Later this week we will launch a discussion paper on a proposal to government for the creation of an oceans institution – outlining why New Zealand needs to establish such an institution and what it might look like (Discussion Paper 2015/01). As a precursor, we are working hard to have all our one ocean research publicly available on our Project One Ocean  and our YouTube channel.

Today we share with you the video of Bronwen Golder at the 12 May 2015 discussion event, which included the Auckland launch of Report 10: One Ocean: Principles for the stewardship of a healthy and productive ocean. Bronwen is Director of the Kermadec Initiative – part of the Global Oceans Legacy programme of the Pew Charitable Trusts. Bronwen talks about the Pacific ocean floor and the Kermadec; fascinating considering the recent establishment of the Kermadec Ocean Sanctuary.

See her PowerPoint slides on our presentations page – they are at the back of the 12 May 2015 slide-share – they start on page 28. You can also view the video on our YouTube channel.

Following the publication of Report 10: One Ocean: Principles for the stewardship of a healthy and productive ocean, the Institute sought to further its work on New Zealand ocean management. This discussion event set the direction for our work going forward. We have since held two round-table events to explore what a proposed Pacific and Southern oceans institute might look like. The key output resulting from the discussions is the draft discussion paper on the establishment of a possible oceans institution. You can learn more about each event and the outputs here.