by admin | Dec 12, 2016 | Project TacklingPovertyNZ, Project TalentNZ
The Institute’s response to the Productivity Commission’s New Models of Tertiary Education Draft Report is now available online. In this submission we discuss our response to their draft report, possible strategic policy levers designed to improve New...
by Wendy McGuinness | Nov 27, 2016 | Project ForesightNZ
The primary output of the ForesightNZ workshop – the playing cards – and the accompanying booklet are now published. These playing cards are the result of the 36 participants’ hard work to create a robust foresight tool at the ForesightNZ workshop in April 2016....
by admin | Nov 14, 2016 | Project ForesightNZ
Ivan Kwok, Principal Advisor at the New Zealand Treasury, discusses the complexities of policy-making in today’s environment on day two of the three-day ForesightNZ workshop in Wellington on 27–29 April. You can watch the video of his presentation on...
by admin | Nov 8, 2016 | Project TacklingPovertyNZ
As part of the TacklingPovertyNZ project, the Institute organised a meeting with the mayors from the 2016 one-day workshops and Deputy Prime Minister Hon Bill English on Thursday, 3 November 2016. The purpose of the meeting was to share with the Minister observations...
by admin | Nov 6, 2016 | Project ForesightNZ
Patrick Nolan, Principal Advisor at the Productivity Commission, discusses New Zealand’s productivity and prosperity on day one of the three-day ForesightNZ workshop in Wellington on 27–29 April. You can watch the video of his presentation on the McGuinness...