RSVP to events@nzpiwgtn.org.nz by 12:00pm on Friday 1 June 2012