The oceans round-table discussion held on 16 June 2015 was a great success; see our previous blog post for details. Since then, we have summarised the key discussion points and published them as Initial Notes From the One Ocean Round-table: Proposal for a Pacific and Southern Oceans Institute. 

Following this publication the Institute has released a draft discussion paper. The paper shares ideas about (i) why such an institute is necessary, (ii) what success would look like, (iii) how the institute would come into being and operate and (iv) the risks that act as obstacles to its establishment. This discussion paper is a work in progress, and we invite feedback as we seek ways to give the paper a stronger impact. You can see the draft discussion paper below or download a copy from our website.

Please submit your feedback by Friday 9 October to Wendy McGuinness at, in the body of your email or attached as a PDF or Word document. Following receipt of feedback, this paper will undergo further review before final copies are sent to a wide range of interested parties such as politicians, iwi, philanthropists, leaders in the public service, industries and NGOs. A final version of the discussion paper is due to be published in late October 2015.

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This paper forms part of the McGuinness Institute’s Project One Ocean, which explores how New Zealand might best manage its oceans. The Institute has been working on this project since 2012. For more information please see our Project One Ocean page. If you have any questions about this project please do not hesitate to contact us at