The March tour of the TalentNZ project wound up on Monday 31 March in Wanaka. The public event was hosted by Shaping Our Future and Imagine Wanaka which both operate locally. The vision for Shaping Our Future revolves around:

‘Spectacular environments, enterprising people, exceptional solutions’ by embracing Kaitiakitanga (guardianship, care and protection) and Manaakitanga (implying a reciprocal responsibility upon a host, and invitation to a visitor to experience the best we have to offer).’

For more details on these values and the Shaping Our Future work in Wanaka please see their website.

Our Chief Executive Wendy McGuinness and Kaila Colbin, founder of Missing Link and Ministry of Awesome in Christchurch, both spoke at the public event held at The Venue Wanaka from 6.30-8.30pm. Approximately 50 people attended the public event to hear about the TalentNZ project.  Prior to the public event, Wendy McGuinness spoke to Wanaka Councillors at an afternoon meeting to address the themes of the TalentNZ project in Wanaka and the Menu of Initiatives.

Wendy McGuinness presenting TalentNZ in Wanaka


Wanaka was the last stop of the TalentNZ Tour during March. However we will be holding a finale event in May in Wellington. Keep an eye on our website for more details.