At the 2015 annual conference of the World Future Society in San Francisco, Paul Saffo ran a session discussing pace layer thinking and its application to foresight. Paul Saffo is a forecaster with over two decades of experience exploring the dynamics of large-scale, long-term change. He is co-founder of Discern Investment Analytics, teaches forecasting at Stanford University and chairs the Future Studies and Forecasting track at Singularity University.
We have published a video of Paul’s session on our YouTube channel and you can watch it below.
The McGuinness Institute is the World Futures Society’s chapter for New Zealand, and we have spoken on our overarching project: Project 2058 at three of the Society’s previous conferences. For the 2015 conference we ran a panel session on Building a Talent Based Economy in New Zealand and discussed what we have learned thus far regarding creating talent-based economies.
You can learn more about this conference, our presentation and our reflections on our TalentNZ website.
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