Cabinet papers related to climate change
Part of the McGuinness Institute’s ClimateChangeNZ project
Cabinet papers related to climate change
To assist the wider discussions about Aotearoa New Zealand’s nationally determined contribution (NDC) set under the Paris Agreement (see the Institute’s latest discussion paper, Discussion Paper 2024/01: – Risks hiding in plain sight: Does a commitment under the Paris Agreement to purchase offshore carbon credits create a requirement to report that commitment in the financial statements of the New Zealand Government? for more detail), the Institute has collated climate-related Cabinet papers in the aim of identifying those that refer to the NDC.
Table 1 below lists the climate-related Cabinet papers dated between 2001–2024 that were made publicly available on the websites of MBIE, MFAT, MfE and MPI as at 23 May 2024. This table will become Working Paper 2025/03 – List of Climate-related Cabinet Papers dated between 2001–2024, which will include a complete methodology. Please note this list may not be completely comprehensive. The Institute has been in the process of verifying that the information in the table is accurate and exhaustive (see OIA 2024/13). The final responses to OIA 2024/13 were received on 11 November 2024.
Working Paper 2025/03 – List of Climate-related Cabinet Papers dated between 2001–2024 will contribute to an evidence base that the Institute will use to develop core assumptions that will influence and develop the narrative underpinning future ClimateChangeNZ research – namely Report 18: Climate Change Strategy for Aotearoa New Zealand. This work will also feed back into Discussion Paper 2024/01.
The Institute considers a Cabinet paper to be climate-related if it meets the following criteria. If in doubt, we have included the papers in the table below.
(i) Discusses risks, costs and/or opportunities that climate change may create.
(ii) Discusses how New Zealand might adapt to or mitigate the impacts of climate change over the long-term.
(iii) The content is forward-looking, strategic (rather than operational) and of significant scale.
If you want to learn more about the process, refer to the Section 5: Cabinet Decision-making in the 2023 Cabinet Manual.
Note to Table 1: An asterisk denotes Cabinet papers or minutes that have not yet been uploaded to their respective departments website. The Institute has been notified that work is underway to have these published online (see OIA 2024/13).
Figure 1: Illustration of the standard process for Cabinet decision-making

CAB | Cabinet |
CBC | Cabinet Business Committee |
DEV | Cabinet Economic Development Committee |
EGI | Cabinet Economic Growth and Infrastructure Committee |
ENV | Cabinet Environment, Energy and Climate Committee |
EWR | Extreme Weather Recovery Committee |
Intended Nationally Determined Contributions |
LEG | Cabinet Legislation Committee |
Nationally Determined Contributions |
POL | Cabinet Policy Committee |
SWC | Cabinet Social Wellbeing Committee |
Table 1: List of climate-related Cabinet papers dated between 2001–2024 [124]
Paper and minute reference numbers | Stage 1: Paper lodged with Cabinet Office | Stage 2: Cabinet Committee considers paper and makes decisions which are forwarded to Cabinet for confirmation | Stage 3: Cabinet confirms (or amends) the Committee's decisions | McGuinness Institute analysis | ||||||||||
Row number | All reference numbers in the series | Date paper lodged with Cabinet Office | Title of paper and link | Date paper considered by Committee | Name of Committee | Title of Committee minute and link | Date paper considered by Cabinet | Title of Cabinet minute and link | Host government department | Date paper/s published on department's website and/or released via OIA | McGuinness Institute comment | High-level topic | Refers to NDCs? (searched 'INDC'; ‘NDC’; ‘Nationally’; or ‘Paris’) | |
1 | POL Sub (01) 7/3 POL Min (01) 7/3 CAB Min (01) 11/5 | NK | [POL Sub (01) 7/3] Climate Change: Pre-2008 Cross-sectoral and Price Measures | 20010404 | Cabinet Policy Committee [POL] | [POL Min (01) 7/3] Climate Change: A Three Stage Process for Developing and Implementing Negotiated Greenhouse Agreements with Industry | 20010409 | [CAB Min (01) 11/5] No link available | MFE | 31 January 2001 | PDF of Cabinet minute not found | Emissions | No | |
2 | NK NK CAB Min (01) 27/5A | NK | [NK] Climate Change: Next Steps for Ratification of the Kyoto Protocol | NK | Cabinet Policy Committee [POL] | [NK] No link available | 20010903 | [CAB Min (01) 27/5A] Climate Change: Next Steps for Ratification of the Kyoto Protocol | MFE | NK | PDF of Committee minute not found | International commitments | No | |
3 | NK NK CAB Min (01) 31/12 | NK | [NK] Climate Change: Domestic Policy Options | NK | Cabinet Policy Committee [POL] | [NK] No link available | 20011008 | [CAB Min (01) 31/12] Climate Change: Paper 2: Domestic Policy Options | MFE | NK | PDF of Committee minute not found | International commitments | No | |
4 | POL Sub (01) 32/14 POL Min (01) 32/14 NK | NK | [POL Sub (01) 32/14] Climate Change: Institutional Arrangements for Inventory, Registry and Crown Trading Functions | 20011128 | Cabinet Policy Committee [POL] | [POL Min (01) 32/14] Climate Change: Institutional Arrangements for Inventory, Registry and Crown Trading Functions | NK | [NK] No link available | MFE | NK | – | International commitments | No | |
5 | NK NK CAB Min (02) 4/3 | NK | [NK] Climate Change: Setting the Direction for Future Domestic Policy Options and Ratification of the Kyoto Protocol | NK | Cabinet Policy Committee [POL] | [NK] No link available | 20020211 | [CAB Min (02) 4/3] Climate Change: Setting the Direction for Future Domestic Policy Options and Ratification of the Kyoto Protocol | MFE | NK | PDF of Committee minute not found MFE Q1: We note the Cabinet paper is addressed to the Cabinet Policy Committee, however the Cabinet minute states 'following reference from the Cabinet Business Committee'. Could you please clarify the timeline of this Cabinet paper and provide any relevant PDFs of Cabinet papers and Cabinet minutes? | International commitments | No | |
6 | NK NK CAB Min (02) 13/11 | NK | [NK] Climate Change III: The Role of Local Government | NK | Cabinet Policy Committee [POL] | [NK] No link available | 20020429 | [CAB Min (02) 13/11] Climate Change III: The Role of Local Government | MFE | NK | PDF of Committee minute not found | Emissions | No | |
7 | POL Sub (02) 9/1-6 POL Min (02) 9/1-6 CAB Min (02) 13/12 | NK | [POL Sub (02) 9/1-6] Climate Change IV: Adapting to Climate Change | 20020424 | Cabinet Policy Committee [POL] | [POL Min (02) 9/1-6] No link available | 20020429 | [CAB Min (02) 13/12] Climate Change IV: Adapting to Climate Change | MFE | 29 April 2002 | PDF of Committee minute not found | Adaptation | No | |
