The Baker Library is the Harvard Business School Library. It has over 3/4 million text books and over 40,000 journals, which all form part of a non-circulating collection. I was fortunate to be shown where all 3.4 million are stored underground. HBS is the only Business School in the United States to have an archives section, where all powerpoint, papers and case studies of Professors are kept, providing a fascinating treasure trove for future analysts of management thinking.
The actual Library is even more impressive. For library buffs they separate their collection into core books (being the most popular books, usually the top ten in a particular section) and the rest. The core collection surrounds the wall of the library, whereas the remainder are either in the basement, awaiting a request, in the archive or available digitally.
I was not able to take any photos in the library, so the photo above is a picture of the entrance way. Inside, it was even more glorious.
Thought this might be of interest.
Cheers, Wendy