On 11 June 2014, the TalentNZ Menu of Initiatives publication and website were launched at a public event in Wellington. Over 100 people (including MPs, mayors and councillors) attended this event. Speakers included Sam Morgan (who launched the Menu), and the contributors of the 2013 TalentNZ Journal  who each spoke for five minutes about one of the Menu’s 28 initiatives. Raf Manji, whose video is featured below, spoke about attracting international talent – the third initiative in the Attract category of the Menu.

Raf is the founder of the Sustento Institute (a Christchurch-based policy development organisation), an elected member of the Christchurch City Council and Chair of the Volunteer Army Foundation. Also, he is currently working on a proposal for an open visa, to encourage young, talented people to work in New Zealand.


Be sure to visit talentnzmenu.org where you can download the Menu and access more information about the 28 initiatives. To watch more videos from the night, see the TalentNZ Menu of Initiatives launch playlist on our YouTube channel.

If you would like to learn more, visit the TalentNZ project page on the McGuinness Institute website. You can also connect with TalentNZ to receive updates and the TalentNZ Newsletter.