ForesightNZ Workshop – Day 3

ForesightNZ Workshop – Day 3

On the morning of day three of the ForesightNZ workshop, participants headed to the Treasury to present their findings from the workshop to Treasury officials. Participants had worked late into the night on Thursday, refining their ideas about the set...
ForesightNZ Workshop – Day 2

ForesightNZ Workshop – Day 2

Day two of the ForesightNZ workshop began with participants regrouping and reflecting on the previous evening’s session with the Hon. Bill English, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Finance and Minister Responsible for Housing New Zealand Corporation, and Colin...
ForesightNZ Workshop – Day 1

ForesightNZ Workshop – Day 1

After weeks of preparation for the ForesightNZ workshop, the participants were eager to begin the first of three full days at the New Zealand Treasury thinking about New Zealand’s long-term future. The night before was spent meeting their groups and coming to terms...
Awerangi Tamihere on how to tackle poverty

Awerangi Tamihere on how to tackle poverty

Awerangi Tamihere, Director of Strategy, Innovation & Design at Te Whānau O Waipareira and the Strategy & Innovation Lead at Te Pou Matakana, was a speaker on day one of the TacklingPovertyNZ workshop in December 2015. You can watch the video on the McGuinness...