Workshop booklets
Workshop booklets are key outputs from the Institute’s previous youth workshops.
KiMuaNZ: Exploring climate futures
October 2019
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The 2019 KiMuaNZ workshop aimed to highlight the perspectives of young New Zealanders on adapting to and mitigating climate change, and focused on exploring different future scenarios and strategies for New Zealand and our Pacific neighbours within a climate changing world.
WakaNZ: Navigating with foresight
April 2018
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The 2017 WakaNZ workshop, held in collaboration with the New Zealand Treasury, saw thirty-four rangatahi Māori from throughout Aotearoa come together to explore what a post-Treaty settlement future in New Zealand might look like.
ForesightNZ: Untangling New Zealand's long-term future
October 2016
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The 2016 ForesightNZ workshop saw thirty-six participants come together from the Far North to Southland to consider the possible futures of their country over the next forty years.
Proceedings of The Civics and Media Project: A report on the three workshops held in 2015
May 2016
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Proceedings of The Civics and Media Project: A report on the three workshops held in 2015 is intended to contribute to the national conversation about civics and media by documenting our thinking about the nature of the issue, our vision for the future and some pragmatic ideas to get there.
TacklingPovertyNZ: Exploring ways to reduce poverty in New Zealand
December 2015
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The 2015 TacklingPovertyNZ youth workshop saw 36 young New Zealanders explore the question: ‘How can we tackle poverty in New Zealand?’.
LocalNZ: A youth statement on regional goals
November 2014
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The 2014 LocalNZ saw 35 young New Zealanders explore the question: How do regional goals align with national goals, and how might these goals need to change in order to aid regional growth? Participants made several suggestions, including the instigation of a ‘mokopuna clause’, which can be found on page 8 of the booklet.
LivingStandardsNZ: 2013 youth living standards framework for New Zealand
December 2013
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Download Workshop Paper 2014 (PDF, 4.2 MB)
The 2013 LivingStandardsNZ workshop saw 28 young New Zealanders stress-test the New Zealand Treasury’s Living Standards Framework using three case studies. Participants made several observations, and also produced the living standards metaphor.
LongTermNZ: Youth statement on New Zealand's long-term fiscal position
December 2012
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Download Workshop Paper 2014 (PDF, 4.1 MB)
The 2012 LongTermNZ workshop saw 27 young people attend the Affording Our Future conference (10–11 December) and subsequently engage with the key issues raised. Participants created a fiscal tool analogy using a multi-tool pocket knife, which you can be found on pages 9-10 of the booklet.
EmpowerNZ: Draft constitution for the 21st century
August 2012
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Download Addendum (PDF, 147 KB)
See Project 2058 Report 14
The EmpowerNZ: Drafting a constitution for the 21st century workshop (August 2012) saw 50 young New Zealanders gather at Parliament to draft a constitution for New Zealand. The preamble states, ‘Our whenua, Aotearoa New Zealand, exists to preserve and protect the interests of the People in equal dignity, promoting our life in this land.’
StrategyNZ: Mapping our future
May 2011
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See Project 2058 Reports 12 and 13
The StrategyNZ: Mapping our future workshop (March 2011) saw 100 New Zealanders work in groups to explore a vision for New Zealand in 2058 and a strategy for getting there. The booklet showcases the outputs for each of the 10 groups: a magazine cover, a coat of arms and a strategy map.