Sir Paul’s Message Lives On

Sir Paul’s Message Lives On

Sir Paul’s Message Lives On Sir Paul’s life impacted on the lives of many different people. For the team at the Institute, it was his message and his generosity of spirit that will continue to inspire us. He believed New Zealand could be a better place if we...
Avoid holding bad workshops

Avoid holding bad workshops

Every day there are people at work that would prefer to spend a day looking at their Uncle’s holiday photos rather than endure another bad corporate workshop. Roger Dennis runs workshops globally, and has just released Really bad workshops (and how to avoid...
New Zealand: The place where talent wants to live

3 opportunities in May

Thursday 19 May, Wellington: The 2011 Kiwibank New Zealander of the Year, Sir Paul Callaghan, will be speaking on “New Zealand: the place where talent wants to live”. This continues discussions from StrategyNZ: Mapping our Future and therefore will be of...