Research Projects
Exploring New Zealand’s probable, possible and preferred long-term futures
ScenariosNZ is a research project that aims to contribute to discussions that help inform decision-makers using scenarios to explore the long-term future.
The Institute defines a scenario as a process for identifying and assessing the future under conditions of uncertainty, using more than one variable, in at least two or more possible worlds. This is in contrast to sensitivity analysis, where only one variable is used.
National scenarios are those that look at New Zealand as a whole, while local scenarios focus on a particular geographical area. Scenarios can be specific or general. Specific scenarios focus on a particular topic – e.g. climate change scenarios, which aim to identify and assess the possible risks, challenges and opportunities of changes in climate on a country (see our page on climate-related scenarios). In contrast, general scenarios identify and assess a wide range of issues (e.g. social unrest, an economic recession and climate change) through a broad lens.
See below for our list of publicy available scenarios. We have categorised all scenarios by their primary area of focus, such as economics, infrastructure and biodiversity.
Latest publication
Working Paper 2023/01 – List of publicly available national and local scenarios as at 31 December 2022
October 2023
Visit Working Papers
Table 1: International good practice scenarios [3]
Table 1 below lists 3 documents which the Institute has identified to be good practice examples of scenario documents.
Publisher | Scenario Title | Date published | Time Horizon | Length of document | Breadth | Primary area of focus |
Frank Camm, James K. Hammitt (RAND Corporation) | An Analytic Method for Constructing Scenarios from a Subjective Joint Probability Distribution | 1986 | 14, 54 years (1986-2000, 2040) (p. 12) | 72 | Medium | Environment |
Mont Fleur | The Mont Fleur Scenarios - What will South Africa be like in the year 2002? | 1996 | 6 years (1996-2002) (p. 1) | 26 | Wide | Governance |
Shell International Limited | The Energy Security Scenarios | Mar-2023 | 17, 27, 37, 77 years (2023-2040, 2050, 2060, 2100) (p. 36, 38, 39, 42) | 124 | Wide | Energy |
Table 2: All potential scenarios that are published and found in the public domain (last updated 31 Dec 2023) [288]
Working Paper 2023/01: List of publicly available national and local scenarios as at 31 December 2022 identifies as many scenario documents as the Institute could find, and in doing so, aims to enable better understanding of the current state of institutional capacity and capability regarding scenario development. The initial stages of this work involved creating a list of all potential scenario documents that were publically available and could be found online by the Institute (the full methodology can be found within the working paper).
Table 2 below lists all of the potential scenario documents that were collected.
Please email any additions to us at with the subject heading ‘Aotearoa New Zealand Scenarios’. We are keen to bring together as many scenarios as possible to help shape and inform both our thinking and that of those interested in foresight work.
National or local? | Type of publisher | Publisher | Scenario title | Date published | Time horizon | Breadth | Primary area of focus |
National | Government department | Department of Conservation (DOC) | Potential climate change effects on New Zealand marine mammals: a review | Aug-22 | 78 years (2022-2100) (p. 9) | Wide | Climate Change |
National | Government department | Department of Conservation (DOC) | Mark-Recapture Sample Size Effects on Demographic Rate Estimation of White-capped Albatross | Nov-15 | 10 years (2015-2025) (p.10) | Narrow | Biodiversity |
National | Government department | Department of Conservation (DOC) | Integrated population model of Antipodean albatross for simulating management scenarios | Jun-21 | 30 years (2021-2051) (p. 16) | Narrow | Biodiversity |
National | Government department | Department of Internal Affairs (DIA) | Sector report: Gaming machine mystery shopper exercise results | Jun-17 | n.k. | Medium | Economics |
National | Government department | Inland Revenue Department (IRD) | Accounting for the wage subsidy: Example scenarios for individuals | Sep-21 | n.k. | Narrow | Health |
National | Government department | Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) | Flood Risk under Climate Change: A framework for assessing the impacts of climate change on river flow and floods, using dynamically-downscaled climate scenarios | Mar-10 | 500 years (2010-2510) (p. 36) | Medium | Climate Change |
National | Government department | Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) | Future proofing plantation forests from pests | Apr-11 | 69 years (2011-2080) (p. 5) | Wide | Biodiversity |
National | Government department | Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) | Scenarios of Regional Drought under Climate Change | Jun-11 | 79 years (2011-2090) (p. 15) | Wide | Climate Change |
National | Government department | Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) | Support for the National Climate Risk Assessment: Processes for the identification and quantification of climate change risk for the primary sectors | Mar-22 | 2022-2040, 2022-2090 (p. 123) | Medium | Climate Change |
National | Government department | Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) | Five Further ABARE Scenarios | Feb-02 | 8 years (2002-2010) (p. 3) | Wide | Climate Change |
National | Government department | Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) | Impacts of climate change mitigation policy scenarios on the primary sector | Sep-22 | 8 years (2022-2030) (p.26) | Medium | Climate Change |
National | Government department | Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) | Effectiveness of stream fencing to reduce E. coli inputs to streams from pastoral land use | 2016 | 9 years (2016-2025) (p. 7) | Medium | Infrastructure |
National | Government department | Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) | Study on global voluntary carbon market opportunities for New Zealand agriculture and forestry | Apr-11 | n.k. | Medium | Climate Change |
National | Government department | Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) | Scenarios of Storminess and Regional Wind Extremes Under Climate Change | 2011 | 2046-2065, 2081-2100 (p. vi) | Medium | Climate Change |
National | Government department | Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) | Foot-and-Mouth Disease Economic Impact Assessment: What it means for New Zealand | Aug-14 | 8 years (2012- 2020) (p. 21) | Narrow | Economics |
National | Government department | Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) | Sale of Raw Milk to Consumers: Regulatory Impact Statement | Jun-15 | n.k. | Narrow | Economics |
National | Government department | Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) | Modelling Agriculture’s Contribution to New Zealand’s Contribution to the Post-2020 Agreement | Feb-16 | 34 years (2016-2050) (p. 3) | Medium | Climate Change |
National | Government department | Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) | Urban Development and the NPS-FM: Lucas Creek Catchment Case Study | Oct-16 | 50 years (2010-2060) (p. 7) | Narrow | Infrastructure |
National | Government department | Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) | Assessment of the administration costs and barriers of scenarios to mitigate biological emissions from agriculture | May-18 | 5 years (2018-2023) (p. 14) | Medium | Climate Change |
National | Government department | Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) | Population dynamic modelling of the Māui dolphin based on genotype capture-recapture with projections involving bycatch and disease risk | Jun-19 | 100 years (2019-2119) (p. 12) | Narrow | Biodiversity |
National | Government department | Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) | Modelling of agricultural climate change mitigation policy scenarios | Aug-19 | n.k. | Medium | Climate Change |
National | Government department | Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) | Growth of microorganisms in raw milk: Evaluating the effect of chiller failure | Feb-20 | n.k. | Narrow | Economics |
National | Government department | Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) | Level 3B PEQ Greenhouse Pricing Approach Scenarios | Mar-23 | n.k | Narrow | Biodiversity |
National | Government department | Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) | Operating model and management procedure evaluation for pāua (Haliotis iris)fisheries in PAU 3A | May-23 | 18 Years (2022-2040) | Narrow | Biodiversity |
National | Government department | Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) | The 2023 Management Strategy Evaluation for hoki (Macruronus novaezelandiae) | Oct-23 | 100 years (2020-2120) | Narrow | Biodiversity |
National | Government department | Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) | Sheep and Beef Scenario map | n.d. | 12 months (p. 1) | Narrow | Economics |
National | Government department | Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) | Deer finishing scenario map | n.d. | 12 months (p. 1) | Narrow | Economics |
National | Government department | Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) | Dairy - on farm scenario map | n.d. | 12 months (p. 1) | Narrow | Economics |
National | Government department | Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) | Dairy - off farm scenario map | n.d. | 12 months (p. 1) | Narrow | Economics |
National | Government department | Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) | Models, scenarios and uncertainties - Climate change | n.d. | 100 years (2000-2100) (p. 2) | Wide | Climate Change |
National | Government department | Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) | Adapting to climate change: Information for the New Zealand food system* | n.d. | 50-, 100- years (p. 11) | Medium | Climate Change |
National | Government department | Ministry for the Environment (MfE) | Climate Change Projections for New Zealand: Atmospheric projections based on simulations undertaken for the IPCC 5th Assessment 2nd edition* | Sep-18 | 34-, 74-, 84-years (2040, 2090, 2100) (p. 13) | Wide | Climate Change |
National | Government department | Ministry for the Environment (MfE) | Changes in drought risk with climate change | May-05 | 75 years (2005-2080) (p. v) | Wide | Climate Change |
National | Government department | Ministry for the Environment (MfE) | General Equilibrium Analysis of Options for Meeting New Zealand’s International Emissions Obligations | Oct-07 | 18 years (2007-2025) (p. 2) | Wide | Climate Change |
