TalentNZ promotional video published today!

TalentNZ promotional video published today!

This video was launched during our presentation at the World Future Society conference in July 2015. It showcases the journey the TalentNZ project has taken since Sir Paul Callaghan first shared his vision of New Zealand as ‘a place where talent wants to live’ at...
TalentNZ Newsletter Issue 10 Out Today!

TalentNZ Newsletter Issue 10 Out Today!

In this issue we share the video that we released at the WFS conference – TalentNZ: Creating a place where talent wants to live – and thoughts from Wendy’s travels through Europe. We provide an update on the TalentNZ Journal: Grow talent edition and share some...
Wendy’s Travels: Prague

Wendy’s Travels: Prague

This is a city I had always wanted to go to because the buildings are not very high – about four or five stories in the historical part of the city – and it is a city that has lasted the test of time. It is also a creative city where the arts are alive and...
Wendy’s Travels: German Parliament

Wendy’s Travels: German Parliament

The German Parliament was a complete highlight! As I understand it, the German system was the basis for our system of democracy in New Zealand. There are a few nuances that are different but the basic framework is similar. I will be doing some more reading on this...