Happy New Year. We hope you had a great holiday and are now ready to embrace 2014 as the year of ‘talent’. Join us to discuss how we might together create a talent-based economy. 

The TalentNZ project builds on the thinking of Sir Paul Callaghan’s vision of making New Zealand ‘a place where talent wants to live’ – a vision first suggested by Sir Paul at StrategyNZ  – a 2011 workshop organised by the McGuinness Institute.

The 2013 TalentNZ Journal: Creating a place where talent want to live was our way of learning from 30 kiwis about how New Zealand might best implement Sir Paul’s vision – the creation of a talent-based economy. From this work it became clear that the potential initiatives could be divided into four integrated workstreams, what we have called four pillars: grow, attract, retain and connect talent.

The 2014 TalentNZ Tour builds on the 2013 Journal – we believe the cities and towns that have the TalentNZ vision, the tools and the commitment will be able to deliver its citizens a great place to live by the year 2020. Therefore our focus is on how best to identify and communicate the tools that work effectively. The Tour will report on the latest research on talent and, most importantly, will be a collaborative exercise on how we might create a list of tools, what we call the TalentNZ: Menu of Initiatives see a draft of the worksheet below.

See our event pages to see when we will be coming to a town near you. Issue one of the TalentNZ newsletter will also be put on the blog tomorrow.

Best Wendy, Hannah and Miranda (and the rest of the team)