National | Government department | Ministry for the Environment (MfE) | Linkages Between Climate Change and Biodiversity in New Zealand | Sep-01 | 99 years (2001-2100) (p. 9) | Wide | Climate Change |
National | Government department | Ministry for the Environment (MfE) | Electricity Emission Factor Review | Aug-04 | 8 years (2004-2012) (p. 1) | Medium | Climate Change |
National | Government department | Ministry for the Environment (MfE) | Scoping Report For An Environmental Assessment Of The NZ Emissions Trading Scheme And Closely Related Measures | Apr-08 | 17 years (2008-2025) (p. 6) | Wide | Climate Change |
National | Government department | Ministry for the Environment (MfE) | Climate Change Effects and Impacts Assessment: A guidance manual for local government in New Zealand – 2nd edition | May-08 | 91 years (2008-2099) (p. xi) | Wide | Climate Change |
National | Government department | Ministry for the Environment (MfE) | Emerging technologies and research for New Zealand’s economic development and associated risk management: Economic and scenario modelling | Jun-11 | 10 years (2011-2021) (p. 23) | Wide | Economics |
National | Government department | Ministry for the Environment (MfE) | Potential climate change impacts on myrtle rust risk in Aotearoa New Zealand | Nov-11 | 80 years (2020-2100) (p. 7) | Narrow | Climate Change |
National | Government department | Ministry for the Environment (MfE) | Modelling the impact of freshwater mitigation scenarios: results for the Ruamāhanga Catchment | Jun-19 | 61 years (2019–2080) (p. vi) | Narrow | Infrastructure |
National | Government department | Ministry for the Environment (MfE) | Sediment Attributes and Urban Development | Sep-19 | n.k. | Medium | Infrastructure |
National | Government department | Ministry for the Environment (MfE) | The economic effects of water quality proposals: Modelling scenarios | May-20 | 30 years (2020–2050) (p. i) | Wide | Economics |
National | Government department | Ministry for the Environment (MfE) | Coastal Hazards and Climate Change: Guidance for local government | Dec-17 | 103–133 years (2120, 2150) (p. 97) | Medium | Climate Change |
National | Government department | Ministry for the Environment (MfE) | Aotearoa New Zealand climate change projections guidance: Interpreting the latest IPCC WG1 report findings | Apr-22 | 18, 68 years (2040, 2090 (p. 37) | Wide | Climate Change |
National | Government department | Ministry for the Environment (MfE) & Statistics NZ | Our atmosphere and climate 2023 | Oct-23 | n.k | Wide | Climate change |
National | Government department | Ministry for the Environment (MfE) & Treasury New Zealand | Ngā Kōrero Āhuarangi Me Te Ōhanga Climate Economic and Fiscal Assessment 2023 | Apr-23 | 77 years (2023-2100) | Wide | Climate change |
National | Government department | Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) | New Zealand Hydrogen Scenarios | Jun-22 | 28 years (2022–2050) (p. 2) | Wide | Energy |
National | Government department | Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) | Oil Resource Play - Development Scenario Models | Oct-12 | 8 years (2012–2020) (p. 10) | Medium | Energy |
National | Government department | Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) | Electricity demand and generation scenarios: Scenario and results summary | Aug-16 | 34 years (2016–2050) (p. 3) | Medium | Energy |
National | Government department | Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) | Electricity Demand and Generation Scenarios: Scenario and results summary | Jul-19 | 31 years (2019–2050) (p. 3) | Medium | Energy |
National | Government department | Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) | New Zealand’s Energy Outlook 2009/2010: Changing Gear | 2009 | 31 years (2009–2040) (p. 1) | Wide | Energy |
National | Government department | Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) | New Zealand’s Energy Outlook 2010: Reference Scenario and Sensitivity Analysis | 2010 | 20 years (2010–2030) (p. 1) | Wide | Energy |
National | Government department | Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) | New Zealand Research On The Economic Impacts Of Immigration 2005–2010: Synthesis And Research Agenda | 2010 | 6 years (2010–2016) (p. 22) | Wide | Economics |
National | Government department | Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) | New Zealand’s Energy Outlook 2011: Reference Scenario and Sensitivity Analysis | 2011 | 20 years (2010–2030) (p. 1) | Wide | Energy |
National | Government department | Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) | Alternative Liquid Fuels: Global Availability, Economics and Environmental Impacts | Mar-07 | 3, 23, 43 years (2007–2010, 2030, 2050) (p. 30) | Narrow | Energy |
National | Government department | Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) | The Economic Impact of Immigration on Housing in New Zealand 1991–2016 | Mar-08 | 10 years (2006–2016) (p. 3) | Wide | Infrastructure |
National | Government department | Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) | New Zealand’s Energy Outlook 2009/2010: Hydrocarbon Harvest | 2009 | 31 years (2009–2040) (p. 2) | Medium | Energy |
National | Government department | Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) | The Impact of Immigration on the Labour Market Outcomes of New Zealanders | Apr-09 | n.k. | Wide | Economics |
National | Government department | Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) | Assessment of the future costs and Performance of Solar Photovoltaic Technologies in New Zealand | Apr-09 | 40 years (2000–2040) (p. 9) | Narrow | Energy |
National | Government department | Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) | Validation of Electricity Modelling for Energy Outlook | Jul-10 | 25 years (2010–2035) (p. 2) | Medium | Energy |
National | Government department | Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) | RAP Contingency Options | Oct-11 | n.k. | Narrow | Energy |
National | Government department | Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) | Regional Impacts Of A New Oil Or Gas Field | Mar-12 | 24 years (2012–2046) (p. 7) | Medium | Economics |
National | Government department | Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) | Information for NZIER Report on Oil Security | May-12 | n.k. | Medium | Energy |
National | Government department | Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) | New Zealand Oil Security Assessment Update | Jun-12 | n.k. | Medium | Energy |
National | Government department | Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) | Economic contribution and potential of New Zealand’s oil and gas industry | Aug-12 | 37 years (2013–2050) (p. 8) | Medium | Energy |
National | Government department | Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) | New Zealand’s Tourism Sector Outlook: Forecasts for 2012-2018 | Nov-12 | 6 years (2012–2018) (p. 1) | Wide | Economics |
National | Government department | Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) | National Science Challenges - Potential Challenges for Consideration by Peak Panel - Agriculture and the Bioeconomy Including Resource Management | Feb-13 | n.k. | Wide | Economics |
National | Government department | Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) | National Science Challenges - Potential Challenges for Consideration by Peak Panel - Economic Growth including Energy, Waste Management and Transport | Feb-13 | n.k. | Wide | Economics |
National | Government department | Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) | New Zealand Tourism Sector Outlook: Forecasts for 2013-19 | Aug-13 | 6 years (2013–2019) (p. 1) | Wide | Economics |
National | Government department | Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) | Gas Disruption Study: Report on the potential impacts on the NZ gas market | Jan-14 | n.k. | Wide | Energy |
National | Government department | Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) | Coal Prices in New Zealand Markets: 2013 Update | Jan-14 | 23 years (2012–2035) (p. 5) | Medium | Economics |
National | Government department | Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) | What Does Asia Want For Dinner? Emerging market opportunities for New Zealand food & beverages in East & South East Asia | Jul-14 | 28 years (1997–2025) (p. 8) | Medium | Economics |
National | Government department | Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) | New Zealand Tourism Sector Outlook: Forecasts For 2014-2020 | Sep-14 | 6 years (2014–2020) (p. 1) | Wide | Economics |
National | Government department | Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) | New Zealand Tourism Forecasts 2015-2021 | May-15 | 6 years (2015–2021) (p. 3) | Wide | Economics |
National | Government department | Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) | New Zealand Petroleum Supply Security 2017 Update | Sep-17 | n.k. | Medium | Energy |
National | Government department | Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) | Weather Permitting: Review of open access to weather data in New Zealand | Dec-17 | n.k. | Wide | Biodiversity |
National | Government department | Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) | Economic Evaluation of Disclosure of Origin Requirements | Apr-18 | 30 years (2018–2048) (p. 20) | Narrow | Economics |
National | Government department | Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) | Minimum Wage Review 2018 | Nov-18 | n.k. | Narrow | Economics |
National | Government department | Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) | Economics of Fuel Supply Disruptions and Mitigations | May-19 | n.k. | Medium | Energy |
National | Government department | Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) | Medium to long-term employment projections: Looking ahead to 2028 | Aug-19 | 10 years (2018–2028) (p. 3) | Medium | Economics |
National | Government department | Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) | Minimum Wage Review 2019 | Dec-19 | n.k. | Narrow | Economics |
National | Government department | Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) | Economics of Utility-Scale Solar in Aotearoa New Zealand | May-20 | 40 years (2020–2060) (p. 1) | Narrow | Economics |
National | Government department | Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) | Energy in New Zealand 2020 | Aug-20 | 30 years (2020–2050) (p. 22) | Wide | Energy |
National | Government department | Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) | Review of FMA Funding Scenarios | Aug-21 | 4 years (2021–2025) (p. 5) | Narrow | Economics |
National | Government department | Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) | National Construction Pipeline Report 2020 | Dec-20 | 5 years (2020–2025) (p. 1) | Medium | Infrastructure |
