by admin | Jun 29, 2018 | Project CivicsNZ, Project ClimateChangeNZ, Project ForesightNZ, Project OneOceanNZ, Project PublicScienceNZ, Project ReportingNZ, Project StrategyNZ, Project TacklingPovertyNZ, Project TalentNZ
On Tuesday 26 June, 15 Masters in policy and governance students from the University of Canterbury visited the Institute to talk to Wendy about her work in politics, governance and policy. The students were curious and engaged and had prepared a list of questions for...
by admin | Dec 12, 2016 | Project TacklingPovertyNZ, Project TalentNZ
The Institute’s response to the Productivity Commission’s New Models of Tertiary Education Draft Report is now available online. In this submission we discuss our response to their draft report, possible strategic policy levers designed to improve New...
by admin | Aug 18, 2016 | Project TalentNZ
Issue 16 of the TalentNZ newsletter is now published! This issue focuses on a refresh of the Menu of Initiatives, showcases our new TalentNZ Infographic Poster, gives an update on The Family So’otaga project and puts Manawatu’s ‘Talent Central’ in...
by Wendy McGuinness | Jun 9, 2016 | Project TalentNZ
At the 2015 annual conference of the World Future Society in San Francisco, Paul Saffo ran a session discussing pace layer thinking and its application to foresight. Paul Saffo is a forecaster with over two decades of experience exploring the dynamics of large-scale,...
by admin | Jun 9, 2016 | Project TalentNZ
TalentNZ explores four integrated work-streams that were identified as necessary to create a talent-based economy: grow, attract, retain and connect. In this Issue we put the New Zealand education system under the microscope. At the Institute, we consider that a broad...