The First Pre-Conference Course

The First Pre-Conference Course

Today I attended one of the pre-conference courses. On speaking with Susan Echard (one of the key organisers) about the purpose of Project 2058, Susan recommended I attend Dr Peter Bishop’s presentation. Peter is the current Chair of the Studies of the Future Graduate...
The First Pre-Conference Course


On Tuesday evening, members of the SF team attended the first of the 2008 season of the 7×7 ideas forum. Each night offers 7 speakers with 7 ideas, and 7 minutes each.  These evenings, (of which there are five in total) are working under the theme of ‘The Big Think:...
The First Pre-Conference Course

Launch of our New-Look Website

On Thursday night, as part of World Environment Day (5 June 2008), the team launched our new-look website. Over the last five years we have been excited to see the number of new innovative organisations working towards sustainable development. This has meant we can...
The First Pre-Conference Course

Looking Backwards to Map the Future

  Part of Project 2058 is about learning from the past, in order to progress the future. An opportunity to learn from New Zealand’s first national environmental campaign was too good to miss – therefore the team strolled down to have a look (and were...