In November 2014 we travelled up the Whanganui River with 35 young New Zealanders aged between 18 and 25 as part of the LocalNZ workshop. During this trip we visited the Te Wainui a Rua school, the only school on the Whanganui River and interviewed the school’s principal, Karleen Marshall. In this video Karleen shares with us the importance of whanau, community and the environment in growing talent at their school (see below).

We are currently working on a TalentNZ Journal: Grow talent edition that will showcase 30 initiatives where Kiwis are using innovative ways to grow talent in New Zealand. Karleen will feature in this journal as one of the 30 Kiwis interviewed. This journal will be the second issue of the TalentNZ series. Our aim is to have the Journal in the hands of every principal throughout New Zealand by February 2016. For more information on the TalentNZ grow talent edition journal please see and

An Interview with Karleen Marshall is one of the six outputs from the LocalNZ workshop. For more information about these outputs see the outputs page on the LocalNZ website.