by admin | Nov 4, 2013 | Project TalentNZ
Anne is the Senior Commercialisation Manager at Viclink, a company focused on commercialising research and technology generated at Victoria University of Wellington. Trained as a physical scientist, she has transitioned to marketing and business development roles and...
by admin | Nov 3, 2013 | Project TalentNZ
Jamie is a 19-year-old, currently studying at Duke University in the United States. He still calls New Zealand home, and would like to find a professional reason to live here once he graduates. Visit the TalentNZ website to read Jamie’s full summary. The...
by admin | Nov 2, 2013 | Project TalentNZ
David Band is an experienced international businessman who has spent the past twenty years in management consulting and in directing and investing in technology-based companies. He has held senior positions in three global consulting firms and has founded two start-up...
by admin | Nov 1, 2013 | Project TalentNZ
Rik Athorne is the Design Studio Supervisor at Weta Workshop. Having moved from the UK in 2006, Rik runs a team of conceptual thinkers and artists. He provides us with view inside one of New Zealand’s talent hubs. Visit the TalentNZ website to read Rik’s...
by admin | Nov 1, 2013 | Project TalentNZ
The TalentNZ initiative builds on the thinking of Sir Paul Callaghan who envisioned New Zealand as ‘a place where talent wants to live’. Through our Sir Paul Callaghan Science Meets Humanities Scholarship two young scholarship recipients asked 30 Kiwis seven...