8 | NK NK CAB Min (02) 26/16 | NK | [NK] Climate Change I: Confirmation of Preferred Policy Package | NK | Cabinet Policy Committee [POL] | [NK] No link available | 20021007 | [CAB Min (02) 26/16] Climate Change I: Confirmation of Preferred Policy Package | MFE | NK | PDF of Committee minute not found | International commitments | No | |
9 | NK NK CAB Min (02) 26/17 | NK | [NK] Climate Change II: Public Awareness and Education, Business Opportunities and Local Government Partnership | NK | Cabinet Policy Committee [POL] | [NK] No link available | 20021007 | [CAB Min (02) 26/17] Climate Change II: Public Awareness and Education, Business Opportunities and Local Government Partnership | MFE | NK | PDF of Committee minute not found | Education | No | |
10 | POL Sub (02) 15/7 POL Min (02) 15/7 CAB Min (02) 26/18 | NK | [POL Sub (02) 15/7] Climate Change III: Work Programme, Budget and Institution for Climate Change Project | 20021002 | Cabinet Policy Committee [POL] | [POL Min (02) 15/7] No link available | 20021007 | [CAB Min (02) 26/18] Climate Change III: Work Programme, Budget and Institution for Climate Change Project | MFE | 1 November 2002 | – | Emissions | No | |
11 | POL Sub (03) 6/4 POL Min (03) 6/4 CAB Min (03) 11/3 | NK | [POL Sub (03) 6/4] Climate Change: The Projects Mechanism – Details and Process | 20030326 | Cabinet Policy Committee [POL] | [POL Min (03) 6/4] Climate Change: The Projects Mechanism - Details and Process | 20030331 | [CAB Min (03) 11/3] No link available | MFE | 26 May 2003 | PDF of Cabinet minute not found | Emissions | No | |
12 | POL Sub (03) 8/8 POL Min (03) 8/8 CAB Min (03) 13/4 | NK | [POL Sub (03) 8/8] Climate Change: Final Policy for Negotiated Greenhouse Agreements (NGAs) | 20030409 | Cabinet Policy Committee [POL] | [POL Min (03) 8/8] Climate Change: Final Policy for Negotiated Greenhouse Agreements (NGAs) | 20030414 | [CAB Min (03) 13/4] No link available | MFE | 9 April 2003 | PDF of Cabinet minute not found MFE Q2: Should Cabinet paper reference be [POL (03) 79] as stated in the cover note? If yes, does this referencing style of Cabinet papers also apply to rows 3–6 and 8–11? | Emissions | No | |
13 | CBC Sub (05) 20/10 CBC Min (05) 20/10 CAB Min (05) 42/17 | NK | [CBC Sub (05) 20/10] Climate Change – Review of Policy and Next Steps | 20051219 | Cabinet Business Committee [CBC] | [CBC Min (05) 20/10] Climate Change: Review of Policy and Next Steps | 20051219 | [CAB Min (05) 42/17] No link available | MFE | 1 December 2005 | PDF of Cabinet minute not found | Emissions | No | |
14 | POL Sub (06) 20/12 POL Min (06) 20/12 CAB Min (06) 35/3 | NK | [POL Sub (06) 20/12] Helping New Zealand Prepare for and Adapt to Climate Change | 20060913 | Cabinet Policy Committee [POL] | [POL Min (06) 20/12] Helping New Zealand Prepare for and Adapt to Climate Change | 20060925 | [CAB Min (06) 35/3] No link available | MFE | 15 September 2006 | PDF of Cabinet minute not found MFE Q3: Should Cabinet minute reference be [CAB Min (06) 34/36]? | Adaptation | No | |
15 | CBC Sub (06) 17/19 CBC Min (06) 17/19 CAB Min (06) 37/1 | NK | [CBC Sub (06) 17/19] Asia Pacific Partnership on Clean Development and Climate | 20061002 | Cabinet Business Committee [CBC] | [CBC Min (06) 17/19] Asia Pacific Partnership on Clean Development and Climate | 20061009 | [CAB Min (06) 37/1] No link available | MFE | 11 September 2006 | PDF of Cabinet minute not found MFE Q4: Should Cabinet minute reference be [CAB Min (06) 36/6]? | Emissions | No | |
16 | EGI Sub (09) 16/6 EGI Min (09) 16/6 CAB Min (09) 28/9 | NK | [EGI Sub (09) 16/6] Climate Change: New Zealand’s 2020 Emissions Reduction Target | 20090805 | Cabinet Economic Growth and Infrastructure Committee [EGI] | [EGI Min (09) 16/6] No link available | 20090810 | [CAB Min (09) 28/9] Climate Change: New Zealand's 2020 Emissions Reduction Target | MFE | 20 August 2009 | PDF of Committee minute not found | Emissions | No | |
17 | EGI-16-SUB-0053 EGI-16-MIN-0053 | NK | [EGI-16-SUB-0053] Paris Climate Change Agreement - Report back to Cabinet and Approval for Signature | 20160406 | Cabinet Economic Growth and Infrastructure Committee [EGI] | [EGI-16-MIN-0053] Paris Climate Change Agreement: Report on Outcome of Negotiations and Approval for Signature | – | – | MFE | 1 April 2016 | This paper was approved by the Committee and did not go to Cabinet afterwards | International commitments | Yes | |
18 | CBC-16-SUB-0004 CBC-16-MIN-0004 CAB-16-MIN-0355 | NK | [CBC-16-SUB-0004] Paris Agreement on climate change – ratification and domestic action | 20160711 | Cabinet Business Committee [CBC] | [CBC-16-MIN-0004] Paris Agreement on Climate Change: Ratification and Domestic action | 20160725 | [CAB-16-MIN-0355] Report of the Cabinet Business Committee: Period Ended 22 July 2016 | MFE | 1 July 2016 | MFE Q5: Should Cabinet minute reference be [CAB-16-MIN-0354? | International commitments | Yes | |
19 | EGI-16-SUB-0182 EGI-16-MIN-0182 CAB-16-MIN-0395 | NK | [EGI-16-SUB-0182] Paris Agreement on Climate Change: Approval to Begin the Parliamentary Treaty Examination Process | 20160810 | Cabinet Economic Growth and Infrastructure Committee [EGI] | [EGI-16-MIN-0182] Paris Agreement on Climate Change – Approval to Begin the Parliamentary Treaty Examination Process | 20160815 | [CAB-16-MIN-0395] Paris Agreement on Climate Change: Approval to Begin the Parliamentary Treaty Examination Process | MFE | 1 October 2016 | – | International commitments | Yes | |
20 | CBC-17-SUB-0056 CBC-17-MIN-0056 CAB-17-MIN-0547 CAB-17-MIN-0547.01 | NK | [CBC-17-SUB-0056] The 100 Day Plan for Climate Change | 20171213 | Cabinet Business Committee [CBC] | [CBC-17-MIN-0056] No link available | 20171218 | [CAB-17-MIN-0547] No link available [CAB-17-MIN-0547.01] The 100 Day Plan for Climate Change | MFE | 1 December 2017 | PDF of Committee minute and initial Cabinet minute not found MFE Q6: What does '.01' mean when used in a minute reference (e.g. CAB-17 MIN-0547.01)? | Emissions | Yes | |
21 | ENV-18-SUB-0011 ENV-18-MIN-0011 CAB-18-MIN-0218 | NK | [ENV-18-SUB-0011] Framework for Climate Change Policy and Key Upcoming Decisions | 20180508 | Cabinet Environment, Energy and Climate Committee [ENV] | [ENV-18-MIN-0011] Framework for Climate Change Policy and Key Upcoming Decisions | 20180514 | [CAB-18-MIN-0218] Report of the Cabinet Environment, Energy and Climate Committee: Period Ended 11 May 2018 | MFE | 1 July 2018 | – | Economy | Yes | |
22 | DEV-18-SUB-0379 DEV-18-MIN-0379 CAB-18-MIN-0379.01 | NK | [DEV-18-SUB-0379] The One Billion Trees Programme – actions and decisions for implementation | 20180808 | Cabinet Economic Development Committee [DEV] | [DEV-18-MIN-0379] No link available | 20180813 | [CAB-18-MIN-0379.01] The One Billion Trees Programme: Actions and Decisions for Implementation | MPI | 1 October 2018 | PDF of Committee minute not found MPI Q1: Is there another Cabinet minute included in this series (i.e. CAB-18-MIN-0379)? | Emissions | No | |
