
The 2040 Wall

The 2040 Wall

Kia whakatōmuri te haere whakamua I walk backwards into the future with my eyes fixed on my past[1] As Waitangi Day nears, we at the Institute have been thinking about Te Tiriti o Waitangi/Treaty of Waitangi and its impacts across Aotearoa New Zealand’s past, present...

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Revisiting Tomorrow

Revisiting Tomorrow

‘Black swans are large-scale, unpredictable and irregular events of massive consequence ...’ – Nassim Nicholas Taleb (Antifragile, 2012, p. 6)  The Institute always endeavours to be in spaces where others are not. We aim to explore, and ideally contribute, in areas...

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Educational Grants 2022

Educational Grants 2022

The McGuinness Institute is pleased to award Jess Jenkins and Michelle Pawson educational grants for 2022. Jess JenkinsJess completed her undergraduate studies in law, policy and development at Te Herenga Waka – Victoria University of Wellington in 2018. Since 2019...

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Looking back nine months to look forward

Looking back nine months to look forward

1.0 Our 2021 work programme The image below is not an exact representation of all the work completed in 2021. However, it provides an overview of the research and policy projects we have focused on. It also illustrates the way our three policy projects, ReportingNZ,...

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Futures Thinking Presentation

21 JULY 2021 Review into the Future for Local GovernmentTe Arotake i te Anamata mō Ngā Kaunihera The purpose of the presentation was to contribute to a review of the future of local government. As background please find links to the following information: An overview...

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Emissions Reduction Plan Strategy Mapping Workshop

21 MAY 2021   PurposeThe aim of the workshop was to connect a group of highly motivated and informed parties to: Learn more about the strategy mapping tool. Prepare and design an emissions reduction plan strategy map (with two designers available to capture the...

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Mission Aotearoa

Mission Aotearoa: Mapping our FutureTo view other past events visit our List of all past events page. To learn about previous workshops see here.Watch the Mission Aotearoa webinar below:Read the Mission Aotearoa discussion paper below:View the Mission Aotearoa:...

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Prime Minister’s Summer Reading List 2019/2020

Prime Minister’s Summer Reading List 2019/2020

Choosing books for a friend or an acquaintance is a real treat; it gives you an opportunity to think about that person's character, what they mean to you and what they might enjoy learning about. The Prime Minister's Summer Reading List is personal, but it is also...

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KiMuaNZ Workshop

KiMuaNZ Workshop

AboutThe KiMuaNZ workshop brought together 40 young New Zealanders between the ages of 18 and 25 who have a connection with the Pacific. They shared experiences and understandings of climate change issues in order to develop different scenarios for New Zealand and our...

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Blogs by Project

Blogs by Project