OECD Forum 2018: Distilling the message from the noise

OECD Forum 2018: Distilling the message from the noise

About the OECD Forum, 29 to 30 May 2018 Over two days 3000 attendees came together in Paris to hear some of the 80+ sessions and explore ‘What brings us together?’. Discussions were loosely structured around three central and connected themes: inclusive growth,...
TalentNZ: A look inside

TalentNZ: A look inside

The TalentNZ initiative has been underway for a month now and we are in the planning stages of a speaking tour for early next year. Our first major output is the journal TalentNZ: Creating a place where talent wants to live. The Journal comprises three major...
TalentNZ initiative officially launched today

TalentNZ initiative officially launched today

The TalentNZ initiative builds on the thinking of Sir Paul Callaghan who envisioned New Zealand as ‘a place where talent wants to live’. Through our Sir Paul Callaghan Science Meets Humanities Scholarship two young scholarship recipients asked 30 Kiwis seven...