In this issue we share an interview with Farm Cove Intermediate School principal, Linda Harvie, discussing how to retain talent, and the work of the World Economic Forum and Infosys around the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

We provide an update of our work in the next two months, sharing an invite to the Going Places book launch on 17 March 2016,  a review of Margaret MacDonald’s book, Elwyn Richardson and the early world of creative education in New Zealand, and our upcoming TacklingPovertyNZ Queenstown workshop. We also discuss the December 2015 TacklingPovertyNZ workshop.

If you would like to receive the regular TalentNZ newsletter, please connect with TalentNZ. You can also subscribe to the McGuinness Institute twice-yearly newsletter to learn about the Institute’s wider work programme.

If you have any questions about the TalentNZ project, please do not hesitate to contact us at

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