The LocalNZ booklet A Youth Statement on Regional Goals, is now published and available on the LocalNZ website. 35 young New Zealanders came together for a four-day workshop in November 2014. During the workshop, the participants explored the question: How do regional goals align with national goals, and how might these goals need to change in order to aid regional growth? The booklet reflects the thinking of the participants.

Below is a link to the final draft of the booklet (PDF) and also the video of the final presentation at Parliament on 19 November 2014. The booklet will go to print in mid-January 2015, so if you notice anything editorially, please let us know by emailing us at The hard-copy versions of the booklet will be available at cost of printing from our online store in late January 2015

A Youth Statement on Regional Goals: An output of the LocalNZ workshop

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Final presentation at Parliament on Wednesday, 19 November 2014