by admin | Mar 18, 2014 | Project TalentNZ
Last Thursday the ICEHOUSE hosted Wendy McGuinness for the Auckland TalentNZ Tour public event. There was a great turn out including contributors from the TalentNZ Journal and increasing support for the TalentNZ Menu of Initiatives as Wendy extended the network to...
by admin | Mar 13, 2014 | Project TalentNZ
The Institute completed the first leg of its TalentNZ Tour yesterday. The Northern Shore location of Tauranga was bright and breezy when Wendy McGuinness arrived mid-week accompanied by Janice Feutz of CORE Technology one of our 30 kiwis interviewed in the TalentNZ...
by Wendy McGuinness | Mar 3, 2014 | Project TalentNZ
Happy New Year. We hope you had a great holiday and are now ready to embrace 2014 as the year of ‘talent’. Join us to discuss how we might together create a talent-based economy. The TalentNZ project builds on the thinking of Sir Paul Callaghan’s vision...
by admin | Dec 13, 2013 | Project TalentNZ
The TalentNZ initiative has been underway for a month now and we are in the planning stages of a speaking tour for early next year. Our first major output is the journal TalentNZ: Creating a place where talent wants to live. The Journal comprises three major...
by admin | Nov 1, 2013 | Project TalentNZ
The TalentNZ initiative builds on the thinking of Sir Paul Callaghan who envisioned New Zealand as ‘a place where talent wants to live’. Through our Sir Paul Callaghan Science Meets Humanities Scholarship two young scholarship recipients asked 30 Kiwis seven...