National | Government department | Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) | Minimum Wage Review 2020 | Dec-20 | 4 years (2020–2024) (p. 29) | Narrow | Economics |
National | Government department | Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) | Fuel Security and Fuel Stockholding Costs and Benefits 2020 | Dec-20 | n.k. | Medium | Economics |
National | Government department | Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) | New Zealand Hydrogen Scenarios and the Future of Gas | Sep-23 | 28 years (2022-2050) | Wide | Energy |
National | Government department | Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) | Regulatory impact statement: Managing buildings after an emergency event | n.d. | n.k. | Medium | Infrastructure |
National | Government department | Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) | New Zealand’s Energy Outlook Electricity Insight | n.d. | 27 years (2013–2040) (p. 4) | Wide | Energy |
National | Government department | Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) (published under Department of Labour) | Economic Impacts of Immigration: Scenarios Using a Computable General Equilibrium Model of the New Zealand Economy | 2009 | 10 years (2011–2021) (p. 24) | Wide | Economics |
National | Government department | Ministry of Health (MoH) | Diabetes Surveillance Population-based estimates and projections for New Zealand, 2001–2011 | Sep-07 | 4 years (2007–2011) (p. 13) | Wide | Health |
National | Government department | Ministry of Health (MoH) | Guide to PRIMHD Activity Collection and Use | 2021 | n.k. | Narrow | Health |
National | Government department | Ministry of Health (MoH) | Screening level Risk Characterization for Mercury Exposure from Compact Fluorescent Lamps | Dec-08 | n.k. | Narrow | Health |
National | Government department | Ministry of Health (MoH) | Potential Health Impacts from the COVID-19 Pandemic for New Zealand if Eradication Fails: Report to the NZ Ministry of Health | Mar-20 | 9 months (p. 6) | Medium | Health |
National | Government department | Ministry of Health (MoH) | Potential Worse Case Health Impacts from the COVID-19 Pandemic for New Zealand if Eradication Fails: Report to the NZ Ministry of Health | Mar-20 | 1 year (2020–2021) (p. 3) | Medium | Health |
National | Government department | Ministry of Housing and Urban Development (MHUD) | New Zealand Housing Report 2009/2010: Structure, Pressures and Issues | Sep-10 | 25 years (2006–2031) (p. 21) | Medium | Infrastructure |
National | Government department | Ministry of Housing and Urban Development (MHUD) | Urban Development Authorities: Discussion document | Feb-17 | n.k. | Medium | Infrastructure |
National | Government department | Ministry of Housing and Urban Development (MHUD) | Healthy Homes Standards: Proposed healthy homes standards for heating, insulation, ventilation, moisture ingress, drainage and draught stopping | Sep-18 | n.k. | Medium | Infrastructure |
National | Government department | Ministry of Housing and Urban Development (MHUD) | Public Housing Funding Review 2019 | Mar-20 | 25 years (2020–2045) (p. 35) | Medium | Infrastructure |
National | Government department | Ministry of Housing and Urban Development (MHUD) | Infrastructure fund | Apr-21 | n.k. | Medium | Infrastructure |
National | Government department | Ministry of Housing and Urban Development/ Ministry for the Environment (MHUD/MfE) | Cost-benefit analysis of proposed Medium Density Residential Standards | 2021 | 5 years (2021–2026) (p. 68) | Medium | Infrastructure |
National | Government department | Ministry of Housing and Urban Development/ Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MHUD/MBIE) | Cost benefit analysis for a minimum standard for rental housing | Nov-14 | 20 years (2014–2034) (p. 8) | Medium | Infrastructure |
National | Government department | Ministry of Justice (MoJ) | The Use of Imprisonment in New Zealand | Jun-98 | n.k. | Wide | Security |
National | Government department | Ministry of Justice (MoJ) | Justice Sector Forecast: Criminal Justice Forecast 2010-2020 | Sep-10 | 10 years (2010–2020) (p. 1) | Medium | Security |
National | Government department | Ministry of Justice (MoJ) | Justice Sector Forecast 2011-2021 | Sep-11 | 10 years (2011–2021) (p. 1) | Medium | Security |
National | Government department | Ministry of Justice (MoJ) | Justice Sector Forecast 2012-2022 | Sep-12 | 10 years (2012–2022) (p. 1) | Medium | Security |
National | Government department | Ministry of Social Development (MSD) | Implications of Labour Market Change for Retirement Income Policy | 2001 | 50 years (2001–2051) (p. 10) | Wide | Economics |
National | Government department | Ministry of Social Development (MSD) | Future Liability: Estimating time on benefit and the associated cost | Oct-10 | 10 years (2009–2019) (p. 7) | Narrow | Economics |
National | Government department | Ministry of Social Development (MSD) | Actuarial valuation of the Benefit System for Working-age Adults as at 30 June 2011 | Jun-11 | n.k. | Narrow | Economics |
National | Government department | Ministry of Social Development (MSD) | Business of Ageing Update: Final Report 2015 | 2015 | 55 years (2006–2061) (p. 37) | Wide | Economics |
National | Government department | Ministry of Social Development (MSD) | Baseline valuation of the social housing system | Jun-15 | n.k. | Wide | Economics |
National | Government department | Ministry of Social Development (MSD) | Report of the Enhancing Intake Decision-Making Project | Oct-17 | n.k. | Narrow | Economics |
National | Government department | Ministry of Social Development (MSD) | Designing a wage supplement approach as a possible alternative to Minimum Wage Exemption permits | Sep-18 | n.k. | Narrow | Economics |
National | Government department | Ministry of Social Development (MSD) | COVID 19 Provider Funding Framework | n.d. | n.k. | Narrow | Economics |
National | Government department | Ministry of Social Development (MSD) | Families Package changes to income support and financial incentives for model families – technical companion report | Jan-22 | n.k. | Narrow | Economics |
National | Government department | Ministry of Transport (MoT) | Future Demand: How could or should our transport system evolve in order to support mobility in the future? | Nov-14 | 28 years (2014–2042) (p. 1) | Wide | Infrastructure |
National | Government department | Ministry of Transport (MoT) | Regulation 2025 Scenarios summary and key findings | Aug-16 | 10 years (2025–2035) (p. 2) | Medium | Infrastructure |
National | Government department | Ministry of Transport (MoT) | Transport Outlook: Future State | Nov-17 | 25 years (2017–2042) (p. 5) | Medium | Infrastructure |
National | Government department | Ministry of Transport (MoT) | Mauri Oia ki Mua: Visions of wellbeing for Aotearoa New Zealand 2050–2070 | Jun-21 | 49 years (2021–2070) (p. 11) | Wide | Infrastructure |
National | Government department | Ministry of Transport (MoT) | Air New Zealand - Singapore Airlines Strategic Alliance Analysis | Dec-13 | n.k. | Narrow | Infrastructure |
National | Government department | New Zealand Treasury | Infrastructure Evidence Base | Feb-14 | 50 years (2014–2064) (p. 2) | Medium | Infrastructure |
National | Government department | New Zealand Treasury | Shocks and Scenarios Analysis Using a Stochastic Neoclassical Growth Model | Sep-21 | 40 years (2021–2061) (p. i) | Wide | Economics |
National | Government department | New Zealand Treasury | Challenges and Choices: Modelling New Zealand’s Long-term Fiscal Position | Jan-10 | 40 years (2010–2050) (p. i) | Wide | Economics |
National | Government department | New Zealand Treasury | Manual for the Long Term Fiscal Model | Mar-00 | n.k. | Narrow | Economics |
National | Government department | New Zealand Treasury | Long-term fiscal projections and their relationship with the intertemporal budget constraint: An application to New Zealand | Mar-02 | 50 years (2001–2051) (p. 19) | Narrow | Economics |
National | Government department | New Zealand Treasury | Population Ageing In New Zealand: Implications for Living Standards and the Optimal Rate of Saving | Jun-03 | 48 years (2003–2051) (p. 2) | Wide | Economics |
National | Government department | New Zealand Treasury | Save now, prosper later: A CGE investigation of increased rates of saving – additional scenarios | Mar-11 | 14 years (2011–2025) (p. 3) | Wide | Economics |
National | Government department | New Zealand Treasury | Modelling Shocks to New Zealand’s Fiscal Position | Jun-11 | 19 years (2006–2025) (p. 18) | Wide | Economics |
National | Government department | New Zealand Treasury | Economy-Wide Impacts of Industry Policy | Sep-12 | n.k. | Medium | Economics |
National | Government department | New Zealand Treasury | Intergenerational Smoothing of New Zealand’s Future Fiscal Costs | Jul-13 | 45 years (2015–2060) (p. 5) | Wide | Economics |
National | Government department | New Zealand Treasury | Fiscal Policy Scenarios to 2030 | Oct-16 | 15 years (2015–2030) (p. 3) | Narrow | Economics |
National | Government department | New Zealand Treasury | Using IDI Data to Estimate Fiscal Impacts of Better Social Sector Performance | Nov-16 | 45 years (2015–2060) (p. 17) | Medium | Economics |
National | Government department | New Zealand Treasury | Fiscal Policy Scenarios to 2030 | Mar-17 | 14 years (2017–2031) (p. 7) | Narrow | Economics |
National | Government department | New Zealand Treasury | Overseas Investment in Forestry | Jul-18 | n.k. | Narrow | Economics |
National | Government department | New Zealand Treasury | Golden Years – Understanding the New Zealand Superannuation Fund | Jun-21 | 50 years (2015–2065) (p. 25) | Narrow | Economics |
National | Government department | New Zealand Treasury | Long-term Consequences of Russia-Ukraine War – a Tipping Point? | Aug-22 | n.k. | Wide | Economics |
National | Government department | Oranga Tamariki — Ministry for Children (OT) | Evening The Odds - Modelling Wellbeing To Drive Better Outcomes | Nov-17 | 10 years (2016-2026) (p. 12) | Narrow | Economics |
National | Government department | Oranga Tamariki — Ministry for Children (OT) | Evaluation of the family violence Integrated Safety Response pilot: Phase II – Years 2 & 3 | Sep-19 | 10 years (2019-2029) (p. 71) | Narrow | Economics |
National | Government department | Oranga Tamariki — Ministry for Children (OT) | Engaging all New Zealanders Survey Report: Children in New Zealand Communities, 2019 | 2019 | n.k. | Wide | Economics |
National | Government department | Oranga Tamariki — Ministry for Children (OT) | Information sharing Scenarios | n.d. | n.k. | Narrow | Economics |
National | Government department | Oranga Tamariki — Ministry for Children (OT) | Lifetime Wellbeing Model For New Zealand Children | n.d. | 10 years (2021-2031) (p. 8) | Wide | Economics |
