We are pleased to invite you to the finale presentation of the TacklingPovertyNZ workshop, which will be held at Parliament on Wednesday, 9 December. To receive a formal invitation, please email us at tacklingpovertynzrsvp@mcguinnessinstitute.org.

There is only one week left before the workshop itself begins at Treasury. The workshop will bring together 36 young New Zealanders, who will work together to prepare a youth perspective on the issue of poverty in New Zealand and how we might, as a country, go about tackling it.

Over 72 hours, participants will engage with and learn from policy analysts within the New Zealand Treasury, key people in the wider community and individuals who have experienced poverty first-hand. The discussion aims to build a shared understanding of the complexities surrounding the current policy landscape, matching knowledge with public policy tools.

At the finale event on Wednesday evening, the group will make a presentation to MPs at Parliament on how New Zealand might best tackle poverty as a country. They will have the floor for one hour, during which time they will report their observations, outline key obstacles and set out potential opportunities going forward.

You can read the latest workshop programme here. To learn more about the workshop and participants, see the TacklingPovertyNZ website.