“Does investment in science influence society? Can we really expect it to meet New Zealand’s economic, social, environmental and cultural needs? Is it the level of investment or the areas in which the investment is made?”

These are the questions which open the Science Communicators Association of New Zealand (SCANZ) event ‘Shaping our science system’ panel discussion, to be hosted at the Royal Society of New Zealand on Wednesday 30 July at 5.30pm.

The panel includes our Chief Executive Wendy McGuinness and Professor Adam Jaffe, Director of Motu Economic and Public Policy Research.

The event proceeds the closure of the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment’s (MBIE) draft National Statement of Science Investment on the 22 August next month. MBIE describes the statement as “…the goal of the Government’s science investment to support a system that meets New Zealand’s economic, social, environmental and cultural needs.” Which will influence New Zealand’s science funding strategy for years to come.

Implications of how long-term investment for science is structured over the next decade will have far reaching effects that could influence a wide range of New Zealand society and people.

The draft National Statement referred to above has opened a nationwide conversation about the future of science, and the SCANZ panel event intends to join this conversation by leading a discussion with open contributions from the public.

To join the discussions on the night, register for a ticket to the event at scanz2011@gmail.com

Host: Science Communicators Association of New Zealand (SCANZ)

Date: Wednesday 30 July at 5.30pm

Venue: Royal Society of New Zealand, 11 Turnbull St, Thorndon, Wellington.

Price: Tickets are $10 for SCANZ members and $20 for non-members.

For a PDF copy of the Draft National Statement of Science Investment 2014-2024 please click here.