National | Government department | Oranga Tamariki — Ministry for Children (OT) | Babies Entering Oranga Tamariki Care | n.d. | n.k. | Narrow | Economics |
National | Government department | Public Service commission (PSC) | Cost-Benefit Analysis of the Mainstream Supported Employment Programme 1998 | 1998 | 1–6 and 7–21 years (1998–2004 and 1998–2019) (p. 4) | Narrow | Economics |
National | Government department | Public Service commission (PSC) | Getting Better at Managing for Shared Outcomes | Aug-04 | n.k. | Narrow | Economics |
National | Government department | Public Service commission (PSC) | Strengthening Strategic Management: Summary of Fiscal Modelling Work | Oct–98 | 55 years (1996–2051) (p. 3) | Narrow | Economics |
National | Government department | Statistics New Zealand | Analytical retrospective superlative index based on New Zealand’s CPI: 2017 | Nov-18 | 15 years (2002–2017) (p. 4) | Narrow | Economics |
National | Government department | Statistics New Zealand | National population projections: 2020(base)–2073 | Dec-20 | 53 years (2020–2073) (Title) | Wide | Security |
National | Government department | Statistics New Zealand | Analytical retrospective superlative index based on New Zealand's CPI: 2020 | Apr-21 | 18 years (2002–2020) (Results) | Narrow | Economics |
National | Government department | Te Puni Kōkiri (TPK) | Ngā Kaihanga Hou, For Māori Future Makers | Oct-07 | 23 years (2007–2030) (p. 9) | Narrow | Economics |
National | Government department | Te Puni Kōkiri (TPK) | Māori, Science and Innovation - scenarios of potential, opportunity and value | Dec-10 | 51 years (2010–2061) (p. 3) | Wide | Economics |
National | Crown Research Institute | AgResearch | Some Environmental Attributes of Dairy Sheep Farming | n.d. | n.k. | Narrow | Climate change |
National | Crown Research Institute | Manaaki Whenua – Landcare Research | 4 Future Scenarios for New Zealand | 2007 | 48 years (2007–2055) (p. 16) | Wide | Economics |
National | Crown Research Institute | Manaaki Whenua – Landcare Research | Evaluating the (non-market) impacts of wilding conifers on cultural values | Oct-15 | 20 years (2015–2035) (p. v) | Narrow | Biodiversity |
National | Crown Research Institute | Manaaki Whenua – Landcare Research | Effects of climate change and erosion mitigation on suspended sediment loads and visual clarity in the Wairoa catchment, Hawke's Bay | May-23 | 17-, 67-years (2023- 2040, 2090) | Narrow | Climate change |
National | Crown Research Institute | National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA) | Transitioning to a Hydrogen Economy: Identification of Preferred Hydrogen Chains | Nov-07 | 43 years (2007–2050) (p. 5) | Medium | Energy |
National | Crown Research Institute | National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA) | Modelling Future Water Demand for Wellington using Multiple Climate Change Scenarios | Jun-11 | 79 years (2011–2090) (p. 11) | Medium | Climate Change |
National | Crown Research Institute | National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA) | Waterwise: irrigation, agriculture, and sustainability | 2008 | 4 years (2000–2004) (p. 2) | Narrow | Biodiversity |
National | Crown Research Institute | National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA) | Bioenergy Options for New Zealand - Pathways Analysis | Aug-08 | 42 years (2008–2050) (p. 17) | Wide | Energy |
National | Crown Research Institute | National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA) | Transitioning to Hydrogen Economy - Hydrogen Energy Options: Scenarios, Sensitivities and Pathways | Nov-08 | 42 years (2008–2050) (p. 3) | Medium | Economics |
National | Crown Research Institute | National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA) | Bioenergy Options for New Zealand - Research And Development Strategy | Feb-09 | 41 years (2009–2050) (p. 6) | Wide | Energy |
National | Crown Research Institute | National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA) | Bioenergy Options For New Zealand Analysis Of Large-Scale Bioenergy From Forestry | Apr-09 | 41 years (2009–2050) (p. 20) | Medium | Energy |
National | Crown Research Institute | National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA) | Transitioning to a Hydrogen Economy - Hydrogen Research Strategy for Facilitating the Uptake of Hydrogen as an Energy Carrier in New Zealand | May-09 | 41 years (2009–2050) (p. 3) | Medium | Economics |
National | Crown Research Institute | National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA) | CHES For The Grey River Catchment | 2016 | n.k. | Narrow | Biodiversity |
National | Crown Research Institute | National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA) | Visions for nature and nature’s contributions to people for the 21st century | Dec-17 | n.k. | Wide | Biodiversity |
National | Crown Research Institute | Scion | Land use change: Modelling the impacts of markets, policy and climate in LURNZ | May-17 | n.k. | Medium | Climate Change |
National | Crown Research Institute | Scion | Can application of the ecosystem services concept generate improved societal outcomes from natural resource management? | Mar-17 | n.k. | Narrow | Economics |
National | Crown Research Institute | Scion | New Zealand Biofuels Roadmap: Technical report | Feb-18 | 32 years (2018–2050) (p. 3) | Wide | Energy |
National | Crown Research Institute | Scion | One Billion Trees Programme: Priorities, Opportunities and Challenges | Sep-19 | 9 years (2019–2028) (p. 3) | Wide | Economics |
National | Crown Research Institute | Scion | Forest and Water on a Changing Planet: Homogenization of terrestrial water cycle jeopardizes planetary resilience | Dec-20 | n.k. | Narrow | Climate Change |
National | Crown Research Institute | Scion | Forest Ecosystem Services: A forest managers perspective | Dec-20 | n.k. | Medium | Biodiversity |
National | Crown Research Institute | Scion | Making zero the hero: Moulding a plastics-circularity and narrative in New Zealand | Aug-21 | 30 years (2021–2051) (p. 6) | Wide | Economics |
National | Crown Research Institute | Scion | Analysing forestry harvesting setback options in the Sounds using ES approach | n.d. | n.k. | Medium | Economics |
National | Other National - XRB Sector-level scenario analysis | Briscoe Group Limited, Hallenstein Glasson Holdings Limited, KMD Brands Limited, Michael Hill New Zealand Limited, Restaurant Brands New Zealand Limited, SmartPay Limited, The Warehouse Group, and Woolworths New Zealand Limited | The futures of retail - Integrated Climate Change Scenarios for New Zealand's Retail Sector | Sep-23 | 27 years (2023-2050)(p. 9) | Medium | Climate change |
National | Other National | Business NZ Energy Council | Energy Strategy Deep Dive using TIMES-NZ | May-23 | 35 years (2025-2060) | Medium | Climate change |
National | Other National | BusinessNZ Energy Council | New Zealand Energy Scenarios - Navigating our flight path to 2060 | n.d. | 45 years (2015–2060) (p. 1) | Wide | Energy |
National | Other National | Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority | New Zealand Energy Scenarios | May-21 | 42 years (2018–2060) (p. 17) | Wide | Energy |
National | Other National - XRB Sector-level scenario analysis | Financial Services Council NZ | Climate scenario narratives for the financial services sector | Jun-23 | 3- 10- 30+ (2022-2025, 2030, 2050+) (p. 13) | Medium | Climate change |
National | Other National | He Pou a Rangi Climate change commission | Advice to the New Zealand Government on its first three emissions budgets and direction for its emissions reduction plan 2022 – 2025 | May-21 | 29 years (2021-2050) | Wide | Climate change |
National | Other National | He Pou a Rangi Climate change commission | Modelling the Impact on Livestock Emissions from New Zealand Emissions Pricing and Global Agricultural Action | May-22 | 26 years (2024-2050) | Medium | Climate change |
National | Other National | He Pou a Rangi Climate change commission | Advice on NZ ETS unit limits and price control settings for 2023-2027. Technical Annex 3: Electricity market modelling and retail price estimates | Aug-23 | 13 years (2022-2035) | Medium | Climate change |
National | Other National | Motu | Land-use modelling in New Zealand: current practice and future needs | Nov-18 | n.k. | Wide | Infrastructure |
National | Other National | Motu | Land-use Change as a Mitigation Option for Climate Change | Dec-18 | 32 years (2018–2050) (p. 25) | Medium | Climate Change |
National | Other National | Motu | Potential Social Impacts of Land-use Changes, 2020-2050 | Mar-19 | 30 years (2020–2050) (p. 1) | Wide | Climate Change |
National | Other National | Motu | Climate And Land-Use Change: A Synthesis Of Lurnz Modelling | May-19 | 80 years (2019–2099) (p. 4) | Medium | Climate Change |
National | Other National | National Infrastructure Unit | The Thirty Year New Zealand Infrastructure Plan 2015 | Aug-15 | 30 years (2015–2045) (p. 1) | Wide | Infrastructure |
National | Other National - XRB Sector-level scenario analysis | New Zealand Banking Association | Climate scenario narratives for the banking sector | Jun-23 | 3-, 10-, 30-, 50+ years (2022-2025, 2030, 2050, 2080+) (p. 11) | Medium | Climate change |
National | Other National - XRB Sector-level scenario analysis | New Zealand Green Building Council | Climate Scenarios for the Construction and Property Sector | May-23 | 27 years (2023-2050)(p. 7) | Medium | Climate change |
National | Other National | New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA) | Climate Change Effects on the Land Transport Network Volume Two: Approach to Risk Management | 2009 | 10, 50, 100 years (2019, 2059, 2109) (p. 7) | Medium | Climate Change |
National | Other National | Office for Seniors | Business of Ageing 2021 | Jun-22 | 50 years (2021–2071) (p. 4) | Wide | Economics |
National | Other National | Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment (PCE) | Future Currents: Electricity scenarios for New Zealand 2005–2050 | 2005 | 45 years (2005–2050) (p. 11) | Medium | Energy |
National | Other National | Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment (PCE) | Preparing New Zealand for rising seas: Certainty and Uncertainty | Nov-15 | 85 years (2015–2100) (p. 75) | Wide | Climate Change |
National | Other National | Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment (PCE) | Healthy, Wealthy and Wise: A health impact assessment of Future currents – Electricity scenarios for New Zealand 2005–2050 | Nov-06 | 45 years (2005–2050) (p. 13) | Medium | Health |
National | Other National | Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment (PCE) | Land Use and Farming Intensity: For 1996, 2008 and 2020 | Nov-13 | 7 years (2013–2020) (p. 2) | Medium | Economics |
National | Other National | Reserve Bank of New Zealand (RBNZ) | Economic outlook | Aug-20 | 3 years (2020–2023) (p. 10) | Wide | Economics |
