
Primary research

Our main research publications include reports, working papers, discussion papers, contributing papers and surveys. The overarching goal of these publications is to identify, understand and discuss major initiatives that need to be put in place to ensure New Zealand is in a strong and flexible position for the year 2058.

Project 2058 reports

Contributing papers

Discussion papers


Working papers

Early reports

Supporting work

These are opinion-based and visual publications that help support our major research. We use a range of mediums to connect with people and encourage engagement.

Publication descriptors

Publications may appear on our website with one of the following four labels:

1. Final – The publication is complete and will not be updated in any material way.

2. Final draft – The publication is with our editor for final edits and reference checks.

3. Draft – The publication is out for comment. Versions are regularly updated with version numbers and publication dates (formatted as YYYYMMDD), to enable reviewers to specify their feedback to the version they have reviewed. See our external review policy.

4. In progress – A publication is being scoped and a draft is forthcoming.