The LivingStandardsNZ participants’ 2013 Youth Living Standards Framework and the YouTube video of the final presentation are now available! Twenty-eight young New Zealanders stress tested Treasury’s living standards framework in early December 2013 and found the current framework an extremely useful tool for ensuing a broader, deeper and wider discussion on complex public policy issues (what the Institute calls policy knots). Below is a  link to the booklet and the videos. The booklet can also be ordered in hard copy from our online store. The presentation and booklet reflect the key ideas and recommendations of the participants, in particular the participants made the following suggestions:

1)      That a living standards metaphor underlie the framework,

2)      That Treasury consider adding a 6th Dimension (currently there are five), and

3)     That they envision the Framework as a prism to communicate the underlying purpose of the Framework.

  2013 Youth Living Standards Framework


Final Presentation