National | Other National | Reserve Bank of New Zealand (RBNZ) | 2022 Bank Solvency Stress Test: Assessing the resilience of banks to a stagflation scenario | Oct-22 | 4 years (2022–2026) (p. 8) | Narrow | Economics |
National | Other National | Reserve Bank of New Zealand (RBNZ) | Too little, too late. 2023 Climate test stress scenario | Aug-23 | 25 years (2025-2050) | Medium | Climate change |
National | Other National | Sports New Zealand | Scenarios report: The Future of Play, Active Recreation and Sport In New Zealand | Nov-20 | 20 years (2020–2040) (p. 1) | Medium | Education |
National | Other National | The Aotearoa Circle | Climate-related risk scenarios for the 2050s: Exploring plausible futures for aquaculture and fisheries in New Zealand | 2020 | 30 years (2020–2050) (p. 12) | Medium | Climate Change |
National | Other National - XRB Sector-level scenario analysis | The Aotearoa Circle | Agriculture Sector Climate Change Scenarios | Apr-2023 | 27 years (2023-2050) (p. 26) | Medium | Climate change |
National | Other National - XRB Sector-level scenario analysis | The Aotearoa Circle | Climate-related risk scenarios for the 2050s | Jul-23 | 27 years (2023-2050)(p. 1) | Medium | Climate change |
National | Other National - XRB Sector-level scenario analysis | The Aotearoa Circle | The Aotearoa Circle Tourism Sector Climate Change Scenarios | 2023 | 27 years (2023-2050) | Medium | Climate change |
National | Other National | Royal Society Te Apārangi | Climate change implications for New Zealand | Apr-16 | 85 years (2015–2100) (p. 20) | Wide | Climate Change |
National | Other National | Tokona Te raki – Māori Futures Collective | Kia Puta Ki Rangiātea: Reaching new futures | n.d. | n.k. | Wide | Economics |
National | Other National | Tourism New Zealand | Tourism New Zealand Scenario Models | Dec-20 | 4 years (2020–2024) (p. 2) | Medium | Economics |
National | Other National | Victoria University of Wellington | Tourism2050: Scenarios for New Zealand | Oct-12 | 38 years (2012–2050) (p. 1) | Wide | Economics |
National | Other National | Westpac New Zealand Limited | Westpac NZ Climate Risk Report | Nov-20 | 30 years (2020–2050) (p. 3) | Medium | Climate Change |
Local | Local Government | Ashburton District Council | Supporting Land Use Adaption for a Climate Changed Future | Sep-22 | 78 years (2022–2100) (p. 56) | Medium | Climate Change |
Local | Local Government | Auckland Council | Auckland region climate change projections and impacts* | 2020 | 20, 70, 90 years (2040, 2090, 2110) (p. 18) | Medium | Climate Change |
Local | Local Government | Auckland Regional Council | Auckland Plan Scenario Evaluation Workstream | Sep-11 | 45 years (2006 - 2051). (p. 7) | Medium | Infrastructure |
Local | Local Government | Auckland Regional Council | An Assessment of Potential Impacts of Different Growth Scenarios on Auckland's Natural Environment | Sep-17 | 29 years (2017-2046) (p. iii) | Medium | Infrastructure |
Local | Local Government | Auckland Regional Council | Aucklands Climate Plan | Dec-20 | 30 years (2020 - 2050) (p. 22) | Medium | Climate Change |
Local | Local Government | Bay of Plenty Regional Council | Climate change projections and impacts for the Bay of Plenty Region* | Oct-19 | 21, 71, 81 years (2040, 2090, 2100) (p. 11) | Medium | Climate Change |
Local | Local Government | Central Hawke’s Bay District | Demographic and Economic Growth Projections – Update | 2022 | 29 years (2022–2051) (p. 1) | Medium | Economics |
Local | Local Government | Central Hawke’s Bay District | Proposed Draft Urban Growth Strategy for Public Consultation | n.d. | 30 years (p. 5) | Medium | Economics |
Local | Local Government | Central Hawke's Bay District Council | Central Hawke’s Bay District Demographic and Economic Growth Projections 2020-2051 | n.d. | 31 years (2020–2051) (p. 1) | Medium | Economics |
Local | Local Government | Central Hawke's Bay District Council | Facing The Facts Long Term Plan 2021-2031 | Jun-21 | 10 years (2021–2031) (p. 1) | Medium | Security |
Local | Local Government | Central Hawkes Bay District Council | Framing the future of Central Hawke's Bay. Projecting population and putting it in context | Aug-23 | 65 years | Medium | Security |
Local | Local Government | Central Otago District Council | The Past, Present and Future Climate of Central Otago* | Aug-17 | 10 years (2018–2028) (p.6) | Medium | Climate Change |
Local | Local Government | Central Otago District Council | Infrastructure Strategy | n.d. | 30 years (2020–2050) (p. 1) | Medium | Infrastructure |
Local | Local Government | Dunedin City Council | tō tātou eke whakamurithe – the future of us | n.d. | 10 years (2021–2031) (p. 1) | Medium | Infrastructure |
Local | Local Government | Environment Canterbury Regional Council | Climate change projections for the Canterbury Region* | Feb-20 | 20, 70, 80 years (2040, 2090, 2100) (p. 9) | Medium | Climate Change |
Local | Local Government | Environment Southland, Gore District Council, Invercargill City Council, and Southland District Council | Southland climate change impact assessment* | Aug-18 | 22, 72 years (2040, 2090) (p. 9) | Medium | Climate Change |
Local | Local Government | Far North District Council | Kāeo Wastewater Treatment Plant Hydrodynamic Modelling Study | Mar-22 | One month (p. 2) | Narrow | Infrastructure |
Local | Local Government | Gisborne District Council and Hawke's Bay Regional Council | Climate change projections and impacts for Tairāwhiti and Hawke's Bay* | Nov-20 | 20, 70, 80 years (2040, 2090, 2100) (p. 14) | Medium | Climate Change |
Local | Local Government | Greater Wellington Regional Council | Climate change and variability - Wellington Region* | Jun-17 | 23, 73, 83 years (2040, 2090, 2100) (pp. 13, 47) | Medium | Climate Change |
Local | Local Government | Greater Wellington Regional Council | Wellington Region climate change extremes and implications* | Dec-19 | 21, 71 years (2040, 2090) (p. 15) | Medium | Climate Change |
Local | Local Government | Greater Wellington Regional Council | Growth scenarios for the Wellington Region: Towards 2041 | Aug-14 | 28 years (2013–2041). (p. 1) | Medium | Economics |
Local | Local Government | Greater Wellington Regional Council | Planning for Growth: Growth Scenario Engagement | Jun-19 | 30 years (2019–2049) (p.3) | Medium | Infrastructure |
Local | Local Government | Greater Wellington Regional Council | North Wellington Public Transport - Scenarios report | n.d. | 17, 19, 20 years (2024, 2026, 2027) (pp. 32, 38, 46, 52) | Narrow | Infrastructure |
Local | Local Government | Hawke's Bay Regional Council | Hawkes Bay Region Water Security Economic Impact Assessment | Jul-20 | 30- 80-years (2020-2050, 2100) (p. 5) | Medium | Climate change |
Local | Local Government | Hawke's Bay Regional Council | Hawke's Bay Regional Water Assessment | 2023 | 37 years (2023-2060) | Medium | Climate change |
Local | Local Government | Horizons Regional Council | Climate Change and Variability - Horizons Region* | Sep-16 | 24, 74, 84 years (2040, 2090, 2100) (p. 8) | Medium | Climate Change |
Local | Local Government | Horizons Regional Council | Climate change implications for the Manawatū-Whanganui Region* | Jun-19 | 21, 71, 91 years (2040, 2090, 2110) (pp. 17–19) | Medium | Climate Change |
Local | Local Government | Horizons Regional Council | Action for healthy waterways: A discussion document on national direction for our essential freshwater | Oct-19 | 10 years (2019–2029 (p. 13) | Medium | Infrastructure |
Local | Local Government | Horizons Regional Council | The Waiopehu FMU Water Quality Model: A tool for simulating catchment nutrient management options | Aug-22 | 13 years (2022-2035) (p. 12) | Narrow | Infrastructure |
Local | Local Government | Horizons Regional Council | State and Trends of Water Quality in the Manawatū Catchment For all records to 30 June 2021 | Mar-23 | 79 years (2021-2100) | Narrow | Climate change |
Local | Local Government | Horizons Regional Council | Nutrient losses from Commercial Vegetables in Horowhenua | Mar-23 | n.k | Narrow | Biodiversity |
Local | Local Government | Horizons Regional Council | Application of SedNetNZ using updated erosion mitigations with climate change scenarios in the Horizons region to support NPS-FM 2020 implementation | Jun-23 | 80 years (2020-2100) | Medium | Climate change |
Local | Local Government | Horizons Regional Council | Regional modelling of E. coli to support implementation of the NPS-FM | Jul-23 | n.k | Narrow | Biodiversity |
Local | Local Government | Horizons Regional Council | Wetland Restoration: Advice on Policy Visions for Wetland Extent by 2050 | Aug-23 | 27 years (2023-2050) | Medium | Biodiversity |
Local | Local Government | Mackenzie District Council | Mackenzie District Growth Projections - 2020 | Aug-20 | 30 years (2020 - 2050). (p. 6) | Medium | Infrastructure |
Local | Local Government | Marlborough District Council | Climate change projections and impacts for Marlborough* | Mar-21 | 34-, 74-, 84-years (2040, 2090, 2100) (p. 9) | Medium | Climate Change |
Local | Local Government | Marlborough District Council | Marlborough District Sea Level Rise Assessment | Jul-23 | 150 years | Medium | Climate change |
Local | Local Government | Napier City Council | Community Housing Options | Dec-21 | 25 years (2021-2046) (p. 23) | Medium | Infrastructure |
Local | Local Government | Napier City Council | Napier Servicing Structure Plan Three Waters | May-23 | 33 years (2017-2050) | Medium | Infrastructure |
Local | Local Government | Napier City Council | HAWKE’S BAY AIRPORT LIMITED NOTICE OF REQUIREMENT Airport Designation | Jun-23 | 19 years (2019-2045) | Narrow | Infrastructure |
Local | Local Government | Nelson City Council | Nelson Tasman Future Development Strategy 2022 – 2052 | Sep-22 | 30 years (2022-2052) (p. 1) | Medium | Infrastructure |
Local | Local Government | Nelson-Tasman district council | Nelson-Tasman FDS – Technical Background Report | Jun-19 | 30 years (2018 - 2048) (p. 3) | Medium | Infrastructure |
Local | Local Government | New Plymouth District Council | 2021-2031 Water Supply Asset Management Plan | n.d. | 10 years (2021-2031) (p. 28) | Medium | Infrastructure |
Local | Local Government | New Plymouth District Council, the Taranaki Regional Council and South Taranaki District Council | Climate Trends, Hazards and Extremes – Taranaki | Oct-08 | 82 years (2008-2090) (p. vi) | Medium | Climate Change |
Local | Local Government | Northland Regional Council | Climate Change Projections and Implications for Northland* | Sep-16 | 34-, 74-, 84-years (2040, 2090, 2100) (p. 13) | Medium | Climate Change |
Local | Local Government | Opotiki District Council | Opotiki Harbour Development Social and Economic Evaluation | Jun-05 | 21 years (2009 - 2030) (p. 36) | Medium | Economics |
