Each day during the month of April, the Institute will feature one of the 30 ‘perspectives’ from the One Ocean report. These short articles include a diverse range of views regarding oceans management in New Zealand. Enjoy!


Cameron Madgwick, Chief Executive Officer, Petroleum Exploration & Production Association New Zealand (PEPANZ)

Enabling responsible petroleum exploration and production

Every New Zealander has an affinity with the ocean. For some, the abundance of kai moana means it is like their local supermarket; for others, it is a place where summertime memories are made.

This is what is at the forefront of the minds of New Zealand’s oil and gas industry when operating on or near New Zealand’s oceans. Coupled with a tough regulatory regime, we have our own world-class standards that we operate to, whether undertaking seismic surveys of the rock types and locations beneath the seabed or extracting hydrocarbons from those rocks. We take the protection of our oceans seriously and don’t just look to mitigate risk but to eliminate it where we can. Science, logic and decades of experience operating in the ocean environment guide our operations – a good plate of fish and chips, swims in the sea and decades of great summertime memories guide our determination to protect our oceans for future generations of Kiwi ocean users to come.

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