The Institute’s StrategyNZ project looks at how New Zealand can improve long-term strategic thinking and strategy stewardship in central government.
On July 14 we are hosting a one-day workshop which will explore how New Zealand can better prepare and publish government department strategy documents (GDSs). More detail on the workshop can be found below, followed by a brief background to the StrategyNZ project. Numbers will be limited, therefore those working in central government will be given priority.
Strengthening strategy stewardship one-day workshop
Thursday, 14 July, 9.00 am — 4.00 pm
PwC, 113—119 The Terrace, Wellington
The purpose of the workshop is to discuss good practice in public service strategy development and the day-to-day issues this presents. In the morning, participants will hear from a diverse range of speakers. In the afternoon, speakers and participants will work together to create a Guide for Developing Government Department Strategy Documents in the Public Service.
Confirmed speakers:
- Dr Ian Ball
Chairman of the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accounting (CIPFA) International and Chairman of the Audit Committee for the financial statements of the New Zealand Government. Previously Ian was Chief Executive Officer of the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) (2002–2013) and Chairman of the IFAC Public Sector Committee (1995–2000). - Professor Stephen Cummings
Professor Stephen Cummings is Professor of Strategic Management at Victoria University and author of a number of books on strategy, including most recently Strategy Builder: How to Create and Communicate More Effective Strategies. - Dr Simon Wakeman
Dr Simon Wakeman is Principal Advisor at the New Zealand Productivity Commission and previously Associate Professor of Strategy at the European School of Management & Technology.
Timeline of strategy stewardship in the New Zealand public service 1980–2016 (18 April 2016)
To complement Report 15: Strengthening Strategy Stewardship in Central Government, which will be launched later in the year, we have published a timeline, StrategyNZ: Timeline of strategy stewardship in the New Zealand public service 1980–2016. The content of this timeline underwent review from December 2015 to February 2016 and the feedback received helped shape the new edition.
If you are interested in the overall StrategyNZ work programme, or have any questions about the one-day workshop, please visit our StrategyNZ page, or email