It has been two years since the launch of our 2013 TalentNZ Journal. To mark this anniversary, each day over the next month we will share an interview with one of the 30 kiwis and provide an update on where they are now.


Today we share Janice Feutz’s full interview which you can read here.

Two years on, we checked in with Janice Feutz and asked her four questions about what she has been doing since we published the journal. You can read Janice’s responses below.

1. Two years on I am
A year ago I decided to give myself a bit more time. I reduced my hours at Core Technology and took on a couple of business mentoring clients. I love talking about business. Last month I reduced my hours at Core further, by becoming a contractor to manage only the company Intellectual Property. Core Technology has 8 patents pending and last month two patents were accepted in the US. The International IP system is expensive and complex but extremely interesting.

I now have about three days free a week to consider working elsewhere. The options and opportunities are many so watch this space…

Last year I was in Auckland at the briefing for the New ealand’s Warbirds D-Day commemorative Formation Flying Display. It was amazing to be there with the owners and pilots of these incredible aeroplanes, to hear the banter and see the display plan. Unfortunately the weather prevented the show and I had to wait until the Wings Over Wairarapa Airshow in January this year, to have my flight in the P51 Mustang.

Great aerobatics and top performance from Graham Bethell. When we landed I asked Graham to let me know when he was interested in selling his plane – he thought I was joking.

The fun activities included having a meal in a dome-shaped rotating, cantilevered house (solaleya), meeting a woman who has bought a KPod,driving down Dillons Point Road past alpacas, shetland ponies, sheep that were half black and half white as well as an ostrich farm close by until reaching the end of the road where we climbed into a double kayak and paddled to the Wairau Bar and back. We saw amazing bird life, learned about the history of the region and appreciated the natural environment with Driftwood EcoTours operator, Will. Don’t you just love New Zealand?

2. Recent thoughts on how to build a talent-based economy
To make real progress we must work as one, repeating the same messages, being clear about our New Zealand objectives. Government, Local Government, Organisations, Businesses, Education, Sport, Recreation and the Arts. The more a message is repeated, the more it is believed and understood. Look closely at Board structures. This team is responsible for the strategic plan. Are they getting the young person’s perspective, do they bring in advisors to clarify issues and advantages of the digital era we live in and are they passionate about their role? My strong belief about building a talent-based economy is to share our knowledge and experiences at every opportunity; especially with young people.

3. Books, research and talks that have shaped my thinking
Always ask for a business card and do some research online. There’s always more and it helps you remember meeting the person. The Imposter Syndrome is a great book for everyone in business but ‘Accountability is a core value and it is strongest when felt from within rather than imposed from without’ applies to us all. The Essentials Governance Course and the Four Pillars of Governance Practice are reference materials. Everyone should understand the role of the Board.

4. Any additional thoughts for young people?
Research what resources and activities are available wherever you are based and then ask questions. Who How When What Why. Explore and learn and have fun along the way. Be prepared to put your suggestions and ideas forward. We need a young person’s perspective. Fully understand Digital Marketing. Listen to the Business News on National Radio at 6.45am, and skip the National News.

Connect with TalentNZ
We want to build New Zealand’s talent-based economy. If you want to join us on this journey, please connect with TalentNZBy connecting you will receive our monthly TalentNZ newsletter, which outlines recent developments, research and resources related to creating a talent-based economy, and which keeps you informed about upcoming TalentNZ events. Please also share this link with anyone you think may be interested.

TalentNZ Journal: Grow talent edition
We are currently in the planning and research stages of our 2016 TalentNZ Journal: Grow talent edition. The journal will illustrate grassroots initiatives that New Zealanders are doing to grow talent. Our focus is on encouraging innovative ways to develop talent across New Zealand. The Grow talent edition will be the second edition in our TalentNZ Journal series.

About TalentNZ
The 2013 TalentNZ Journal is part of our TalentNZ project. TalentNZ is designed to facilitate a structured discussion on how to make New Zealand’s talent-based economy flourish. The Journal features interviews with 30 Kiwis, essays from contributing writers and data with a focus on cities and the economy. The 2013 Journal, and in particular the 30 interviews, showed us that by managing the four integrated work-streams – grow, attract, retain and connect – New Zealand is more likely to become a healthy, dynamic and interesting place to live in the long-term. TalentNZ builds on Sir Paul Callaghan’s vision of making New Zealand ‘a place where talent wants to live’. Sir Paul outlined the reasons why his vision is important in a 20-minute video at the Institute’s StrategyNZ workshop in 2011. To learn more about the TalentNZ project see

If you have any questions about the TalentNZ project, please contact us at