
TalentNZ Newsletter Issue 8 out today!

TalentNZ Newsletter Issue 8 out today!

In this issue we discuss the recent World Future Society conference in San Francisco where we attended master classes and ran a session on ‘Building a talent-based economy in New Zealand’. We provide an update on the TalentNZ Journal: Grow talent edition, our TalentNZ...

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McGuinness Institute Newsletter Issue 15 Out Now!

McGuinness Institute Newsletter Issue 15 Out Now!

This newsletter gives updates on our work since our January 2015 newsletter and sets out the work programme for the next six months. We have a lot planned for the rest of the year, which you can see on our updated work programme (July 2015). If you are interested in...

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Q & A Session With Richard Louv

In November 2014 we travelled up the Whanganui River with 35 young New Zealanders aged between 18 and 25 as part of the LocalNZ workshop. During this trip the LocalNZ participants had the opportunity to hear Richard Louv discuss connections between family, nature and...

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TalentNZ Newsletter Issue 7 out today!

TalentNZ Newsletter Issue 7 out today!

In this issue we discuss the six TalentNZ worksheets developed for the TalentNZ sessions we ran at the New Zealand Community Boards Conference in May and provide an update for the TalentNZ Journal: Grow talent edition and for our Menu of Initiatives website. We also...

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An Interview With Karleen Marshall

An Interview With Karleen Marshall

In November 2014 we travelled up the Whanganui River with 35 young New Zealanders aged between 18 and 25 as part of the LocalNZ workshop. During this trip we visited the Te Wainui a Rua school, the only school on the Whanganui River and interviewed the school's...

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TalentNZ Newsletter Issue 6 out Today!

TalentNZ Newsletter Issue 6 out Today!

In this issue we discuss the launch of the TalentNZ sessions we are running at the New Zealand Community Boards Conference in May and the World Futures Societies Conference In July. We also discuss our upcoming TalentNZ work, including work contributing to our...

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McGuinness Institute Newsletter Issue 15 Out Now!

Strategy Stewardship Think Piece

A coordinated and long-term approach to strategic thinking is essential for managing New Zealand’s health and prosperity over the long term. The Institute has just published Think Piece 21: Strategy Stewardship Matters: Utilising the Government Departments Strategies...

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