I have just returned home from a “Workshop on Integrated Reporting: Frameworks and Action Plan” sponsored by the Business and Environment Initiative of the Harvard Business School. Robert G. Eccles, co-author of One Report: Integrated Reporting for a Sustainable Strategy was the driving force behind the conference.

The purpose of the conference was to develop a set of recommendations for the rapid and broad adoption of integrated reporting on a global basis. It was about designing a process by which such a framework would be developed and implemented. The conference was very ‘hands on’ and involved working with a highly engaging group of experts. It was great to see so many people keen to progress integrated reporting.

New Zealand’s very own Ian Ball was there, who along with Paul Druckman (the head of the Prince’s Accounting for Sustainability Project) are co-chairs of the International Integrated Reporting Committee (IIRC). I was fortunate enough to interview Druckman and discuss the creation of the IIRC and hear his thoughts and insights on integrated reporting.

For those interested in learning more, please check the website in mid-November. By then we should be able to (i) release Druckman’s interview, (ii) make available the e-book produced by conference delegates and (iii) publish the Sustainable Future Institute (SFI) survey of the Top 200 companies in New Zealand.

Lastly, we are privileged to have Dr Ian Ball speak at the Sustainable Future Institute on Wednesday, 22 December 2010 (from 12.00 to 1.30 pm) on intergraded reporting. If you are interested in attending this Xmas lunch event, please contact Nicola Bradshaw at OIRlunch@sustainablefuture.info