The submission process is an excellent way to engage with others on long-term thinking. Be sure to investigate when your local council is accepting submissions.

Today the Institute has again submitted ideas to all New Zealand councils in the hopes of supporting their long-term strategies for 2015–2025. We received encouraging feedback on our submissions for council long-term plans in 2012 and have provided observations from our recent work this time around. The primary goal of this was to provide context to several of the issues that will be under consideration. The projects and publications included:

  1. The LocalNZ and LivingStandardsNZ workshops: The 10 recommendations put forward by youth participants who attended LocalNZ – a four-day workshop held in Wanganui and Wellington in 2014 – and the ‘Living Standards Metaphor’ articulated by the participants of the LivingStandardsNZ workshop held in December 2013.
  2. Project StrategyNZ: The findings of The Government Department Strategies Index 2015.
  3. Project One Ocean: The recommendations of a recent report, Report 10: One Ocean: Principles for the stewardship of a healthy and productive ocean.
  4. Project TalentNZ: The need to create a talent-based economy.
  5. Project Pandemic Management: The need to prepare and protect our communities.

To read the Insitute’s submission on council long-term plans, please see our submissions page.