Local | Local Government | Otago Regional Council | Climate change projections for the Otago Region* | Oct-19 | 34-, 74-, 84-years (2040, 2090, 2100) (p. 8) | Medium | Climate Change |
Local | Local Government | Otago Regional Council | Dart / Rees Rivers Flood Hazard Modelling | Jun-22 | 100 years (2022-2122) (pp. 24, 27) | Narrow | Infrastructure |
Local | Local Government | Ruapehu District Council | Long Term Plan 2021-2031 | Jun-21 | 10 years (2021 - 2031) (p. 1) | Medium | Economics |
Local | Local Government | South Waikato District Council | Stormwater Asset Management Plan 2021 - 2031 | Aug-22 | 10 years (2021-2031) (p. 1) | Medium | Infrastructure |
Local | Local Government | Taranaki Regional Council | SedNetNZ modelling to assess sediment contributions from natural land cover areas and impacts of climate change in Taranaki | Mar-23 | 77 years (2023-2100) | Narrow | Climate change |
Local | Local Government | Tasman District Council | Climate Change and Variability - Tasman District* | Aug-15 | 34-, 74-, 84-years (2040, 2090, 2100) (p. 7) | Medium | Climate Change |
Local | Local Government | Tasman District Council | Climate change projections for Tasman and impacts on agricultural systems* | Oct-19 | 34-, 74-years (2040, 2090) (p. 7) | Medium | Climate Change |
Local | Local Government | Tasman District Council & Nelson City Council | Population Projections 2018-2058 Results | Mar-23 | 35 years (2023-2058) | Medium | Security |
Local | Local Government | Tauranga City Council | Tauranga Climate Action and Investment Plan | Aug-23 | 27 years (2023-2050) | Medium | Climate change |
Local | Local Government | Thames-Coromandel District Council | 2021-2031 Long Term Plan | Jun-21 | 10 years (2021 - 2031) | Medium | Economics |
Local | Local Government | Waikato Regional Council | WISE: Waikato Integrated Scenario Explorer | Feb-22 | 10 years (2021-2031) p. 17 | Medium | Economics |
Local | Local Government | Waikmakariri District Council | Waimakariri District Climate Change Scenario: Technical Report | May-22 | 78 years (2022-2100) | Medium | Climate change |
Local | Local Government | Waimate District Council | Growth Projections | May-21 | 30 years (2020-2050) | Medium | Security |
Local | Local Government | Waipa District Council | Waipa District Growth Strategy | Jun-09 | 41 years (2009 - 2050) (p.4) | Medium | Economics |
Local | Local Government | Waitaki District Council | Ōamaru Weston & Kakanui Spatial Plan | May-22 | 30 years (2022-2052) p. 8 | Narrow | Economics |
Local | Local Government | West Coast Regional Council | Buller River: Flood Mitigation Options Assessment | Jun-22 | 20, 50, 100 years (p. 5) | Narrow | Climate Change |
Local | Local Government | West Coast Regional Council, Buller District Council, Te Rūnanga Ngāti Waewae | Co-Investment in Westport's Resilience | Jun-22 | 101 years (2022-2122) | Medium | Climate change |
Local | Local Government | Western Bay of Plenty District Council | Te Puke Stormwater Modelling Report | Aug-22 | 108 years (2022-2130) p. 30 | Narrow | Infrastructure |
Local | Other Local | Central Economic Development Agency | Manawatū 2023 | Jun-23 | 9 years (2023-2032) | Narrow | Economics |
Local | Other Local | Deloitte | COVID-19 scenario analysis - Auckland: Navigating uncertainty through macroeconomic scenario modelling | Jun-20 | 10 years (2020-2030) (p. 5) | Narrow | Economics |
Local | Other Local | Deloitte | COVID-19 scenario analysis - Waikato: Navigating uncertainty through macroeconomic scenario modelling | Jun-20 | 10 years (2020-2030) (p. 5) | Narrow | Economics |
Local | Other Local | Deloitte | COVID-19 scenario analysis – Bay of Plenty: Navigating uncertainty through macroeconomic scenario modelling | Jun-20 | 10 years (2020-2030) (p. 5) | Narrow | Economics |
Local | Other Local | Deloitte | COVID-19 scenario analysis - Wellington: Navigating uncertainty through macroeconomic scenario modelling | Jun-20 | 10 years (2020-2030) (p. 5) | Narrow | Economics |
Local | Other Local | Deloitte | COVID-19 scenario analysis - Canterbury: Navigating uncertainty through macroeconomic scenario modelling | Jun-20 | 10 years (2020-2030) (p. 5) | Narrow | Economics |
Local | Other Local | Deloitte | COVID-19 scenario analysis - Otago: Navigating uncertainty through macroeconomic scenario modelling | Jun-20 | 10 years (2020-2030) (p. 5) | Narrow | Economics |
Local | Other Local | Department of Internal Affairs (DIA) | Government Inquiry into The Auckland Fuel Supply Disruption | Aug-19 | 21 years (2019-2040) (p. 18) | Medium | Infrastructure |
Local | Other Local | Koi Tū: The centre for informed futures | Reimagining Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland: harnessing the region’s potential | Mar-22 | 48 years (2022–2070) (p. 9) | Medium | Economics |
Local | Other Local | Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) | Nelson/Marlborough Forest Industry and Wood Availability Forecasts | 2006 | 35 years (2005-2040) (p. 19) | Medium | Economics |
Local | Other Local | Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) | Population effects of New Zealand sea lion mortality scenarios relating to the southern arrow squid fishery at the Auckland Islands | Jul-19 | 20 years (2020-2040) (p. 14) | Narrow | Biodiversity |
Local | Other Local | Ministry for the Environment (MfE) | Environmental Assessment of Farm Mitigation Scenarios in Southland | Jun-13 | 25 years (2012-2037) (p. 1) | Medium | Economics |
Local | Other Local | Ministry for the Environment (MfE) | Southland: Overview of studies assessing the potential impacts of scenarios for setting water quality objectives | Oct-13 | 24 years (2013-2037) (p. 11) | Medium | Infrastructure |
Local | Other Local | Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) | Auckland’s Competitive Advantage And Distinctiveness | Apr-11 | 24 years (2007-2031) (p. 123) | Medium | Economics |
Local | Other Local | Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) | East Coast oil and gas development study: Economic potential of oil and gas development | Nov-12 | 61 years (2012-2073) (p. 1) | Medium | Energy |
Local | Other Local | Statistics New Zealand | Auckland's future population under alternative migration scenarios | Jun-17 | 27 years (2016-2043) (p. 6) | Medium | Security |
Table 3: All national and local scenarios that meet the Institute’s assessment criteria as at 31 December 2023 [71]
The full list of potential scenario documents was subsequently assessed against the Institute’s criteria of a scenario document. This requires a document to: be publicly available, include a set of scenarios (i.e. comparing two or more future worlds), explore two or more variables within each scenario (analysis that examines the effect of changing just one variable at a time is called a sensitivity analysis, not a scenario), explore a timeframe of at least two years, and include a method explaining how the scenarios were developed.
Table 3 below lists the 71 documents that were aligned to the Institute’s criteria of a scenario document. The table can be searched to filter by specific types of scenarios or publishers. For example, to view only scenarios relating to climate change, enter ‘climate change’ into the search box.
*17 scenario documents have been included despite not including a method explaining how the scenarios were developed. These documents instead used representative concentration pathways (RCPs) to describe different future worlds without explanation on how the RCP scenarios were specifically developed. For more context see Working Paper 2023/01: List of publicly available national and local scenarios as at 31 December 2022.
National or local? | Type of publisher | Publisher | Author | Scenario title | Date published | Time Horizon | Length of document | Breadth | Primary area of focus |
National | Government Department | Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) (published under Department of Labour) | Business and Economic Research Limited & Department of Labour | Economic Impacts of Immigration: Scenarios Using a Computable General Equilibrium Model of the New Zealand Economy | 2009 | 10 years (2011-2021) (p. 24) | 88 | Wide | Economics |
National | Government Department | Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) | Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) | Electricity demand and generation scenarios: Scenario and results summary | Aug-16 | 34 years (2016-2050) (p. 3) | 26 | Medium | Energy |
National | Government Department | Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) | Adams, M. (Michael Adams Reservoir Engineering Ltd) | Oil Resource Play - Development Scenario Models | Oct-12 | 8 years (2012-2020) (p. 10) | 45 | Medium | Energy |
National | Government Department | Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) | Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) | Electricity Demand and Generation Scenarios: Scenario and results summary | Jul-19 | 31 years (2050) (p.3) | 40 | Medium | Energy |
National | Government Department | Ministry for the Environment (MfE) | Ministry for the Environment (MfE) | Climate Change Projections for New Zealand: Atmospheric projections based on simulations undertaken for the IPCC 5th Assessment 2nd edition* | Sep-18 | 34-, 74-, 84-years (2040, 2090, 2100) (p. 13) | 131 | Wide | Climate Change |
National | Government Department | Ministry for the Environment (MfE) | NIWA | Changes in drought risk with climate change | May-05 | 75 years (2005-2080) (p. v) | 68 | Wide | Climate Change |
National | Government Department | Ministry for the Environment (MfE) | Infometrics | General Equilibrium Analysis of Options for Meeting New Zealand’s International Emissions Obligations | Oct-07 | 18 years (2007-2025) (p. 2) | 15 | Wide | Climate Change |
National | Government Department | Ministry for the Environment (MfE) & Treasury New Zealand | Ministry for the Environment (MfE) & Treasury New Zealand | Ngā Kōrero Āhuarangi Me Te Ōhanga Climate Economic and Fiscal Assessment 2023 | Apr-23 | 77 years (2023-2100) | 98 | Wide | Climate change |
National | Government Department | Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI)** | Lake, R., et al. (Institute of Environmental Science and Research, AgResearch, Massey University & NIWA) | Adapting to climate change: Information for the New Zealand food system* | n.d. | 50-, 100- years (p. 11) | 135 | Medium | Climate Change |
National | Government Department | Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) | Greenhalgh, S. & Djanibekov, U. (Manaaki Whenua – Landcare Research) | Impacts of climate change mitigation policy scenarios on the primary sector | Sep-22 | 8 years (2022-2030) (p.26) | 105 | Mitigation | Climate Change |