23 | CAB-19-SUB-0208 CAB-19-MIN-0208 | NK | [CAB-19-SUB-0208] Climate Change Response (Zero Carbon) Amendment Bill: Approval for Introduction | – | – | – | 20190506 | [CAB-19-MIN-0208] Climate Change Response (Zero Carbon) Amendment Bill: Approval for Introduction | MFE | 1 May 2019 | This paper appears to have not gone to a Cabinet committee before Cabinet | Emissions | Yes | |
24 | ENV-19-SUB-0015 ENV-19-MIN-0015 NK | NK | [ENV-19-SUB-0015] Biogenic methane reductions required under the climate change Bill | 20190502 | Cabinet Environment, Energy and Climate Committee [ENV] | [ENV-19-MIN-0015] Biogenic Methance Reductions Required Under the Climate Change Bill | NK | [NK] No link available | MFE | NK | PDF of Cabinet minute not found | Emissions | Yes | |
25 | ENV-19-SUB-0027 ENV-19-MIN-0027 CAB-19-MIN-0334 | NK | [ENV-19-SUB-0027] Proposed Response to Interim Climate Change Committee's Recommendations on Accelerated Electrification | 20190627 | Cabinet Environment, Energy and Climate Committee [ENV] | [ENV-19-MIN-0027] No link available | 20190701 | [CAB-19-MIN-0334] Proposed Response to Interim Climate Change Committee's Recommendations on Accelerated Electrification | MBIE | 16 July 2019 | PDF of Committee minute not found | Energy | Yes | |
26 | DEV-19-SUB-0239 DEV-19-MIN-0239 CAB-19-MIN-0470 | NK | [DEV-19-SUB-0239] Approval of a Government Strategy for Aquaculture | 20190911 | Cabinet Economic Development Committee [DEV] | [DEV-19-MIN-0239] Government Strategy for Aquaculture | 20190916 | [CAB-19-MIN-0470] No link available | MPI | 29 October 2019 | PDF of Cabinet minute not found | Aquaculture | No | |
27 | ENV-19-SUB-0047 ENV-19-MIN-0047 CAB-19-MIN-0480 | NK | [ENV-19-SUB-0047] Action on Agricultural Emissions: Final Policy Proposals | 20190912 | Cabinet Environment, Energy and Climate Committee [ENV] | [ENV-19-MIN-0047] Action on Agricultural Emissions: Final Policy Proposals | 20190916 | [CAB-19-MIN-0480] Action on Agricultural Emissions: Final Policy Proposals | MFE | 1 November 2019 | – | Emissions | Yes | |
28 | ENV-19-SUB-0052 ENV-19-MIN-0052 CAB-19-MIN-0502 | NK | [ENV-19-SUB-0052] Preparing the forest system for the future | 20190925 | Cabinet Environment, Energy and Climate Committee [ENV] | [ENV-19-SUB-0052] No link available* | 20190930 | [CAB-19-MIN-0502] No link available* | MPI | 22 November 2019 | The Institute has been advised by MPI that work is under way to upload the Committee and Cabinet minutes to their website | Forestry | No | |
29 | DEV-19-SUB-0305 DEV-19-MIN-0305 CAB-19-MIN-0593 | NK | [DEV-19-SUB-0305] Landfills vulnerable to the effects of climate change | 20191113 | Cabinet Economic Development Committee [DEV] | [DEV-19-MIN-0305] Landfills Vulnerable to the Effects of Climate Change | 20191118 | [CAB-19-MIN-0593] No link available | MFE | 1 November 2019 | PDF of Cabinet minute not found | Waste | No | |
30 | ENV-20-SUB-0016 ENV-20-MIN-0016 CAB-20-MIN-0233 | NK | [ENV-20-SUB-0016] New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme settings regulations | 20200514 | Cabinet Environment, Energy and Climate Committee [ENV] | [ENV-20-MIN-0016] New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme: Settings Regulations | 20200518 | [CAB-20-MIN-0233] No link available | MFE | 1 June 2020 | PDF of Cabinet minute not found | Emissions | Yes | |
31 | DEV-20-SUB-0084 DEV-20-MIN-0084 CAB-20-MIN-0246 | NK | [DEV-20-SUB-0084] Agreement on Climate Change, Trade and Sustainability: Initial negotiating mandate | 20200517 | Cabinet Economic Development Committee [DEV] | [DEV-20-MIN-0084] No link available* | 20200602 | [CAB-20-MIN-0246] No link available* | MFAT | 4 February 2022 | The Institute has been advised by MFAT that work is under way to upload the Committee and Cabinet minutes to their website | Economy | Yes | |
32 | DEV-20-SUB-0096 DEV-20-MIN-0096 CAB-20-MIN-0265 | NK | [DEV-20-SUB-0096] National Policy Statement on Urban Development | 20200603 | Cabinet Economic Development Committee [DEV] | [DEV-20-MIN-0096] National Policy Statement on Urban Development | 20200608 | [CAB-20-MIN-0265] No link available | MFE | 1 July 2020 | PDF of Cabinet minute not found | Infrastructure | No | |
33 | ENV-20-SUB-0022 ENV-20-MIN-0022 CAB-20-MIN-0312 | NK | [ENV-20-SUB-0022] Climate Implications of Policy Assessment Framework: Report Back | 20200625 | Cabinet Environment, Energy and Climate Committee [ENV] | [ENV-20-MIN-0022] Climate Implications of Policy Assessment Framework: Report Back | 20200629 | [CAB-20-MIN-0312] No link available | MFE | 29 September 2020 | PDF of Cabinet minute not found | Emissions | Yes | |
34 | DEV-20-SUB-0151 DEV-20-MIN-0151 CAB-20-MIN-0375 | NK | [DEV-20-SUB-0151] Climate-related financial disclosures | 20200805 | Cabinet Economic Development Committee [DEV] | [DEV-20-MIN-0151] Climate-Related Financial Disclosures | 20200810 | [CAB-20-MIN-0375] No link available | MFE | 5 September 2020 | PDF of Cabinet minute not found | Reporting | Yes | |
35 | CBC-20-SUB-0078 CBC-20-MIN-0078 CAB-20-MIN-0491 | NK | [CBC-20-SUB-0078] Leading the Way: Establishing a Carbon Neutral Government Programme | 20201125 | Cabinet Business Committee [CBC] | [CBC-20-MIN-0078] No link available | 20201130 | [CAB-20-MIN-0491] Leading the Way: Establishing a Carbon Neutral Government Programme | MBIE | 5 March 2021 | PDF of Committee minute not found | Emissions | Yes | |
36 | CBC-20-SUB-0097 CBC-20-MIN-0097 CAB-20-MIN-0503 | NK | [CBC-20-SUB-0097] Climate change emergency and a whole-of-government response | 20201202 | Cabinet Business Committee [CBC] | [CBC-20-MIN-0097] Climate Change Emergency and a Whole-of-Government Response | 20201207 | [CAB-20-MIN-0503] No link available | MFE | 1 February 2021 | PDF of Cabinet minute not found Should Cabinet minute reference be [CAB-16-MIN-0497? | Economy | Yes | |
37 | CBC-20-SUB-0121 CBC-20-MIN-0121 CAB-20-MIN-0521 | NK | [CBC-20-SUB-0121] Adaptation legislation — proposed timelines and process | 20201209 | Cabinet Business Committee [CBC] | [CBC-20-MIN-0121] Adaptation legislation: Proposed Timelines and Process | 20201214 | [CAB-20-MIN-0521] No link available | MFE | 1 February 2021 | PDF of Cabinet minute not found | Adaptation | No | |
38 | DEV-21-SUB-0023 DEV-21-MIN-0023 CAB-21-MIN-0068 | NK | [DEV-21-SUB-0023] Adaptation Legislation: Proposed Scope, Objectives and Process | 20210310 | Cabinet Economic Development Committee [DEV] | [DEV-21-MIN-0023] No link available | 20210315 | [CAB-21-MIN-0068] Adaptation Legislation: Proposed Scope, Objectives and Process | MFE | 4 October 2023 | PDF of Committee minute not found | Adaptation | No | |
