On Wednesday we presented our submission to the Wellington City Council on their Draft Long Term Plan 2012-22 for the city.  We were really interested in the presentation from the another submitter – Allan Brown, Chair of the Great Harbour Way Trust – who discussed the progress of the Great Harbour Way project which will provide a safe and continuous 72-kilometre route for walkers and cyclists around Wellington’s harbour.

Of particular interest was the point he made that a cultural change needed to happen to ensure the safety of all road users. A key part of developing a safe Great Harbour Way is encouraging a national conversation about the discourteous culture between cyclists, pedestrians and other road users.

Councillor Bryan Pepperell, who leads Council’s portfolio on walking, cycle and motorcycle safety, commented that as a cyclist he often finds that his ‘bubble’ is not respected by motorists on Wellington streets, and he agreed that this cultural change needs to happen.

Image courtesy of Allan Brown and Wellington Waterfront Limited