Good news this week, Professor Lionel Carter, a patron of the Institute, was presented with the 2015 Hutton Medal.

Lionel advised and wrote the foreword in the One Ocean report, which we published earlier this year. He also continues to guide our work programme on ocean management.

The Medal is awarded annually by the Royal Society of New Zealand. It recognises outstanding research in earth, plant and animal sciences. The Hutton Medal adds to Professor Carter’s other honours, including receiving the Marsden Medal for outstanding service to Science in 2012. He currently works at the Antarctic Research Centre at Victoria University where he investigates geological and oceanic processes, which includes deciphering marine geological records to assess changes in ocean environments. His work has demonstrated the roles of plate tectonics, ocean currents, sea levels and climate change in shaping New Zealand’s submarine continental landmass.

Also see Lionel at the launch of the One Oceans report here on our YouTube channel.

Congratulations Lionel; what a beautiful medal!










The medal in bronze, depicts on the obverse the late Professor Frederick Wollaston Hutton FRS and on the reverse, a tuatara ( Sphenodon ) and kiwi ( Apteryx ), with a background of New Zealand plants ( Celmisia Phormium Cordyline ) framing a landscape with an active volcano.