39 | DEV-21-SUB-0041 DEV-21-MIN-0041 CAB-21-MIN-0084 | NK | [DEV-21-SUB-0041] Proposals to strengthen regulatory oversight of inhibitors used in agriculture | 20210324 | Cabinet Economic Development Committee [DEV] | [DEV-21-MIN-0041] No link available* | 20210329 | [CAB-21-MIN-0084] No link available* | MPI | 24 March 2021 | The Institute has been advised by MPI that work is under way to upload the Committee and Cabinet minutes to their website | Emissions | No | |
40 | DEV-21-SUB-0053 DEV-21-MIN-0053 CAB-21-MIN-0084.01 | NK | [DEV-21-SUB-0053] Reprioritisation of remaining 1 Billion Trees Fund | 20210324 | Cabinet Economic Development Committee [DEV] | [DEV-21-MIN-0053] No link available | 20210329 | [CAB-21-MIN-0084.01] Reprioritisation of Remaining 1 Billion Trees Funding | MPI | 29 July 2021 | PDF of Committee minute not found MPI Q2: Is there another Cabinet minute included in this series (i.e. CAB-21-MIN-0084)? | Forestry | Yes | |
41 | CBC-21-SUB-0030 CBC-21-MIN-0030 CAB-21-MIN-0095 | NK | [CBC-21-SUB-0030] Carbon Neutral Government Programme: Report back and further implementation decisions | 20210329 | Cabinet Business Committee [CBC] | [CBC-21-MIN-0030] Carbon Neutral Government Programme: Report on Implementation and Further Decisions | 20210406 | [CAB-21-MIN-0095] No link available | MFE | 18 June 2022 | PDF of Cabinet minute not found | Emissions | Yes | |
42 | CBC-21-SUB-0039 CBC-21-MIN-0039 CAB-21-MIN-0095 CAB-21-MIN-0099 | NK | [CBC-21-SUB-0039] Phasing out fossil fuels in process heat: approval to consult on national direction on industrial greenhouse gas emissions | 20210329 | Cabinet Business Committee [CBC] | [CBC-21-MIN-0039] No link available | 20210406 | [CAB-21-MIN-0095] No link available [CAB-21-MIN-0099] National Direction on Industrial Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Approval to Consult | MFE | 15 April 2021 | PDF of Committee minute and initial Cabinet minute not found | Emissions | Yes | |
43 | LEG-21-SUB-0035 LEG-21-MIN-0035 CAB-21-MIN-0112 | NK | [LEG-21-SUB-0035] Financial Sector (Climate-related Disclosures and Other Matters) Amendment Bill: Approval for Introduction | 20210408 | Cabinet Legislation Committee [LEG] | [LEG-21-MIN-0035] Financial Sector (Climate-related Disclosures and Other Matters) Amendment Bill: Approval for Introduction | 20210412 | [CAB-21-MIN-0112] No link available | MBIE | 25 May 2021 | PDF of Cabinet minute not found | Reporting | No | |
44 | ENV-21-SUB-0018 ENV-21-MIN-0018 CAB-21-MIN-0181 | NK | [ENV-21-SUB-0018] Additional proposals to improve the availability of waste data | 20210520 | Cabinet Environment, Energy and Climate Committee [ENV] | [ENV-21-MIN-0018] Improving the Availability of Waste Data: Additional Proposals | 20210524 | [CAB-21-MIN-0181] No link available | MFE | 23 September 2021 | PDF of Cabinet minute not found | Waste | No | |
45 | ENV-21-SUB-0019 ENV-21-MIN-0019 CAB-21-MIN-0181 | NK | [ENV-21-SUB-0019] Programme of action for reducing waste in Aotearoa New Zealand 2021-2023 | 20210520 | Cabinet Environment, Energy and Climate Committee [ENV] | [ENV-21-MIN-0019] Programme of Action for Reducing Waste in Aotearoa New Zealand 2021-23 | 20210524 | [CAB-21-MIN-0181] No link available | MFE | 23 September 2021 | PDF of Cabinet minute not found | Waste | No | |
46 | ENV-21-SUB-0020 ENV-21-MIN-0020 CAB-21-MIN-0181 | NK | [ENV-21-SUB-0020] Establishment of a Plastics Innovation Fund | 20210520 | Cabinet Environment, Energy and Climate Committee [ENV] | [ENV-21-MIN-0020] Establishment of a Plastic Innovation Fund | 20210524 | [CAB-21-MIN-0181] No link available | MFE | 23 September 2021 | PDF of Cabinet minute not found | Waste | No | |
47 | ENV-21-SUB-0026 ENV-21-MIN-0026 CAB-21-MIN-0225 CAB-21-MIN-0225.01 | NK | [ENV-21-SUB-0026] Reprioritisation of the climate change work programme | 20210610 | Cabinet Environment, Energy and Climate Committee [ENV] | [ENV-21-MIN-0026] No link available | 20210614 | [CAB-21-MIN-0225] No link available* [CAB-21-MIN-0225.01] Reprioritisation of the Climate Change Work Programme | MFE | 19 June 2021 | PDF of Committee minute not found The Institute has been advised by MPI that work is under way to upload the Cabinet minute to their website | Economy | No | |
48 | ENV-21-SUB-0031 ENV-21-MIN-0031 CAB-21-MIN-0225 | NK | [ENV-21-SUB-0031] Oceans and Fisheries portfolio – ensuring healthy ocean ecosystems (Paper 1 of 7) | 20210610 | Cabinet Environment, Energy and Climate Committee [ENV] | [ENV-21-MIN-0031] No link available* | 20210614 | [CAB-21-MIN-0225] No link available* | MPI | 2 July 2021 | The Institute has been advised by MPI that work is under way to upload the Committee and Cabinet minutes to their website | Marine | No | |
49 | CBC-21-SUB-0057 CBC-21-MIN-0057 CAB-21-MIN-0187 | NK | [CBC-21-SUB-0057] Proposals for phase-outs of certain hard-to-recycle plastics and single-use items | 20210614 | Cabinet Business Committee [CBC] | [CBC-21-MIN-0057] Proposals for Phase-outs of Certain Hard-to-recycle Plastics and Single-use Items | 20210621 | [CAB-21-MIN-0187] No link available | MFE | 23 September 2021 | PDF of Cabinet minute not found | Waste | No | |
50 | DEV-21-SUB-0133 DEV-21-MIN-0133 CAB-21-MIN-0237 | NK | [DEV-21-SUB-0133] Funding the Building for Climate Change Programme | 20210623 | Cabinet Economic Development Committee [DEV] | [DEV-21-MIN-0133] Building for Climate Change Programme: Funding | 20210628 | [CAB-21-MIN-0237] No link available | MBIE | 9 August 2021 | PDF of Cabinet minute not found | Infrastructure | No | |
51 | CBC-21-SUB-0094 CBC-21-MIN-0094 CAB-21-MIN-0366 | NK | [CBC-21-SUB-0094] New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme (NZ ETS): Final policy decisions on regulations for forestry | 20210808 | Cabinet Business Committee [CBC] | [CBC-21-MIN-0094] No link available* | 20210913 | [CAB-21-MIN-0366] No link available* | MPI | 1 November 2021 | The Institute has been advised by MPI that work is under way to upload the Committee and Cabinet minutes to their website | Forestry | Yes | |
52 | CBC-21-SUB-0112 CBC-21-MIN-0112 CAB-21-MIN-0410 | NK | [CBC-21-SUB-0112] Aotearoa New Zealand’s International Climate Finance Commitment 2022-2025 | 20211006 | Cabinet Business Committee [CBC] | [CBC-21-MIN-0112] Aotearoa New Zealand’s International Climate Finance Commitment 2022-2025 | 20211011 | [CAB-21-MIN-0410] Aotearoa New Zealand’s International Climate Finance Commitment 2022-2025 | MFAT | 11 March 2022 | – | Economy | Yes | |
53 | DEV-21-SUB-0208 DEV-21-MIN-0208 CAB-21-MIN-0434 | NK | [DEV-21-SUB-0208] Agreement to update New Zealand’s First Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC1) under the Paris Agreement | 20211020 | Cabinet Economic Development Committee [DEV] | [DEV-21-MIN-0208] No link available | 20211026 | [CAB-21-MIN-0434] Agreement to Update New Zealand's First Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC1) under the Paris Agreement | MFE | 24 December 2021 | PDF of Committee minute not found | Emissions | Yes | |
