Harvard Business School eBook

Harvard Business School eBook

We are pleased to announce that the findings from the ‘Top 200 Companies Integrated Annual Report Survey’ have been published in the Harvard Business School free e-book, titled ‘The Landscape of Integrated Reporting: Reflections and Next...
Harvard Business School eBook

Boston Conference on Integrated Reporting

I have just returned home from a “Workshop on Integrated Reporting: Frameworks and Action Plan” sponsored by the Business and Environment Initiative of the Harvard Business School. Robert G. Eccles, co-author of One Report: Integrated Reporting for a Sustainable...
Harvard Business School eBook

Baker Library at Harvard Business School

The Baker Library is the Harvard Business School Library. It has over 3/4 million text books and over 40,000 journals, which all form part of a non-circulating collection. I was fortunate to be shown where all 3.4 million are stored underground. HBS is the only...
Harvard Business School eBook

Wendy at the Harvard Business School

Wendy is currently attending a short course at the Harvard Business School. The course, ‘Driving Corporate Performance’, is for senior financial executives. Wendy has been keeping us up-to-date with what’s happening: The above is a picture of the...