Each day of August, the Institute will feature one initiative from the TalentNZ Menu of Initiatives. The Menu showcases four integrated work-streams – grow, attract, retain and connect.

Today we are showcasing ‘Grow 4. Incentivise young people who want a university education to complete their undergraduate degree in New Zealand’. For examples of this initiative, please see the Menu of Initiatives website. If you know of an organisation or initiative that should be included as an example on the website, please email us at talentnz@mcguinnessinstitute.org.


Grow 4. Incentivise young people who want a university education to complete their undergraduate degree in New Zealand

This is about:

  • All New Zealanders deserving the best education possible; this means government funds should be spent on bringing lecturers/guest lecturers to
    New Zealand, rather than using funds to export a small percentage of our youth overseas. This way we expose all our youth to a wide range of global talent.
  • Grounding young New Zealanders in New Zealand values; sharing ideas, learning lessons and developing friends for life.
  • Developing postgraduate exchanges abroad in order to strengthen international connections.
  • Developing lecturer exchange programmes where lecturers from around the world travel throughout
    New Zealand, sharing their ideas and observations about the emerging issues facing their profession, the region, the industry or the world.

About TalentNZ
The Menu of Initiatives is part of our Project TalentNZ and focuses on how best to identify and distribute tools for councils, businesses and communities to design their own unique strategy for creating a talent-based economy. TalentNZ builds on Sir Paul Callaghan’s vision of making New Zealand ‘a place where talent wants to live’. Sir Paul outlined the reasons why his vision is important in a 20-minute video at the Institute’s StrategyNZ workshop in 2011. The focus of the Menu is on the ‘how’ – we are testing Sir Paul’s assumptions and exploring ways New Zealanders might turn this vision into a reality. To learn more about the TalentNZ project see www.talentnz.org.

Connect with TalentNZ
We want to build New Zealand’s talent-based economy. If you want to join us on this journey, please connect with TalentNZBy connecting you will receive our monthly TalentNZ newsletter, which outlines recent developments, research and resources related to creating a talent-based economy, and which keeps you informed about upcoming TalentNZ events. Please also share this link with anyone you think may be interested.