54 | ENV-21-SUB-0071 ENV-21-MIN-0071 CAB-21-MIN-0530 | NK | [ENV-21-SUB-0071] Aotearoa New Zealand Antarctic and Southern Ocean Research Directions and Priorities 2021–2030 | 20211209 | Cabinet Environment, Energy and Climate Committee [ENV] | [ENV-21-MIN-0071] Aotearoa New Zealand Antarctic and Southern Ocean Research Directions and Priorities 2021–2030 | 20211213 | [CAB-21-MIN-0530] Report of the Cabinet Environment, Energy and Climate Committee: Period Ended 10 December 2021 | MFAT | 15 February 2022 | – | Marine | No | |
55 | NK NK CAB-21-MIN-0547.02 | NK | [NK] Emissions reduction plan: meeting New Zealand's emissions budgets | NK | Cabinet Economic Development Committee [DEV] | [NK] No link available | 20211220 | [CAB-21-MIN-0547.02] Emissions Reduction Plan: Meeting New Zealand's Emissions Budgets | MFE | 23 August 2022 | PDF of Committee minute not found | Emissions | Yes | |
56 | DEV-21-SUB-0256 DEV-21-MIN-0256 CAB-21-MIN-0547.03 | NK | [DEV-21-SUB-0256] Managing the phase out of fossil gas and opportunities to repurpose infrastructure for renewable gases: report back and proposed next steps | 20211215 | Cabinet Economic Development Committee [DEV] | [DEV-21-MIN-0256] No link available | 20211220 | [CAB-21-MIN-0547.03] Phasing Out Fossil Gas and Repurposing Infrastructure for Renewable Gases: Report Back and Next Steps | MBIE | 9 June 2022 | PDF of Committee minute not found | Infrastructure | No | |
57 | DEV-22-SUB-0019 DEV-22-MIN-0019 CAB-22-MIN-0055 CAB-22-MIN-0055.01 | NK | [DEV-22-SUB-0019] Emissions Reduction Plan: Government Accountability and Coordination | 20220302 | Cabinet Economic Development Committee [DEV] | [DEV-22-MIN-0019] No link available | 20220307 | [CAB-22-MIN-0055] No link available [CAB-22-MIN-0055.01] Emissions Reduction Plan: Government Accountability and Coordination | MFE | 23 August 2022 | PDF of Committee minute and initial Cabinet minute not found | Emissions | Yes | |
58 | SWC-22-SUB-0028 SWC-22-MIN-0028 CAB-22-MIN-0070 | NK | [SWC-22-SUB-0028] Emissions Reduction Plan: Equitable Transition | 20220309 | Cabinet Social Wellbeing Committee [SWC] | [SWC-22-MIN-0028] Emissions Reduction Plan: Equitable Transition | 20220314 | [CAB-22-MIN-0070] No link available | MBIE | 24 August 2022 | PDF of Cabinet minute not found | Emissions | No | |
59 | DEV-22-SUB-0044 DEV-22-MIN-0044 CAB-22-MIN-0080 | NK | [DEV-22-SUB-0044] Energy and Industry Content for the Emissions Reduction Plan | 20220316 | Cabinet Economic Development Committee [DEV] | [DEV-22-MIN-0044] Emissions Reduction Plan: Energy and Industry Content | 20220321 | [CAB-22-MIN-0080] No link available | MBIE | 24 August 2022 | PDF of Cabinet minute not found | Emissions | Yes | |
60 | DEV-22-SUB-0046 DEV-22-MIN-0046 CAB-22-MIN-0080.01 | NK | [DEV-22-SUB-0046] Emissions Reduction Plan: Building and Construction Sector Initiatives | 20220316 | Cabinet Economic Development Committee [DEV] | [DEV-22-MIN-0046] No link available | 20220321 | [CAB-22-MIN-0080.01] Emissions Reduction Plan: Building and Construction Sector Initiatives | MBIE | 26 August 2022 | PDF of Committee minute not found MBIE Q1: Is there another Cabinet minute included in this series (i.e. CAB-22-MIN-0080)? | Emissions | No | |
61 | CBC-22-SUB-0018 CBC-22-MIN-0018 CAB-22-MIN-0091 | NK | [CBC-22-SUB-0018] Emissions Reduction Plan: Circular Economy and Bioeconomy | 20220321 | Cabinet Business Committee [CBC] | [CBC-22-MIN-0018] Emissions Reduction Plan: Circular Economy and Bioeconomy | 20220328 | [CAB-22-MIN-0091] No link available | MBIE | 7 September 2022 | PDF of Cabinet minute not found | Emissions | No | |
62 | DEV-22-SUB-0059 DEV-22-MIN-0059 CAB-22-MIN-0105 | NK | [DEV-22-SUB-0059] Agriculture initiatives for inclusion in the final Emissions Reduction Plan | 20220330 | Cabinet Economic Development Committee [DEV] | [DEV-22-MIN-0059] Emissions Reduction Plan: Agriculture Initiatives | 20220404 | [CAB-22-MIN-0105] No link available | MPI | 23 August 2022 | PDF of Cabinet minute not found | Emissions | No | |
63 | DEV-22-SUB-0074 DEV-22-MIN-0074 CAB-22-MIN-0119 | NK | [DEV-22-SUB-0074] Managed retreat: approval to consult on options | 20220406 | Cabinet Economic Development Committee [DEV] | [DEV-22-MIN-0074] No link available | 20220411 | [CAB-22-MIN-0119] Managed Retreat: Approval to Consult on Options | MFE | 18 October 2022 | PDF of Committee minute not found | Adaptation | No | |
64 | ENV-22-SUB-0015 ENV-22-MIN-0015 CAB-22-MIN-0148 | NK | [ENV-22-SUB-0015] Setting emissions budgets for 2022-2025, 2026-2030 and 2031-2035 | 20220414 | Cabinet Environment, Energy and Climate Committee [ENV] | [ENV-22-MIN-0015] No link available | 20220419 | [CAB-22-MIN-0148] Setting emissions budgets for 2022-2025, 2026-2030 and 2031-2035 | MFE | 23 August 2022 | PDF of Committee minute not found | Emissions | Yes | |
65 | CBC-22-SUB-0028 CBC-22-MIN-0028 CAB-22-MIN-0152 | NK | [CBC-22-SUB-0028] Emissions Reduction Plan: Completion and Launch of the First Plan | 20220419 | Cabinet Business Committee [CBC] | [CBC-22-MIN-0028] No link available | 20220502 | [CAB-22-MIN-0152] Emissions Reduction Plan: Completion and Launch of the First Plan | MFE | 23 August 2022 | PDF of Committee minute not found | Emissions | Yes | |
66 | CAB-22-SUB-0215 CAB-22-MIN-0215 | NK | [CAB-22-SUB-0215] Release of He Waka Eke Noa – Primary Sector Climate Action Plan Partnership Final Recommendation Report | – | – | – | 20220607 | [CAB-22-MIN-0215] Release of He Waka Eke Noa – Primary Sector Climate Action Plan Partnership Final Recommendation Report | MPI | 11 January 2023 | Paper was only heard by Cabinet | Emissions | No | |
67 | NK NK CAB-22-MIN-0287 | NK | [NK] Publishing the National Adaptation Plan | NK | Cabinet Economic Development Committee [DEV] | [NK] No link available | 20220801 | [CAB-22-MIN-0287] Publication of the National Adaptation Plan | MFE | 18 October 2022 | PDF of Committee minute not found | Adaptation | Yes | |
68 | ENV-22-SUB-0034 ENV-22-MIN-0034 CAB-22-MIN-0327 CAB-22-MIN-0327.01 | NK | [ENV-22-SUB-0034] Aotearoa New Zealand International Climate Finance Strategy | 20220811 | Cabinet Environment, Energy and Climate Committee [ENV] | [ENV-22-MIN-0034] Aotearoa New Zealand International Climate Finance Strategy | 20220815 | [CAB-22-MIN-0327] Report of the Cabinet Environment Energy and Climate Committee: Period Ended 12 August 2022 [CAB-22-MIN-0327.01] Aotearoa New Zealand International Climate Finance Strategy | MFAT | 23 September 2022 | – | Economy | Yes | |
