The Southern chapter of the TalentNZ tour started in Dunedin on Tuesday 18 March. Tim Bennett, chief executive of NZX joined Wendy McGuinness to present Version 1 of the Menu of Initiatives Directory to Mayor Dave Cull and Councillors Doug Hall, Aaron Hawkins, Mike Lord, Jinty MacTavish, Neville Peat, Lee Vandervis and Andrew Whiley.
The group discussed what initiatives Dunedin can encourage to boost the talent-based economy in the university city.
Later on that evening Cadbury’s World kindly hosted the Dunedin Public Event in their newly opened Cadbury World Café on Cumberland Street. Between 20 to 25 people attended to hear Wendy McGuinness, Tim Bennett, Jim Flynn and Paul Hansen speak. The discussions that followed centred on innovation and talent initiatives, immigration and foreign investments, long term unemployment issues and web based internet connections from Dunedin to worldwide work sectors. Reporter Eileen Goodwin summarized the event in an article the following day for Otago Daily News.