National | Government Department | Ministry of Social Development (MSD) | Callister, P. & Rose, D. | Implications of Labour Market Change for Retirement Income Policy | 2001 | 50 years (2001-2051) (p. 10) | 84 | Wide | Economics |
National | Government Department | Ministry of Transport (MoT) | Lyons, G., et al. (MoT) | Future Demand: How could or should our transport system evolve in order to support mobility in the future? | Nov-14 | 28-years (2042) (p. 1) | 66 | Wide | Infrastructure |
National | Government Department | Ministry of Transport (MoT) | Ministry of Transport (MoT) | Regulation 2025 Scenarios summary and key findings | Aug-16 | 10 years (2025-2035) (p. 2) | 35 | Medium | Infrastructure |
National | Government Department | Ministry of Transport (MoT) | Ministry of Transport (MoT) | Transport Outlook: Future State | Nov-17 | 25 years (2017-2042) (p. 5) | 89 | Medium | Infrastructure |
National | Government Department | Ministry of Transport (MoT) | Inayatullah, S. & and Milojević, I. | Mauri Oia ki Mua: Visions of wellbeing for Aotearoa New Zealand 2050–2070 | Jun-21 | 49 years (2021-2070) (p. 11) | 41 | Wide | Infrastructure |
National | Government Department | New Zealand Treasury | National Infrastructure Unit | Infrastructure Evidence Base | Feb-14 | 50-years (2067) (p. 2) | 43 | Medium | Infrastructure |
National | Government Department | New Zealand Treasury | Bell, M., et al. (New Zealand Treasury) | Challenges and Choices: Modelling New Zealand’s Long-term Fiscal Position | Jan-10 | 40 years (2010-2050) (p. i) | 91 | Wide | Economics |
National | Government Department | New Zealand Treasury | Binning, A. (New Zealand Treasury) | Shocks and Scenarios Analysis Using a Stochastic Neoclassical Growth Model | Sep-21 | 40 years (2021-2061) (p. i) | 118 | Wide | Economics |
National | Government Department | Te Puni Kōkiri (TPK) | Te Puni Kōkiri | Ngā Kaihanga Hou, For Māori Future Makers | Oct-07 | 23-years (2030) (p. 9) | 48 | Narrow | Economics |
National | Crown Research Institute | Manaaki Whenua – Landcare Research | Frame, B., et al. (Manaaki Whenua – Landcare Research & Delaney and Associates Pty Ltd) | 4 Future Scenarios for New Zealand | 2007 | 48-years (2055) (p. 17) | 112 | Wide | Economics |
National | Crown Research Institute | Manaaki Whenua – Landcare Research | Simon Vale, Hugh Smith, Melissa Robson-Williams, Laise Harris | Effects of climate change and erosion mitigation on suspended sediment loads and visual clarity in the Wairoa catchment, Hawke's Bay | May-23 | 17-, 67-years (2023- 2040, 2090) | 30 | Narrow | Climate change |
National | Crown Research Institute | National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA) | Clemens, T., et al. (CRL Energy Ltd & Industrial Research Limited (IRL)) | Transitioning to a Hydrogen Economy: Identification of Preferred Hydrogen Chains | Nov-07 | 43 years (2007-2050) (p. 5) | 62 | Medium | Energy |
National | Crown Research Institute | National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA) | McCormack, C. & Gabriel, G. (MWH) | Modelling Future Water Demand for Wellington using Multiple Climate Change Scenarios | Jun 2011 | 79 years (2011-2090) (p. 11) | 28 | Medium | Climate Change |
National | Other National - XRB Sector-level scenario analysis | Briscoe Group Limited, Hallenstein Glasson Holdings Limited, KMD Brands Limited, Michael Hill New Zealand Limited, Restaurant Brands New Zealand Limited, SmartPay Limited, The Warehouse Group, and Woolworths New Zealand Limited | KPMG | The futures of retail - Integrated Climate Change Scenarios for New Zealand's Retail Sector | Sep-23 | 27 years (2023-2050)(p. 9) | 90 | Medium | Climate change |
National | Other National | BusinessNZ Energy Council | BusinessNZ Energy Council | New Zealand Energy Scenarios - Navigating our flight path to 2060 | n.d. | 45 years (2015-2060) (p. 1) | 74 | Wide | Energy |
National | Other National | Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority | Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority | New Zealand Energy Scenarios | May-21 | 42 years (2018 - 2060) (p. 17) | 92 | Wide | Energy |
National | Other National - XRB Sector-level scenario analysis | Financial Services Council NZ | Ernst & Young | Climate scenario narratives for the financial services sector | Jun-23 | 3- 10- 30+ (2022-2025, 2030, 2050+) (p. 13) | 87 | Medium | Climate change |
National | Other National | He Pou a Rangi Climate change commission | He Pou a Rangi Climate change commission | Advice to the New Zealand Government on its first three emissions budgets and direction for its emissions reduction plan 2022 – 2025 | May-21 | 29 years (2021-2050) | 402 | Wide | Climate change |
National | Other National | He Pou a Rangi Climate change commission | John T. Saunders, Meike Guenther, Timothy Driver | Modelling the Impact on Livestock Emissions from New Zealand Emissions Pricing and Global Agricultural Action | May-22 | 26 years (2024-2050) | 45 | Medium | Climate change |
National | Other National | He Pou a Rangi Climate change commission | He Pou a Rangi Climate change commission | Advice on NZ ETS unit limits and price control settings for 2023-2027. Technical Annex 3: Electricity market modelling and retail price estimates | Aug-23 | 13 years (2022-2035) | 19 | Medium | Climate change |
National | Other National - XRB Sector-level scenario analysis | New Zealand Banking Association | Ernst & Young | Climate scenario narratives for the banking sector | Jun-23 | 3-, 10-, 30-, 50+ years (2022-2025, 2030, 2050, 2080+) (p. 11) | 68 | Medium | Climate change |
National | Other National - XRB Sector-level scenario analysis | New Zealand Green Building Council | BECA | Climate Scenarios for the Construction and Property Sector | May-23 | 27 years (2023-2050)(p. 7) | 75 | Medium | Climate change |
National | Other National | Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment (PCE) | Potter, N., et al. | Future Currents: Electricity scenarios for New Zealand 2005–2050 | 2005 | 45-years (2005-2050) (p. 11) | 96 | Medium | Energy |
National | Other National | Sports New Zealand | Sports New Zealand | Scenarios report: The Future of Play, Active Recreation and Sport In New Zealand | Nov-20 | 20 years (2020-2040) (p. 1) | 18 | Medium | Education |
National | Other National | The Aotearoa Circle | KPMG | Climate-related risk scenarios for the 2050s: Exploring plausible futures for aquaculture and fisheries in New Zealand | 2020 | 30-years (2050) (p. 12) | 63 | Medium | Climate Change |
National | Other National - XRB Sector-level scenario analysis | The Aotearoa Circle | PWC | Agriculture Sector Climate Change Scenarios | Apr-2023 | 27 years (2023-2050) (p. 26) | 60 | Medium | Climate change |
National | Other National - XRB Sector-level scenario analysis | The Aotearoa Circle | KPMG | Climate-related risk scenarios for the 2050s | Jul-23 | 27 years (2023-2050)(p. 1) | 63 | Medium | Climate change |
National | Other National - XRB Sector-level scenario analysis | The Aotearoa Circle | PWC | The Aotearoa Circle Tourism Sector Climate Change Scenarios | 2023 | 27 years (2023-2050) | 58 | Medium | Climate change |
National | Other National | Victoria University of Wellington | Yeoman, I. (Victoria University) | Tourism2050: Scenarios for New Zealand | Oct-12 | 36-years (2050) (p. 1) | 136 | Wide | Economics |
Local | Local Government | Auckland Regional Council | Auckland Regional Council | Auckland Plan Scenario Evaluation Workstream | Sep-11 | 45 years (2006 - 2051) (p. 7) | 228 | Medium | Infrastructure |
Local | Local Government | Auckland Regional Council | NIWA | Auckland region climate change projections and impacts* | 2020 | 34-, 74-, 89-years (2040, 2090, 2110) (p. 18) | 361 | Medium | Climate Change |
Local | Local Government | Bay of Plenty Regional Council | NIWA | Climate change projections and impacts for the Bay of Plenty Region* | Oct-19 | 34-, 74-, 84-years (2040, 2090, 2100) (p. 11) | 177 | Medium | Climate Change |
Local | Local Government | Central Hawkes Bay District Council | Nigel Pinkerton | Framing the future of Central Hawke's Bay. Projecting population and putting it in context | Aug-23 | 65 years | 33 | Medium | Security |
Local | Local Government | Central Hawkes Bay District Council | Squillions Ltd | Central Hawke’s Bay District Demographic and Economic Growth Projections 2020-2051 | n.d. | 31 years (2020 - 2051) (p. 1) | 46 | Medium | Economics |
Local | Local Government | Central Otago District Council | Bodeker Scientific | The Past, Present and Future Climate of Central Otago* | Aug-17 | 10 years (2018 - 2028) (p.6). | 40 | Medium | Climate Change |
Local | Local Government | Environment Canterbury | NIWA | Climate change projections for the Canterbury Region* | Feb-20 | 34-, 74-, 84-years (2040, 2090, 2100) (p. 9) | 156 | Medium | Climate Change |
Local | Local Government | Environment Southland, Gore District Council, Invercargill City Council, and Southland District Council | NIWA | Southland climate change impact assessment* | Aug-18 | 34-, 74-years (2040, 2090) (p. 9) | 138 | Medium | Climate Change |
Local | Local Government | Gisborne District Council and Hawke's Bay Regional Council | NIWA | Climate change projections and impacts for Tairāwhiti and Hawke's Bay* | Nov-20 | 34-, 74-, 84-years (2040, 2090, 2100) (p. 14) | 247 | Medium | Climate Change |
Local | Local Government | Greater Wellington Regional Council | NIWA | Climate change and variability - Wellington Region* | Jun-17 | 34-, 74-, 84-years (2040, 2090, 2100) (pp. 13, 47) | 192 | Medium | Climate Change |
Local | Local Government | Greater Wellington Regional Council | NIWA | Wellington Region climate change extremes and implications* | Dec-19 | 34-, 74-years (2040, 2090) (p. 15) | 132 | Medium | Climate Change |
Local | Local Government | Hawke's Bay Regional Council | Me research | Hawkes Bay Region Water Security Economic Impact Assessment | Jul-20 | 30- 80-years (2020-2050, 2100) (p. 5) | 41 | Medium | Climate change |
Local | Local Government | Horizons Regional Council | NIWA | Climate Change and Variability - Horizons Region* | Sep-16 | 34-, 74-, 84-years (2040, 2090, 2100) (p. 8) | 91 | Medium | Climate Change |
Local | Local Government | Horizons Regional Council | Anne-Maree Jolly, Lisa Arnold, Kyle Willis and Jack Bennet | Nutrient losses from Commercial Vegetables in Horowhenua | Mar-23 | n.k | 74 | Narrow | Biodiversity |
Local | Local Government | Horizons Regional Council | Manaaki Whenua Landcare Research, Simon Vale, Hugh Smith | Application of SedNetNZ using updated erosion mitigations with climate change scenarios in the Horizons region to support NPS-FM 2020 implementation | Jun-23 | 80 years (2020-2100) | 130 | Medium | Climate change |
Local | Local Government | Horizons Regional Council | NIWA | Climate change implications for the Manawatū-Whanganui Region* | Jun-19 | 34-, 74-years (2040, 2090) (p. 12) | 109 | Medium | Climate Change |