69 | DEV-22-SUB-0189 DEV-22-MIN-0189 CAB-22-MIN-0343 | NK | [DEV-22-SUB-0189] Approval to consult on the annual update to New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme limit and price control settings for units | 20220824 | Cabinet Economic Development Committee [DEV] | [DEV-22-MIN-0189] No link available | 20220829 | [CAB-22-MIN-0343] Annual Update to New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme Limit and Price Control Settings for Units: Release of Consultation Document | MFE | 31 August 2023 | PDF of Committee minute not found | Emissions | Yes | |
70 | DEV-22-SUB-0190 DEV-22-MIN-0190 CAB-22-MIN-0344 | NK | [DEV-22-SUB-0190] Approval to progress non-legislative tools for market governance framework for the New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme | 20220824 | Cabinet Economic Development Committee [DEV] | [DEV-22-MIN-0190] No link available | 20220829 | [CAB-22-MIN-0344] New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme: Non-Legislative Tools for Market Governance Framework | MFE | 6 April 2023 | PDF of Committee minute not found | Emissions | Yes | |
71 | DEV-22-SUB-0211 DEV-22-MIN-0211 CAB-22-MIN-0390.01 | NK | [DEV-22-SUB-0211] Next steps on the New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme’s permanent forest category | 20220914 | Cabinet Economic Development Committee [DEV] | [DEV-22-MIN-0211] No link available | 20220919 | [CAB-22-MIN-0390.01] New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme: Next Steps on the Permanent Forest Category | MPI | 1 November 2022 | MPI Q3: Is there another Cabinet minute included in this series (i.e. CAB-22-MIN-0390)? | Forestry | Yes | |
72 | DEV-22-SUB-0216 DEV-22-MIN-0216 CAB-23-MIN-0168.01 | NK | [DEV-22-SUB-0216] Proposed Building for Climate Change Amendments to the Building Act 2004 | 20220914 | Cabinet Economic Development Committee [DEV] | [DEV-22-MIN-0216] Building for Climate Change – Proposed Amendments to the Building Act 2004 | 20230515 | [CAB-23-MIN-0168.01] No link available | MBIE | 5 December 2022 | PDF of Cabinet minute not found Decsisions were updated through DEV-23-MIN-0072 which was later agreed to by Cabinet see CAB-23-MIN-0168.01 MBIE Q2: Is there another Cabinet minute included in this series (i.e. CAB-23-MIN-0168)? | Infrastructure | No | |
73 | DEV-22-SUB-0224 DEV-22-MIN-0224 CAB-22-MIN-0412 | NK | [DEV-22-SUB-0224] Review of the New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme | 20220921 | Cabinet Economic Development Committee [DEV] | [DEV-22-MIN-0224] No link available | 20220927 | [CAB-22-MIN-0412] Review of the New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme | MFE | 22 March 2023 | PDF of Committee minute not found | Emissions | Yes | |
74 | ENV-22-SUB-0040 ENV-22-MIN-0040 CAB-22-MIN-0413 | NK | [ENV-22-SUB-0040] Emissions Reduction Plan: Resource Management Proposals to Manage Exotic Afforestation: Release of Discussion Document | 20220922 | Cabinet Environment, Energy and Climate Committee [ENV] | [ENV-22-MIN-0040] Emissions Reduction Plan: Resource Management Proposals to Manage Exotic Afforestation: Release of Discussion Document | 20220927 | [CAB-22-MIN-0413] No link available | MFE | 11 July 2023 | PDF of Cabinet minute not found | Forestry | No | |
75 | LEG-22-SUB-0156 LEG-22-MIN-0156 CAB-22-MIN-0414 | NK | [LEG-22-SUB-0156] New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme and Synthetic Greenhouse Gas Levy Amendment Regulations 2022 | 20220922 | Cabinet Legislation Committee [LEG] | [LEG-22-MIN-0156] New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme and Synthetic Greenhouse Gas Levy Amendment Regulations 2022 | 20220927 | [CAB-22-MIN-0414] No link available | MFE | 16 March 2023 | PDF of Cabinet minute not found | Emissions | Yes | |
76 | DEV-22-SUB-0233 DEV-22-MIN-0233 CAB-22-MIN-0422 | NK | [DEV-22-SUB-0233] Consultation on Government's proposed pricing system for agricultural emissions | 20220928 | Cabinet Economic Development Committee [DEV] | [DEV-22-MIN-0233] No link available | 20221003 | [CAB-22-MIN-0422] Consultation on the Government's Proposed Pricing Scheme for Agricultural Emissions | MFE | 11 October 2022 | PDF of Committee minute not found | Emissions | Yes | |
77 | DEV-22-SUB-0241 DEV-22-MIN-0241 CAB-22-MIN-0448 | NK | [DEV-22-SUB-0241] Sustainable Biofuels Obligation: Final Policy for Regulations | 20221019 | Cabinet Economic Development Committee [DEV] | [DEV-22-MIN-0241] Sustainable Biofuels Obligation: Final Policy for Regulations | 20221025 | [CAB-22-MIN-0448] No link available | MBIE | 9 November 2022 | PDF of Cabinet minute not found | Energy | No | |
78 | DEV-22-SUB-0242 DEV-22-MIN-0242 CAB-22-MIN-0448 | NK | [DEV-22-SUB-0242] Sustainable Biofuels Obligation Bill: Approval for Introduction | 20221019 | Cabinet Economic Development Committee [DEV] | [DEV-22-MIN-0242] Sustainable Biofuels Obligation Bill: Approval for Introduction | 20221025 | [CAB-22-MIN-0448] No link available | MBIE | 9 November 2022 | PDF of Cabinet minute not found | Energy | No | |
79 | DEV-22-SUB-0261 DEV-22-MIN-0261 CAB-22-MIN-0497 | NK | [DEV-22-SUB-0261] Approval to consult – NZ ETS market governance discussion document for targeted engagement | 20221109 | Cabinet Economic Development Committee [DEV] | [DEV-22-MIN-0261] New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme: Market Governance: Release of Discussion Document for Targeted Engagement | 20221114 | [CAB-22-MIN-0497] No link available | MFE | 6 April 2023 | PDF of Cabinet minute not found | Emissions | No | |
80 | ENV-22-SUB-0048 ENV-22-MIN-0048 CAB-22-MIN-0508 | NK | [ENV-22-SUB-0048] Implementing the Financial Sector (Climate-related Disclosures and Other Matters Amendment Act 2021 | 20221110 | Cabinet Environment, Energy and Climate Committee [ENV] | [ENV-22-MIN-0048] Implementing the Financial Sector (Climate-related Disclosures and Other Matters Amendment Act 2021 | 20221114 | [CAB-22-MIN-0508] No link available | MBIE | 27 February 2022 | PDF of Cabinet minute not found | Reporting | No | |
81 | ENV-22-SUB-0054 ENV-22-MIN-0054 CAB-22-MIN-0539 | NK | [ENV-22-SUB-0054] Report back on the Centre for Climate Action on Agricultural Emissions, investigation into an Early Adopters Fund and investigation to reduce emissions on Pāmu farms | 20221123 | Cabinet Environment, Energy and Climate Committee [ENV] | [ENV-22-MIN-0054] Emissions Reduction Plan Agriculture Chapter: Progress update | 20221128 | [CAB-22-MIN-0539] No link available | MPI | 24 February 2023 | PDF of Cabinet minute not found | Emissions | Yes | |
82 | LEG-22-SUB-0215 LEG-22-MIN-0215 CAB-22-MIN-0536 | NK | [LEG-22-SUB-0215] Climate Change Response (Late Payment Penalties and Industrial Allocation) Amendment Bill - Approval for Introduction | 20221124 | Cabinet Legislation Committee [LEG] | [LEG-22-MIN-0215] Climate Change Response (Late Payment Penalties and Industrial Allocation) Amendment Bill - Approval for Introduction | 20221128 | [CAB-22-MIN-0536] No link available | MFE & MPI | 16 March 2023 | PDF of Cabinet minute not found | Emissions | No | |
