
A Bit of Excitement for Friday Night!

A Bit of Excitement for Friday Night!

Occasionally we come across something that really makes us laugh out loud. So just for fun, we thought we would do regular posts on something that has made us smile. Hope you enjoy it! This video shows a creative advertising stunt by a Belgian TV channel....

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One Week Until the Transit of Venus

One Week Until the Transit of Venus

One week from today, on Wednesday 6th of June, we will have the last opportunity in our lifetime to witness the Transit of Venus. To coincide with this historic event, next week the Royal Society of New Zealand, Victoria University and the MacDiarmid Institute are...

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Dr Ian Yeoman: Crystal Ball Gazer

Dr Ian Yeoman: Crystal Ball Gazer

On Wednesday 6th June the New Zealand Planning Institute is hosting a free lunchtime seminar with futurologist Dr Ian Yeoman, who will be speaking about his new book 2050: Tomorrows Tourism. The book explores the future of tourism, discussing complex topics such as...

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National Science Challenges

National Science Challenges

We were pleased to see in the budget yesterday that the Government intends to establish funding ‘for a series of National Science Challenges to find innovative solutions to some of the most fundamental issues New Zealand faces in its future development.’ In our recent...

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Courtesy Goes A Long Way

Courtesy Goes A Long Way

On Wednesday we presented our submission to the Wellington City Council on their Draft Long Term Plan 2012-22 for the city.  We were really interested in the presentation from the another submitter – Allan Brown, Chair of the Great Harbour Way Trust – who discussed...

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The Public Law Toolbox Conference

The Public Law Toolbox Conference

Since attending ‘The Public Law Toolbox Conference’, I've been flicking through the book and have been thoroughly impressed. Mai Chen brought together a diverse and well-informed group of speakers to share their thoughts and insights on public law. Many of New...

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JustSpeak launches their position paper.

JustSpeak launches their position paper.

This time last year the Wellington-based network of young thinkers JustSpeak didn’t exist. Yet on Tuesday night this week, the group launched their first position paper, Māori and the Criminal Justice System: A Youth Perspective to a crowd of Wellingtonians with the...

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Our submission on the King Salmon proposal.

Our submission on the King Salmon proposal.

The McGuinness Institute has just completed an in depth submission on New Zealand King Salmon's application for resource consent to expand their salmon aquaculture operation in the Marlborough Sounds. One of our key concerns is that there are many stakeholders who...

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Book Review: Thinking Fast and Slow

Book Review: Thinking Fast and Slow

If it takes 5 machines 5 minutes to make 5 parts, how many minutes does it take 100 machines to make 100 parts? For most of us, the instinctual response to this question is ‘100 minutes’ – but our instincts are wrong. The answer is actually 5 minutes. This problem...

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Book Review: Thinking Fast and Slow

Book Review: Where Good Ideas Come From

In Steven Johnson’s Where Good Ideas Come From, he argues that open platforms, collaboration and experimentation are more facilitative to innovation than market forces and competition. The book has a sizeable appendix which presents a fascinating chronology of...

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An Update on Asset Sales

An Update on Asset Sales

The ongoing assets sales debate presents interesting questions for New Zealand’s future and is a debate we should all be interested in. To keep you up to date with the process, this post presents some of the key points of the proposed legislation and where it stands...

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JustSpeak launches its Position Paper

JustSpeak launches its Position Paper

Wellington-based network of young, independent thinkers, JustSpeak are officially releasing their position paper, Māori and the Criminal Justice System: A Youth Perspective. An evening launch will be held at the start of next month, and attendees will join Hon Dr Pita...

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Sir Paul’s Message Lives On

Sir Paul’s Message Lives On

Sir Paul’s Message Lives On Sir Paul’s life impacted on the lives of many different people. For the team at the Institute, it was his message and his generosity of spirit that will continue to inspire us. He believed New Zealand could be a better place if we...

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On our funding, our new name and our origin

On our funding, our new name and our origin

An article by George Monbiot, titled ‘Secretive thinktanks are crushing our democracy’, was recently brought to our attention by Nick Tucker. The article, published in The Guardian in September 2011, highlights the difficulties of uncovering funding sources for...

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Sustainable Future Institute Agenda 2012:

October Newsletter

Check out our latest newsletter and find out about our plans for the next six months and what we have been doing since May. We've been busy launching books, travelling the globe, delivering presentations, researching the future and much more. If you are interested in...

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Sustainable Future Institute Agenda 2012:

Nation Dates Launched

Thank you to everyone who came to the launch of Nation Dates last night at Unity Books. We hope you enjoyed yourselves as much as the team from the Sustainable Future Institute. It was great to see so many familiar faces and Wendy and Miriam were overwhelmed with...

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Sustainable Future Institute Agenda 2012:

Avoid holding bad workshops

Every day there are people at work that would prefer to spend a day looking at their Uncle's holiday photos rather than endure another bad corporate workshop. Roger Dennis runs workshops globally, and has just released Really bad workshops (and how to avoid them)....

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Sustainable Future Institute Agenda 2012:

China’s 12th Five-Year Plan

China is now prioritising strategies and measures to ensure long-term prosperity in the form of ‘higher quality’ and ‘inclusive’ growth. Specifically, China intends to concentrate on the following industries over the next five years: new energy, energy conservation...

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Sustainable Future Institute Agenda 2012:

Iceland’s Constitutional Review

The internet has become a recognised human right. Now Iceland is using social media as a platform to allow the public to comment on potential constitutional changes. The process which started earlier this year is estimated to take 3 or 4 months and so far has produced...

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