Stewardship of the oceans can be written into policy, but in order to be durable or effective it must be grounded in a deep cultural appreciation of the relationship between New Zealand and the sea.—Author James Tremlett

One Ocean will be launched tonight! The report will go online tomorrow at midday (see here), with bound copies becoming available early next month (available for purchase now) through our online store.

This evening over 70 scientists, public policy experts, academics and other interested parties will come together  for the release of the Institute’s One Ocean: Principles for the stewardship of a healthy and productive ocean. This report explores the seascape of New Zealand – the past, present and future. The launch will be held at the Institute’s offices from 5.30–7.30 pm, and all are welcome. Author James Tremlett, Wendy McGuinness and Professor Lionel Carter will each give a presentation and invite guests to share their thoughts. The event aims to inspire conversation about our oceans, followed by pizza and refreshments. 

The One Ocean report discusses the role of the oceans in New Zealand’s culture, economy and natural environment. It explores possible solutions to the challenges currently facing the management of human activities in our marine space and recommends pragmatic steps towards the wise use and conservation of our seas.

If you would like to attend the launch,  for catering purposes please contact the Institute at or on (04) 499 8888 to confirm.