83 | DEV-23-SUB-0016 DEV-23-MIN-0016 CAB-23-MIN-0067 | NK | [DEV-23-SUB-0016] Engagement with very large emitters: investment package for significant decarbonisation proposal | 20230308 | Cabinet Economic Development Committee [DEV] | [DEV-23-MIN-0016] Engagement with Very Large Emitters: Investment Package for Significant Decarbonisation Proposal | 20230313 | [CAB-23-MIN-0067] No link available | MBIE | 15 June 2023 | PDF of Cabinet minute not found | Emissions | Yes | |
84 | LEG-23-SUB-0018 LEG-23-MIN-0018 CAB-23-MIN-0091 | NK | [LEG-23-SUB-0018] Climate Change (Eligible Industrial Activities) Amendment Regulations 2023 | 20230316 | Cabinet Legislation Committee [LEG] | [LEG-23-MIN-0018] Climate Change (Eligible Industrial Activities) Amendment Regulations 2023 | 20230320 | [CAB-23-MIN-0091] Report of the Cabinet Legislation Committee: Period Ended 17 March 2023 | MFE | 9 August 2023 | – | Emissions | No | |
85 | EWR-23-SUB-0025 EWR-23-MIN-0025 CAB-23-MIN-0106 | NK | [EWR-23-SUB-0025] Advancing climate adaptation through the recovery | 20230329 | Cabinet Extreme Weather Recovery Committee [EWR] | [EWR-23-MIN-0025] Advancing Climate Adaptation Through the Recovery | 20230403 | [CAB-23-MIN-0106] No link available | MFE | 27 June 2023 | PDF of Cabinet minute not found | Adaptation | No | |
86 | DEV-23-SUB-0072 DEV-23-MIN-0072 CAB-23-MIN-0158.01 | NK | [DEV-23-SUB-0072] Additional Policy Decisions for the Building (Climate Change Response) Amendment Bill | 20230510 | Cabinet Economic Development Committee [DEV] | [DEV-23-MIN-0072] Building (Climate Change Response) Amendment Bill: Additional Policy Decisions | 20230515 | [CAB-23-MIN-0158.01] No link available | MBIE | 27 June 2023 | PDF of Cabinet minute not found MBIE Q3: Is there another Cabinet minute included in this series (i.e. CAB-23-MIN-0158)? | Infrastructure | No | |
87 | DEV-23-SUB-0079 DEV-23-MIN-0079 CAB-23-MIN-0168 | NK | [DEV-23-SUB-0079] New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme Limits and Price Control Settings for Units: Approval to Consult on Annual Updates | 20230510 | Cabinet Economic Development Committee [DEV] | [DEV-23-MIN-0079] New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme Limits and Price Control Settings for Units: Approval to Consult on Annual Updates | 20230515 | [CAB-23-MIN-0168] No link available | MFE | 27 October 2023 | PDF of Cabinet minute not found | Emissions | Yes | |
88 | DEV-23-SUB-0087 DEV-23-MIN-0087 CAB-23-MIN-0180 | NK | [DEV-23-SUB-0087] Late Payment Penalties and Industrial Allocation Amendment Bill – Further Policy Decisions | 20230517 | Cabinet Economic Development Committee [DEV] | [DEV-23-MIN-0087] Late Payment Penalties and Industrial Allocation Amendment Bill – Further Policy Decisions | 20230522 | [CAB-23-MIN-0180] No link available | MFE | 19 October 2023 | PDF of Cabinet minute not found | Emissions | Yes | |
89 | ENV-23-SUB-0017 ENV-23-MIN-0017 CAB-23-MIN-0217 | NK | [ENV-23-SUB-0017] Consultation on a review of the New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme to incentivise emission reductions | 20230601 | Cabinet Environment, Energy and Climate Committee [ENV] | [ENV-23-MIN-0017] Review of the New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme to Incentivise Emission Reductions: Release of Discussion Document | 20230606 | [CAB-23-MIN-0217] No link available | MFE | 2 August 2023 | PDF of Cabinet minute not found | Emissions | Yes | |
90 | ENV-23-SUB-0027 ENV-23-MIN-0027 CAB-23-MIN-0263 | NK | [ENV-23-SUB-0027] Progressing the Climate Change Adaptation Bill | 20230622 | Cabinet Environment, Energy and Climate Committee [ENV] | [ENV-23-MIN-0027] Progressing the Climate Change Adaptation Bill | 20230626 | [CAB-23-MIN-0263] No link available | MFE | 4 October 2023 | PDF of Cabinet minute not found | Adaptation | No | |
91 | ENV-23-SUB-0031 ENV-23-MIN-0031 CAB-23-MIN-0287 | NK | [ENV-23-SUB-0031] Developing a Carbon Removals Strategy | 20230627 | Cabinet Environment, Energy and Climate Committee [ENV] | [ENV-23-MIN-0031] Developing a Carbon Removals Strategy | 20230703 | [CAB-23-MIN-0287] No link available | MFE | 21 August 2023 | PDF of Cabinet minute not found | Emissions | Yes | |
92 | DEV-23-SUB-0132 DEV-23-MIN-0132 CAB-23-MIN-0283 | NK | [DEV-23-SUB-0132] Nationally Determined Contribution Strategy | 20230628 | Cabinet Economic Development Committee [DEV] | [DEV-23-MIN-0132] No link available | 20230703 | [CAB-23-MIN-0283] Nationally Determined Contribution Strategy | MFE | 18 October 2023 | PDF of Committee minute not found | International commitments | Yes | |
93 | DEV-23-SUB-0135 DEV-23-MIN-0135 CAB-23-MIN-0280 | NK | [DEV-23-SUB-0135] New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme: Market Governance | 20230628 | Cabinet Economic Development Committee [DEV] | [DEV-23-MIN-0135] New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme: Market Governance | 20230703 | [CAB-23-MIN-0280] No link available | MFE | 22 August 2023 | PDF of Cabinet minute not found | Emissions | No | |
94 | ENV-23-SUB-0035 ENV-23-MIN-0035 CAB-23-MIN-0317 | NK | [ENV-23-SUB-0035] Update to Aotearoa New Zealand’s Approach to International Climate Change Negotiations | 20230720 | Cabinet Environment, Energy and Climate Committee [ENV] | [ENV-23-MIN-0035] Update to Aotearoa New Zealand’s Approach to International Climate Change Negotiations | 20230724 | [CAB-23-MIN-0317] Report of the Cabinet Environment, Energy and Climate Committee: Period Ended 21 July 2023 | MFAT | 4 September 2023 | – | International commitments | Yes | |
95 | NK CAB-23-MIN-0330 | NK | [NK] 2023 update to the New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme: limits and price control settings for New Zealand Units | – | – | – | 20230724 | [CAB-23-MIN-0330] 2023 Update to the New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme: Limits and Price Control Settings for New Zealand Units | MFE | 27 October 2023 | This paper appears to have been prepared for the Environment, Energy and Climate Committee, but seems to have gone directly to Cabinet. MFE Q7: What is the reference for the Cabinet paper that was prepared for the Cabinet Environment, Energy and Climate Committee (i.e. ENV-23-SUB-XXXX)? | Emissions | Yes | |
96 | DEV-32-SUB-0159 DEV-32-MIN-0159 CAB-23-MIN-0348 | NK | [DEV-32-SUB-0159] Proposed Energy and Emissions Reporting Scheme | 20230802 | Cabinet Economic Development Committee [DEV] | [DEV-32-MIN-0159] Proposed Energy and Emissions Reporting Scheme | 20230807 | [CAB-23-MIN-0348] No link available | MBIE | 29 September 2023 | PDF of Cabinet minute not found | Reporting | Yes | |
