Research Projects


Securing our water future

WaterFuturesNZ is a research project that aims to contribute to the wider discussion on how we might design safe, accessible and reliable water services for Aotearoa New Zealand.

The Institute recognises that water is a significant public asset. A 2013 OAG report estimated that at least 12% of public assets under both central government and local government are water service assets. Water will become increasingly in demand as the world becomes more populated and challenged by climate change.

The Government’s Three Waters Reform is an area of critical importance to the future of our health and economy, hence we have made the decision to engage heavily in this area. Learn more about the Water Services Entities Bill.

Latest publication

Think Piece 39 – Three Waters: New body corporate model reduces government accountability

This think piece dives into what the proposed Three Waters reform says about government accountability and capacity to manage our water systems, and outlines some questions that the Institute has. A timeline infographic ‘Timeline of water reform’ is included to provide historical context of water management in Aotearoa New Zealand.

Water Services Entities Bill

Oral submission to Finance and Expenditure Committee
5 September 2022

The Institute’s oral submission included the Scottish Water Annual Report 2022 and the 2009 Scottish Water Governance Directions.