Wendy’s Travels: Automobiles

Wendy’s Travels: Automobiles

I was taken by a comment someone made at the World Futures Conference in San Fran that cars have become computers on wheels (e.g. Google’s self-driving cars, self-driving trucks etc.). This will have a number of implications – here are a few thoughts: 1....
Wendy’s Travels: Hacking and Friction

Wendy’s Travels: Hacking and Friction

How quickly the meanings of words change. Two examples were apparent at the World Futures Conference held in San Francisco. ‘Hacking’ is no longer a negative pursuit. Instead, to be a hacker can be positive, as explained to me by three young designers and futurists...
Wendy’s Travels: Embedding talent

Wendy’s Travels: Embedding talent

Travelling is fabulous for observing and thinking – and there is ample to observe. I thought I would post a few stories that are relevant for ‘creating a place where talent wants to live’. This post is the story about the Van Gogh family and the Van Gogh museum in...
Inspiring Stories launch Future Fund campaign

Inspiring Stories launch Future Fund campaign

Today Inspiring Stories CEO and the 2015 young New Zealander of the Year, Guy Ryan, launched the Future Fund. The Future Fund campaign aims to fundraise $1,000,000 to provide seed funding grants and tailored support for young social entrepreneurs in New Zealand. The...
Connect with TalentNZ

Connect with TalentNZ

Throughout the month of August, the Institute has showcased the TalentNZ Menu of Initiatives by featuring one initiative each day. The Menu showcases four integrated work-streams – grow, attract, retain and connect, with seven initiatives per work-stream, making 28...