Local | Local Government | Marlborough District Council | NIWA | Climate change projections and impacts for Marlborough* | Mar-21 | 34-, 74-, 84-years (2040, 2090, 2100) (p. 9) | 159 | Medium | Climate Change |
Local | Local Government | Northland Regional Council | NIWA | Climate Change Projections and Implications for Northland* | Sep-16 | 34-, 74-, 84-years (2040, 2090, 2100) (p. 13) | 105 | Medium | Climate Change |
Local | Local Government | Otago Regional Council | NIWA | Climate change projections for the Otago Region* | Oct-19 | 34-, 74-, 84-years (2040, 2090, 2100) (p. 8) | 136 | Medium | Climate Change |
Local | Local Government | Tasman District Council | NIWA | Climate Change and Variability - Tasman District* | Aug-15 | 34-, 74-, 84-years (2040, 2090, 2100) (p. 7) | 72 | Medium | Climate Change |
Local | Local Government | Tasman District Council | NIWA | Climate change projections for Tasman and impacts on agricultural systems* | Oct-19 | 34-, 74-years (2040, 2090) (p. 7) | 59 | Medium | Climate Change |
Local | Local Government | Waikmakariri District Council | NIWA | Waimakariri District Climate Change Scenario: Technical Report | May-22 | 78 years (2022-2100) | 106 | Medium | Climate change |
Local | Local Government | Waimate District Council | Rationale | Growth Projections | May-21 | 30 years (2020-2050) | 70 | Medium | Security |
Local | Local Government | Waipa District Council | Waipa District Council | Waipa District Growth Strategy | Jun-09 | 41 years (2009 - 2050) (p.4) | 72 | Medium | Economics |
Local | Local Government | Waitaki District Council | Barker & Associates Ltd. (B&A) | Ōamaru Weston & Kakanui Spatial Plan | May-22 | 30 years (2022-2052) p. 8 | 69 | Narrow | Economics |
Local | Other Local | Deloitte | Deloitte | COVID-19 scenario analysis - Auckland: Navigating uncertainty through macroeconomic scenario modelling | Jun-20 | 10 years (2020-2030) (p. 5) | 26 | Narrow | Economics |
Local | Other Local | Deloitte | Deloitte | COVID-19 scenario analysis - Waikato: Navigating uncertainty through macroeconomic scenario modelling | Jun-20 | 10 years (2020-2030) (p. 5) | 26 | Narrow | Economics |
Local | Other Local | Deloitte | Deloitte | COVID-19 scenario analysis – Bay of Plenty: Navigating uncertainty through macroeconomic scenario modelling | Jun-20 | 10 years (2020-2030) (p. 5) | 26 | Narrow | Economics |
Local | Other Local | Deloitte | Deloitte | COVID-19 scenario analysis - Wellington: Navigating uncertainty through macroeconomic scenario modelling | Jun-20 | 10 years (2020-2030) (p. 5) | 26 | Narrow | Economics |
Local | Other Local | Deloitte | Deloitte | COVID-19 scenario analysis - Canterbury: Navigating uncertainty through macroeconomic scenario modelling | Jun-20 | 10 years (2020-2030) (p. 5) | 26 | Narrow | Economics |
Local | Other Local | Deloitte | Deloitte | COVID-19 scenario analysis - Otago: Navigating uncertainty through macroeconomic scenario modelling | Jun-20 | 10 years (2020-2030) (p. 5) | 26 | Narrow | Economics |
Local | Other Local | Koi Tū: The centre for informed futures | Gluckman, P., et al. (Koi Tū: The centre for informed futures) | Reimagining Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland: harnessing the region’s potential | Mar-22 | 48 years (2022–2070) (p. 9) | 91 | Medium | Economics |
Table 4: List of references for climate change scenarios (as at 15 December 2022)
Author | Title | Date | Synopsis |
Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD) | Global Scenarios 2035: Exploring Implications for the Future of Global Collaboration and the OECD | 20 May 2021 | This report ‘uses a strategic foresight approach to inform reflection on how best to prepare the OECD to meet the needs of a highly unpredictable future. It was developed by the OECD’s Strategic Foresight Unit to demonstrate how navigating the future of global collaboration and the Organisation’s role within it will require ongoing exploration and dialogue about what may be possible, and desirable, in the future.’ |
Royal Dutch Shell | Shell Scenarios Sky: Meeting the Goals of the Paris Agreement | n.d. | This is ‘an ambitious scenario to hold the increase in the global average temperature to well below 2°C’. It is a well thought out and executed scenario developed by one of the largest petroleum companies in the world. |
Centre for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) | Climate scenarios: What we need to know and how to generate them | December 2008 | This report ‘provides some overviews on the roles of climate scenarios in adaptation planning and what should be considered in using and generating climate scenarios, in a frequently ask questions style. Specifically, this book tries to answer questions commonly addressed by non-climatologists when they want to address climate scenario in adaptation plans.’ |
National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA) | Climate change scenarios for New Zealand | n.d. | This webpage offers a range of material regarding climate change scenarios from an Aotearoa New Zealand based perspective. The material is based on the RCP scenarios (similar to our TCFD exercise) from the IPCC’s 5th Assessment report. |
McGuinness Institute | Report 6: Four Possible Futures for New Zealand in 2058 | December 2008 | This report uses the issues of climate change and genetic modification to explore four scenarios based on whether or not the world manages itself well and whether or not Aotearoa New Zealand manages itself well. These four scenarios illustrate why small countries have such a vested interest in international affairs. |
McGuinness Institute | TCFD 'Strategy' Exercise | October 2019 | This exercise was developed by the Institute to use during the TCFD workshops we ran in 2019. The detailed exploration of Core Element 2 (Strategy) was supported by this exercise, where attendees explored a variety of scenarios based on climate change models of representative concentration pathways (RCPs) for 2.6, 6.0 and 8.5. In the second part of the exercise, attendees practiced testing existing climate change and business strategies of Aotearoa New Zealand organisations against each of the scenarios and then making corresponding TCFD disclosures. |
Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) | Technical Supplement: The Use of Scenario Analysis in Disclosure of Climate-Related Risks and Opportunities | June 2017 | This report assists ‘organizations in using climate-related scenario analysis to support the development of disclosures consistent with the Recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures’ |
Network for Greening the Financial System (NGFS) | Guide to climate scenario analysis: for central banks and supervisors | June 2020 | This guide ‘provides practical advice on using scenario analysis to assess climate risks to the economy and financial system. It is based on the initial experiences of NGFS members and observers, and also aims to progress discussion on the methodologies used. While mainly aimed at central banks and supervisors, many aspects of the Guide might also prove informative to the wider community’. |
United Nations Principles of Responsible Investment | Climate scenario analysis | n.d. | This webpage contains a list of climate scenario tools that ‘make it easier for investors to implement a key recommendation of the TCFD – scenario planning’. |
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) | AR6 Climate Change 2021: The Physical Science Basis | 2021 | This report ‘addresses the most up-to-date physical understanding of the climate system and climate change, bringing together the latest advances in climate science, and combining multiple lines of evidence from paleoclimate, observations, process understanding, and global and regional climate simulations’. |
Anderson, B., et al. | Modelled response of debris-covered and lake-calving glaciers to climate change, Kā Tiritiri o te Moana/Southern Alps, New Zealand | 6 August 2021 | This paper uses a glacier model, and future climate scenarios from 6 different climate models to investigate how glaciers might change in the future in the Aoraki/Mt. Cook region (where ~54% of New Zealand glacier ice is). RCP 2.6 suggests that by 2099, 50% of ice will be lost relative to 2005. RCP 8.5 suggests that by 2099, 92% of ice will be lost relative to 2005. |
UK Climate Resilence Programme | Products of the UK-SSPS Project | November 2021 | This webpage gives an overview of the various products of the UK-SSPS project. Including: UK-SSP narratives & systems diagrams, semi-quantitative trends, quantified projections, interface for exploring and accessing UK-SSP products, and other relevant publications. |
Frame, B., et al | Adapting global shared socio-economic pathways for national and local scenarios | 26 May 2018 | This report explains how ‘socio-economic scenarios enable us to understand the extent to which global-, national- and local-scale societal developments can influence the nature and severity of climate change risks and response options’. |
Cradock-Henry, N. A., et al | Dynamic adaptive pathways in downscaled climate change scenarios | 8 August 2018 | This report observes how parallel scenario process enables characterization of climate-related risks and response options to climate change under different socio-economic futures and development prospects. The authors discuss ‘the need for a stronger recognition of such national-scale characteristics to make climate change scenarios more relevant at the national and local scale, and propose ways to enrich the scenario architecture with locally relevant details that enhance salience, legitimacy, and credibility for stakeholders’. |
NZ SeaRise | Te tai pari o Aotearoa - Future sea level rise around New Zealand's dynamic coastline | 19 January 2021 | The article was written for a ‘general’ audience and offers an example of the type of information we aim to produce for all of the coastline around Aotearoa. |
Ørsted | Ørsted: 5 key things we learned from TCFD implementation and scenario analysis | n.d. | This webpage 'highlights the initial approach use[d] to implement the TCFD recommendations, and includes 5 key insights from Ørsted’s experience.' |
Pielke, R. JR., & Ritchie, J. | How Climate Scenarios Lost Touch with Reality | 2021 | This article explains how '[t]he emissions scenarios of today’s climate science are delivering distorted pictures that compromise both understanding and well-informed policymaking.' Until the problem surrounding scientific integrity is addressed, solutions for mitigating climate change will be compromised. |
Januta, A. | Explainer: The U.N. climate report's five futures - decoded | 9 August 2021 | This webpage gives a brief explanation of each of the 5 possible climate change scenarios for the future, released in the U.N climate panel report. |