97 | CBC-23-SUB-0016 CBC-23-MIN-0016 CAB-23-MIN-0357 | NK | [CBC-23-SUB-0016] Community-led Retreat and Adaptation Funding: Issues and Options Paper | 20230807 | Cabinet Business Committee [CBC] | [CBC-23-MIN-0016] Community-led Retreat and Adaptation Funding: Issues and Options Paper | 20230814 | [CAB-23-MIN-0357] No link available | MFE | 4 October 2023 | PDF of Cabinet minute not found | Adaptation | No | |
98 | CAB-23-SUB-0370 CAB-23-MIN-0370 | NK | [CAB-23-SUB-0370] Agricultural Greenhouse Gas Emissions Pricing: Progress Update | – | – | – | 20230814 | [CAB-23-MIN-0370] Agricultural Greenhouse Gas Emissions Pricing: Progress Update | MFE | 18 August 2023 | This paper appears to have not gone to a Cabinet committee before Cabinet. | Emissions | Yes | |
99 | CBC-23-SUB-0021 CBC-23-MIN-0021 CAB-23-MIN-0445 CAB-23-MIN-0445.01 | NK | [CBC-23-SUB-0021] Governance Entity for the Māori Climate Platform | 20230918 | Cabinet Business Committee [CBC] | [CBC-23-MIN-0021] No link available | 20230922 | [CAB-23-MIN-0445] No link available [CAB-23-MIN-0445.01] Governance Entity for the Māori Climate Platform | MFE | 27 November 2023 | PDF of Committee minute and initial Cabinet minute not found | Adaptation | No | |
100 | LEG-24-SUB-0269 LEG-24-MIN-0269 NK | NK | [LEG-24-SUB-0269] Climate Change (Forestry) Amendment Regulations (No 2) 2024 | 20241212 | Cabinet Legislation Committee [LEG] | [LEG-24-MIN-0269] Climate Change (Forestry) Amendment Regulations (No 2) 2024 | NK | [NK] No link available | MPI | NK | PDF of Cabinet minute not found MPI Q4: Could you please provide (i) a PDF of the accompanying Cabinet minute; and (ii) the date the paper/s were published on MPI's website or released via OIA? | Forestry | No | |
101 | NK NK NK | NK | [NK] A New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme: Key Messages and Strategic Issues | NK | Cabinet Business Committee [CBC] | [NK] No link available | NK | [NK] No link available | MFE | 20 August 2007 | PDF of Committee minute and Cabinet minute not found MFE Q8: We note this Cabinet paper appears to be initially addressed to the Cabinet Business Committee however was revised and referred to the Cabinet Policy Committee. Could you please clarify the timeline of this Cabinet paper and provide any relevant PDFs of Cabinet papers and Cabinet minutes? MFE Q9: Should we be considering the referral to the Cabinet Policy Committee as a seperate Cabinet paper series (i.e. a new row seperate to the Cabinet paper addressed to the Cabinet Business Committee)? | Emissions | No | |
102 | NK NK NK | NK | [NK] A Proposed Mechanism to Incentivise Permanent (Non-harvest) 'Commercial' Forest Sinks | NK | Cabinet Policy Committee [POL] | [NK] No link available | NK | [NK] No link available | MFE | 1 October 2002 | PDF of Committee minute and Cabinet minute not found | Forestry | No | |
103 | NK NK NK | NK | [NK] Appendix 3 Talking points on National Adaptation Plan scope and approach for Cabinet Economic Development Committee meeting on 24 March | NK | NK | [NK] No link available | NK | [NK] No link available | MFE | 1 November 2024 | PDF of Committee minute and Cabinet minute not found MFE Q10: We found this Appendix on your website. Could you please provide a PDF of the paper the Appendix relates to? | Adaptation | No | |
104 | NK NK NK | NK | [NK] Climate Change Policy: The Way Ahead | NK | Cabinet Policy Committee [POL] | [NK] No link available | NK | [NK] No link available | MFE | 5 December 2005 | PDF of Committee minute and Cabinet minute not found | Economy | No | |
105 | POL Sub (07) 386 POL Min (07) 386 NK | NK | [POL Sub (07) 386] Environment New Zealand 2007: National-level state of the environment report | NK | Cabinet Policy Committee [POL] | [POL Min (07) 386] No link available | NK | [NK] No link available | MFE | 19 October 2007 | PDF of Cabinet paper, Committee minute and Cabinet minute not found MFE Q11: We can only find this Cabinet paper published as a web page. Could you please provide a PDF of the paper? MFE Q12: We have included what we think the references for the Cabinet paper and Cabinet committee minute would be. Could you please confirm these are correct? If they are not, please provide the correct references. | Reporting | No | |
106 | NK NK NK | NK | [NK] Environmental Reporting Framework | NK | Cabinet Economic Growth and Infrastructure Committee [EGI] | [NK] No link available | NK | [NK] No link available | MFE | 1 October 2013 | PDF of Committee minute and Cabinet minute not found | Reporting | No | |
107 | NK NK NK | NK | [NK] Government leadership in energy efficiency and climate change through the Govt3 programme | NK | Cabinet Policy Committee [POL] | [NK] No link available | NK | [NK] No link available | MFE | 3 November 2000 | PDF of Committee minute and Cabinet minute not found | Emissions | No | |
108 | NK NK | NK | [NK] International Climate Change: New Zealand's unconditional 2020 target cabinet paper | – | – | – | NK | [NK] No link available | MFE | NK | PDF of Cabinet minute not found MFE Q13: Did this paper go to a Cabinet committee before Cabinet? | Emissions | No | |
109 | NK NK NK | NK | [NK] National Adaptation Plan: Scope and Approach | NK | Cabinet Economic Development Committee [DEV] | [NK] No link available | NK | [NK] No link available | MFE | NK | PDF of Committee minute and Cabinet minute not found | Adaptation | Yes | |
110 | NK NK NK | NK | [NK] National Climate Change Risk Assessment – public release and initial government response | NK | Cabinet Economic Development Committee [DEV] | [NK] No link available | NK | [NK] No link available | MFE | 1 August 2020 | PDF of Committee minute and Cabinet minute not found | Adaptation | No | |
111 | NK NK NK | NK | [NK] National Direction on Industrial Greenhouse Gas Emissions: approval to develop a National Policy Statement and National Environment Standard | NK | Cabinet Economic Development Committee [DEV] | [NK] No link available | NK | [NK] No link available | MFE | 20 December 2022 | PDF of Committee minute and Cabinet minute not found | Emissions | No | |
112 | NK NK NK | NK | [NK] New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme Review: Improving the ETS framework | NK | Cabinet Economic Growth and Infrastructure Committee [EGI] | [NK] No link available | NK | [NK] No link available | MFE | NK | PDF of Committee minute and Cabinet minute not found | Emissions | Yes | |
113 | NK NK NK | NK | [NK] New Zealand's intended contribution to the new global climate change agreement | NK | Cabinet Economic Growth and Infrastructure Committee [EGI] | [NK] No link available | NK | [NK] No link available | MFE | 1 June 2015 | PDF of Committee minute and Cabinet minute not found | Emissions | Yes | |
114 | NK NK | NK | [NK] Process to update New Zealand's Nationally Determined Contribution under the Paris Agreement | – | – | – | NK | [NK] No link available | MFE | NK | PDF of Cabinet minute not found MFE Q14: Did this paper go to a Cabinet committee before Cabinet? | Emissions | Yes |