TWW rachael and bridget

Two Weeks Without is a new social enterprise to help businesses fundraise for local charities they care about by going two weeks without something. This creative corporate challenge can be tailored to your business’ needs and can be as quirky or challenging as you like. It is a chance to be original and illustrate that you are a business that likes to make a difference.

The team can go into any office and run a Two Weeks Without Challenge. They facilitate right from the beginning, by encouraging the business to think up a creative challenge (one that will increase donations, spark enjoyment and will benefit the challenge go-ers). They connect the business to their chosen local charity and set up donation pages that each team can personalise. To ensure the two weeks is fun and team spirit is maintained, they provide ‘Two Weeks Without Survival Packs’, which consist of team bonding tools, mini challenges and recourses to help each team through their challenge. Finally, when the two weeks is up, they host a social and reflection evening and invite all those who participated and the chosen charity directors. It allows the staff to connect with the charity and take a moment to recognise their team’s achievement and have some fun. Most importantly, it is a moment where everyone involved can share their experiences and feel empowered.

The benefits for your business are unlimited. With all staff working towards a common goal it increases team effort and gives an opportunity for staff to better understand each other and have some fun facilitating team building and development. Community engagement is becoming increasingly expected and people want to see a business with a social/environment conscious. This challenge is the answer to positive community engagement and will set your business’ corporate responsibility apart. In addition, through focusing on local charities, this allows your staff to witness their efforts making a positive impact in their community and empower all those involve in the challenge.

For more information check out the website at or email Bridget Williams at

TWW be change