We are pleased to invite you to attend the first TacklingPovertyNZ workshop in 2016:

Tuesday, 29 March 2016
Workshop 9.00 am – 5.30 pm
Finale Presentation 6.00 – 7.30 pm
Queenstown Memorial Centre, 1 Memorial St, Queenstown 9300

 The workshop will culminate in a public presentation by the participants, followed by refreshments.
If you are interested in attending either the workshop or the public presentation that evening,
please register your interest at qld.tacklingpoverty@qldc.govt.nz.
There is no age restriction.

TPNZ Qtown Final Flyer

On the morning of Tuesday, 29 March 2016, participants of the Queenstown workshop will hear from the New Zealand Treasury’s Chief Economist and Dame Diane Robertson, followed by six participants from the December TacklingPovertyNZ workshop. These presentations will provide a broad national context for the conversation around how to tackle poverty in New Zealand. The afternoon’s discussions will focus on the challenges and opportunities facing Queenstown’s local community, and participants will then present their proposals for local solutions at a public event in the evening.

Please see the TacklingPovertyNZ website for more information.