This video was launched during our presentation at the World Future Society conference in July 2015. It showcases the journey the TalentNZ project has taken since Sir Paul Callaghan first shared his vision of New Zealand as ‘a place where talent wants to live’ at our StrategyNZ workshop in 2011.

The video features individuals that we have met and filmed throughout this journey and we would like to thank them for sharing their thoughts – the late Sir Paul Callaghan, Andrew Coy, Hayden Glass, Jared Kennedy, Raf Manji, Karleen Marshall, Sam Morgan, Patrick Nolan, Jess Segal and Bridget Williams. A special thank you to the students of Te Wainui a Rua school for their wonderful kapa haka performance.

This video is available to view on our TalentNZ website and our YouTube channel. Please share and promote this video with your networks as it celebrates the wide range of people interested in creating a talent-based economy.

We want to build New Zealand’s talent-based economy. If you want to join us on this journey, please connect with TalentNZBy connecting you will receive our monthly TalentNZ newsletter which outlines recent developments, research and resources relating to creating a talent-based economy and keeps you informed about upcoming TalentNZ events. Please also share this link with others who you think may be interested.