TalentNZ presents Dave Darling 11/30

TalentNZ presents Dave Darling 11/30

Dave Darling Dave is the Chief Executive of Pacific Edge Ltd, a Dunedin-based biomedical company specialising in the discovery and commercialisation of technologies and products that assist in the detection and management of cancers. Dave combines being a scientist...
TalentNZ presents Andrew Coy 10/30

TalentNZ presents Andrew Coy 10/30

Andrew is one of the founders and the chief executive of Wellington-based Magritek, an advanced technology company specialising in nuclear magnetic resonance systems. With a PhD in physics, Andrew brings together science and business, guiding one of New Zealand’s...
TalentNZ presents Kaila Colbin 9/30

TalentNZ presents Kaila Colbin 9/30

Kaila is the founder and chief executive of a number of initiatives, including Missing Link and Ministry of Awesome in Christchurch. A native New Yorker, she has been an entrepreneur since she was 22 and is fluent in four languages. Kaila loves to see ideas turned...
TalentNZ presents Rachel Carrell 8/30

TalentNZ presents Rachel Carrell 8/30

Rachel is the chief executive at DrThom, the world’s largest online doctor service, located in the United Kingdom. Originally from Invercargill, she completed a doctorate at Oxford then worked in various sectors across theworld before taking up her role at DrThom....
TalentNZ presents Anna Campbell 7/30

TalentNZ presents Anna Campbell 7/30

Anna is a Director and Partner of AbacusBio Ltd, an agri-consulting company based in Dunedin. An innovative and strategic thinker, with a PhD in biotechnology, she endorses commercially focused science. Here Anna discusses how to promote the synergies between science...